F.E.A.R. 2 Banned in Australia

When are Governments going to learn....in this day and age.....keeping people from doing or buying something WILL TOTALLY make them want it more....and more times than not, they will get it.

I know several Aussies.....stupidity is not in their vocabulary......Their government however....mehh...Just as stupid as ours IMO.

Hows Forest say it again....."Stupid is Stupid does"...something like that.
"The violence is considered highly impactful in such scenes as where Michael uses his sub machine gun to explicitly bisect an enemy, the two parts of the body lying separately on the ground, with copious blood spray. There are also a number of explicit close range decapitations involving both human and mutant creatures. The decapitations are the result of close-up throat slashing from behind and close-up gunshots to the throat," the Board report says.

"All violence results in large blood spray: there are blood-stained interiors and blood sprays onto objects, including the camera lens. With weapons such as sniper rifles, bodies can be torn apart at close range, limbs are seen flying off and the wounded flesh is reduced to a bloody pulp. The use of nail-guns pins victims to a wall before they fall to the ground in a bloody mass. The scenes often have blood soaked walls and floors and the victims’ bodies do not always disappear."

That perked my interest in this game. Yeah it may sound shallow but ultra-violence pleases me.
Basically, things like decapitations and dismemberments against humans are grounds for automatic banning here with current-gen games. This is why games like Dead Space and Gears of War 2 have been allowed through, since you're not fighting humans. The main problem is consistency, though. Ninja Gaiden II and Fallout 3 were allowed in (with Fallout 3 being originally banned because of the word 'morphine', not because of the obscene violence in it), but Silent Hill: Homecoming, Dark Sector and Soldier of Fortune: Payback were all knocked back. GTA4 was also edited to make it through Australian classification, with the removal of blood-stained clothes and sex no longer being viewable by the player. Being a gamer here is just so frustrating due very much to games being delayed, cut, banned and overcharged. That's not even including how crap our broadband is, which barely lets fellow Aussies play with/against each other online - gaming against people in other countries is inpractical due to way too much lag.
I wonder if buying it through Steam and connecting via a US or European proxy would work?

In the end they will prolly just cut out the blood spray and graphic decaps and slide it through. And then some body will mod/hack the banned content back in. :D

It is just as bad in the US and other places, we just censor different things. Here we tend to censor nudity, (cover them boobies, (sorry to break it to you, but your 15 year old has prolly already had his hands all over the girl next door, and I'm sure he payed extra special attention to her boobies), the children will be scarred for life). AU seems to dislike blood sprays and human decaps (that is such a pretty red fountain, ha ha look at it roll), Germany seems to pay extra attention to any game regarding WWII or the Nazi party, (we want to forget the past, we WILL forget the past).
We could prolly find numerous examples of censorship all over this planet that would seem strange to people of different cultures. It is interesting sometimes to see what old people in foreign countries find censor worthy, but it sucks to be censored. :(
Yeah, would it be considered stealing if it couldn't be bought for sale ?? :D

I'm not exactly sure but the very fact that they've banned it just makes me want it more. Before I heard the news I didn't really give a rats arse about F.E.A.R 2 but since they've banned it now I want it.
BTW, I wouldn't call the average Aussie a retard though, could be hazardous to your health...;)

What? You're gonna hop on a plane and come kick my ass? Ohh come on! I dare ya, I double dare ya motherfucka!!!!!


Read it a second time and you'll come to the conclusion that "Retards" = The people who banned it.
I can understand the germans banning gore like that, afterall they do keep flipping out and starting wars with the majorety of the planet, so they really need to keep it chilled...but the aussies, am I missing something here?
They also pay about $100 per game! It's a bad place to be a gamer...

And I bet piracy is thru the roof.

Matter of a fact, I bet the reason all these software companies can't find these people that make the hax and crax is cause they are all in Aus -.- The Razor group are all Ausies I bet.

About the pricey HW in Aus, SUX 2 B U !!! >:p Nah, seriously. Next time I see someone in Aus looking for HW I'm selling I'll gladly help them out as that does suck monkey nuts.

And I'm proud to be an AMERICAN, where computer games are cheap, I built myself a rig last week and I barely spent a thing. And I gladly stand up, next to you and I laugh into your face. Cause there aint no doubt I love this land. God bless the U.S.A.
It is just as bad in the US and other places, we just censor different things. Here we tend to censor nudity,

No, it just gets an adult rating. The US probably creates more pornography than any other country. You just have to be an adult to purchase it.
No, it just gets an adult rating. The US probably creates more pornography than any other country. You just have to be an adult to purchase it.

Game companies, over here, are wary of a game getting an AO rating because many stores will flat out refuse to carry titles with that rating.
Is it illegal to pirate something that isn't available to buy?
Is it illegal to pirate something that isn't available to buy?

Nope, but I would bet that they will clean up whatever it is that offends the AU and bet the game unbanned b4 the launch in February.
Nope, but I would bet that they will clean up whatever it is that offends the AU and bet the game unbanned b4 the launch in February.

Or... fuck us all over and apply the changes to ALL versions like FO3 :rolleyes:

The Australian censorship shares a dream with the German censorship... a world with only monsters and green blood. Oh, in videogames only of course. Because pixelated blood and gore are much more harmful to children than real violence on TV or films.
The Australian censorship shares a dream with the German censorship... a world with only monsters and green blood. Oh, in videogames only of course. Because pixelated blood and gore are much more harmful to children than real violence on TV or films.

Haha, that reminds me of what happened with Quake 2 in Germany. It was censored, which basically meant they had to add the green blood in order to be able to sell the game there. At the same time, Lula the Sex Empire was the top selling game in Germany, without censorship. For those who don't know it, Lula is a game about sexual exploitation basically...Red Blood = GTFO, but Sexual Exploitation = THUMBS UP
Haha, that reminds me of what happened with Quake 2 in Germany. It was censored, which basically meant they had to add the green blood in order to be able to sell the game there. At the same time, Lula the Sex Empire was the top selling game in Germany, without censorship. For those who don't know it, Lula is a game about sexual exploitation basically...Red Blood = GTFO, but Sexual Exploitation = THUMBS UP

sounds like the exact opposite of the US.

We can rip a man's spine out through that new hole our magnum made in their forehead and proceed to beat another man with it. But show a fraction of female ass or cuss too much and BAM, AO rating.
The U.S. had Leisure Suit Larry, although it was more suggestive than pornographic.

There was also Custer's Revenge, and a couple of other pornographic console titles. Not many compared to how many the Japanese produce, but probably more than most countries produce.
I'm Australian and hearing this news makes me pissed off. Seriously, Australia charges too much for PC games, software and hardware, I don't see why this game should be banned. I hate Australian censorship.
I'm Australian and hearing this news makes me pissed off. Seriously, Australia charges too much for PC games, software and hardware, I don't see why this game should be banned. I hate Australian censorship.

Vote, revolt, or leave. Unfortunately that is about all that can be done. ;)
I wonder when we're going to see the first lawsuit from a game developer against whatever Australian entity reserves for themselves the right to ban games for increasing piracy of their game. I mean, it makes sense - if you can't buy it, but you want to play it, and it's not banned...piracy makes the most sense, as opposed to importing it and paying even-higher-than-already-fucking-ridiculous prices. I wonder if lawyers could legally prove that banning a game contributed to piracy, though.
I wonder when we're going to see the first lawsuit from a game developer against whatever Australian entity reserves for themselves the right to ban games for increasing piracy of their game. I mean, it makes sense - if you can't buy it, but you want to play it, and it's not banned...piracy makes the most sense, as opposed to importing it and paying even-higher-than-already-fucking-ridiculous prices. I wonder if lawyers could legally prove that banning a game contributed to piracy, though.

AU is not the US...in the rest of the world you can't just sue for everthing you want to like in the US...there is a reason why 40% of the worlds laywers are located in the US...your legal system has gone haywire.
AU is not the US...in the rest of the world you can't just sue for everthing you want to like in the US...there is a reason why 40% of the worlds laywers are located in the US...your legal system has gone haywire.
Granted, but it seems like fairly common sense that prohibiting a company from actually selling a product (which is only banned due to the opinion of a small group of people that the content matter poses some abstract threat to citizens) financially harmed the company unnecessarily. It has the potential to raise considerable interest on the right of censorship that governments (or semi-governmental organizations) hold - particularly in an increasingly globalist society.

It's a pretty far cry from, "I spilled coffee on myself. Me want money." I know you're not a big fan of the US (to phrase it politely) but we DO occasionally make sense. :rolleyes:
Granted, but it seems like fairly common sense that prohibiting a company from actually selling a product (which is only banned due to the opinion of a small group of people that the content matter poses some abstract threat to citizens) financially harmed the company unnecessarily. It has the potential to raise considerable interest on the right of censorship that governments (or semi-governmental organizations) hold - particularly in an increasingly globalist society.

The AU suffers from the same problem as the US.
Religous nutjobs trying to make their superstion into everyones laws.
Problem could be fixed but banning/kicked religous influence in politics.

It's a pretty far cry from, "I spilled coffee on myself. Me want money." I know you're not a big fan of the US (to phrase it politely) but we DO occasionally make sense. :rolleyes:
I dislike the way religion has infected your political system.
I dislike you haywire legal system.
I dislike the Us chicked out during the mohammed crisis(again religion has infected to much of you soceity)

I like actually like the US.
You paid with blood in WWI and WWII because Europe couldn't control things.
And if you look at the US and DK relationship we have always been close allies..since 1783 when we recognized your independence.

But that dosn't mean that that I can voice my opnion about what I think is wrong in the US.
Just like I voice my opnions about what is wrong in DK.
Granted, but it seems like fairly common sense that prohibiting a company from actually selling a product (which is only banned due to the opinion of a small group of people that the content matter poses some abstract threat to citizens) financially harmed the company unnecessarily. It has the potential to raise considerable interest on the right of censorship that governments (or semi-governmental organizations) hold - particularly in an increasingly globalist society.

It's a pretty far cry from, "I spilled coffee on myself. Me want money." I know you're not a big fan of the US (to phrase it politely) but we DO occasionally make sense. :rolleyes:

What you say makes no sense. Apart from the difficulties, nay...impossibility, of quantifying the economic loss and proving the connection between a game being banned and piracy, companies are legal persons, and like any other person, are subject to the laws and regulations legislated by parliament.

Simply because a person is aggrieved by a particular law because it impacts on them economically does not enliven any right upon which they can sue unless the relevant law is unconstitutional. The fact of the matter is that our constitution empowers parliament to legislate on such matters.

And thank god Australia is not like the US, we would be up to our eye balls in frivolous and unmeritorious lawsuits being decided by joe six pack jurors.