F.E.A.R. 2 demo coming tomorrow

If this is anything like the last one we're going to have massive fun hiding in lifts, waiting for some poor sod to wander past and all bursting out and beating the shit out of him while he sprays in a panic at the four people flying through the air and laying fat turds on his face.

The scares were wank in the last one though. Walking along, listening to funny noises and you come to a ladder. I WONDER IF THERE WILL BE SOMEONE BEHIND ME WHEN I TURN AROUND TO DESCEND THE LADDER and then you do so AND THERE IS SOMEONE BEHIND YOU AS YOU TURN TO DESCEND THE LADDER OH NO OH GOLLY OH GOSH OH CRIKEY AND BLIMEY

Masterful stuff.
Hmm... anyone get the "binkw32.dll" error when trying to install? Can't get the damn thing going unfortunately.
Alright I'll be the first one to say this game is garbage. Here is my review with Pros and Cons listed first for effect.

"The absolute worst console style game for the PC made yet." - next-Jin [H]ard|OCP Forums - 22 Jan 09

Calm down hot shot reviewer, there was someone before you. :O
Is Alma the little creepy girl? Not like I couldn't guess she'd do something like that in the demo.

Yeah, really. I'd hardly call that a spoiler. She's screws with you the entire demo, it's not like it's some big surprise or a story point.
Calm down hot shot reviewer, there was someone before you. :O

I specifically did that to put emphasis on how badly I hate it along with a ready made quote if anyone ever wants to put it in their forum signature. The game is pretty terrible and will be in PC bargain bins in less than 6 months.
Played the demo till you get outside with the sniper. So far I like it alot, looks grea, plays great and it scared the shit out of me!
Alright I'll be the first one to say this game is garbage. Here is my review with Pros and Cons listed first for effect.

"The absolute worst console style game for the PC made yet." - next-Jin [H]ard|OCP Forums - 22 Jan 09




Flip and cover system is worthless, the delay it takes to flip minimizes it's usefulness. Mech scene was fucking stupid, why would you go this route with FEAR of all games? It makes no sense what so ever and is intended to satisfy the console kids. Scare tactics are laughable, and only once was I caught off guard and eyes wider than normal. My heart rate was constant through out. (Ed. And yes I wore headphones and played in a dimly lit room)

The graphics while bumped took a Rainbow 6 Vegas turn for the worse. It's not as in your face as Vegas but believe me it is there. It's sort of like a monkey took a rainbow shit on my monitor and smeared it around then drew a gun and overlay over top of it. 1920x1200 is letter boxed and while this is not a huge deal mixed with the current game it simply adds on to this games noticeable failures.

The geometry is some of the most god awful this side of 2001. The destroyed vehicles, buildings and debris are of only a couple polygons which again throws this game into console territory. The fire is also another hint at consoles.

The story is a continuation of FEAR 1 so if you liked FEAR you'll like FEAR 2. I do not believe it will be too hard to get into the story line from where they left off.

Weapons and weapon feel are all similair to the original with the exception of the sniper rifle. Now it feels like I am actually playing with a Xbox 360 pad even though I am playing on the KBM.

The flashlight is basically worthless and of no value. It's extremely weak and was probably bought from a 7/11 as a lighter with an LED on it.

The game is totally linear and there is simply no other way to go but forward and follows the usual Run and Gun / Scare / Run and Gun / Scare route.

In Conclusion FEAR 2 is probably going to set the PC back 2 years and the only thing we can hope for is for John Carmack or some other small developer to once again put the PC back in the race and push this trash off the table in anticipation for true to life PC games.

I completely disagree with absolutely everything you just said. I would elaborate but I'm going to bed. So I'll let the facepalm do the talking:

Downloaded demo off another site and tried it, still get the "binkw32.dll is missing" error. Even when I download the .dll and place it in the folding, the game gives me another error and refuses to launch. Anyone else having this kind of difficulty getting it going? I'm on Vista 64-bit.
Downloaded demo off another site and tried it, still get the "binkw32.dll is missing" error. Even when I download the .dll and place it in the folding, the game gives me another error and refuses to launch. Anyone else having this kind of difficulty getting it going? I'm on Vista 64-bit.

You get this error, when you click on the FEAR2SPDemo.exe. Run the setup. exe, that should be located in the same directory.
You get this error, when you click on the FEAR2SPDemo.exe. Run the setup. exe, that should be located in the same directory.
Hmm... mine doesnt have that, maybe that's the problem. Lemme try re-extracting.
Hmm... anyone get the "binkw32.dll" error when trying to install? Can't get the damn thing going unfortunately.

Got that as well. Running Vista 64. I downloaded the new dll and then tried to launch and I get this "procedure entry point_BinkShould Skip@4 could not be located in the the dynamic link library binkw32.dll". Maybe the "32" should be my clue?
e.g. this link comes with a complete installer http://www.gamers.at/downloads/detailview?nID=164 ;)
Mine came with it, I must have accidentally deleted it while trying out different versions of the binkw32.dll XD. Got it to work though, clicked setup.exe and everything ran fine.
Got that as well. Running Vista 64. I downloaded the new dll and then tried to launch and I get this "procedure entry point_BinkShould Skip@4 could not be located in the the dynamic link library binkw32.dll". Maybe the "32" should be my clue?
That's the exact error I was getting, however I clicked the setup.exe and it installed fine

As far as impressions goes - pretty damn sweet! It's a little consoley, but not nearly as bad as other ports. They definitely beefed up the game as far as realism goes, the graphics look really great. Ran it at 2560x1600, everything maxed, 2xAA and it rarely dropped below 60 FPS, so I'm very happy with the performance. Didn't like that you couldn't set up controls to mouse buttons in the bindings menu (typical of ports), I hope they fix that. Also, the "flip cover" technique never worked for me because everything was too low. Still, combat was just as fun as the original, although the blood looks... like a comic book? It's too wet and beady, but maybe that's the effect they were going for. Anyway, I'll definitely pick it up, looks like a blast.
I played through the demo. I liked it. I need to finish FEAR now.. I've been meaning to for like the last year. haha
I just beat it, and I definitely thought it was a bit weak. I was blown away by the first FEAR demo, and the rest of the first game was okay, but while this demo was decently scarier, the combat was nowhere near as satisfying as the first game. Theres something to be said for stapling your enemies to office walls with a spike gun.

That said, I'm impressed how well they managed to scale it on lower end systems. It looked like ass, but it ran smooth as butter on my old macbook pro. I can't get deadspace to run for shit on any setting.
This has some weird fuzzy overlay to the graphics that drives me nuts. It's like what Mass Effect for PC had. Is there any way to turn it off?
And goddam, the interface is the most poorly converted to pc interface I've ever used. You have to scroll between "Yes" and "No" when an option box pops up like changing the resolution or quitting the game. Add that to no ability to save/load, and no support for the mousewheel when you're scrolling through the info panels to pick up on the storyline.
I cant get this to install anywhere put my programs folder? WTH is this crap?

Edit: Nevermind, its just a poorly laid out installer.
It's definitely creepy like it's predecesser, but it's most of the same scare tactics. If you liked FEAR, you will like this.

However, I have a big gripe... the guns sound like complete garbage. The guns are anything but believable IMO.
I completely disagree with absolutely everything you just said. I would elaborate but I'm going to bed. So I'll let the facepalm do the talking

How can you facepalm a bad review/opinion? You need to be face palming half of this thread who couldn't even figure out the difference between setup.exe and fear2demo.exe.
The demo is a total letdown, and this is coming from a huge fan of the original game.

The mood, setting, creepy shit, etc. is all there and intact. That's fine.

However, the game is a total disappointment when it comes to the gameplay and the interface.

I played it last week on the PS3 and thought it was decent - hated the removal of the lean, but thought it was due to the shortage of buttons on a controller.


Lean is removed entirely from the game, thus turning this game into just another run and gun shooter w/ slo-mo (which is cheap to begin with and I rarely used in FEAR 1 + expansions). Yeah, there's a "new" cover system where you can tip over some environmental objects and hide behind them, but 9 out of 10 objects in the demo leave your head exposed to headshots. Awesome!

Fuck you, Monolith. First you drop the ball on Condemned 2, now FEAR? Jesus..
To the clueless people complaining about it not installing/playing correctly, its called STEAM. No excuses.
Heh, I never even used lean in the original. It's funny, I've seen more than one post with people up in arms over the fact that lean is gone, when I never even would have realized it wasn't there.
Dunno why people are saying it's consolized. I just played it and it looked and played great. It's almost shocking to play a new game that runs smoothly with maxed settings on a current day system. Still love the way the environment gets completely trashed in the course of a firefight. I didn't bother using the cover system, mostly because the fights seemed to fast and frantic to bother. Lean doesn't worry me as I never used it anyway. Definitely picking this up on day one.

I'll be getting it, but it's not a great game. The interface is shit and I nearly bit my monitor when I went to adjust my keybindings. THAT is a fucked-up way of doing things, and it won't even let you assign things to your mouse's side buttons whereas the original would? Good choice.

Not really that scary, unfortunately, either, but then the first wasn't. They can't carry off the ambient sound like GSC can.

Still, lots of sliding/jumping/battering to be done in MP. Looks alright too.
Heh, I never even used lean in the original. It's funny, I've seen more than one post with people up in arms over the fact that lean is gone, when I never even would have realized it wasn't there.

Couldn't have said it better myself. I never used lean in the original, but still owned nonetheless.

Damn, I still have a little over an hour and a half until I'm off work. I wan't to go home NOW. Must play the demo!
This has some weird fuzzy overlay to the graphics that drives me nuts. It's like what Mass Effect for PC had. Is there any way to turn it off?

Noticed that the film grain actually took away from the jagginess that the engine has. Ran it with only 2xAA and you only could catch the aliasing when you were standing still. Don't like the HUD, but I liked pretty much everything else.

It better have a nailgun!
Ye the key bindings for this game are sooo messed up. Owell, apart from the constant hitching, its actually decently fun.
Just started playing it, not too far, but so far it runs very smooth. One gripe is that my mouse movement feels a little off. I thought it was the sensitivity, but after messing with that, it's still weird.

Not big on the interface, the visor look just doesn't work. Is there a way to take that off?

Alright, back to playing.
This might be a good one if it weren't for the nauseatingly-low FOV that just makes me want to punch myself in the face. And I thought BioShock was bad...yikes.

Otherwise good. Some fairly major audio pitfalls. Genuinely scary-ish, though.
Dunno why people are saying it's consolized. I just played it and it looked and played great. It's almost shocking to play a new game that runs smoothly with maxed settings on a current day system. Still love the way the environment gets completely trashed in the course of a firefight. I didn't bother using the cover system, mostly because the fights seemed to fast and frantic to bother. Lean doesn't worry me as I never used it anyway. Definitely picking this up on day one.

How can you not see why people call it consolized? Forced 16:9 format with no way to change it. Dumbed-down AI that is WORSE than the originals. No lean at all. Very bland level design. The texture work screams consoles. The forced film grain which looks like shit. The mech stuff does not fit FEAR in the least bit, it shouldn't be there. The low FOV as well. Very much a consolized HUD and targeting reticle.
I don't think this is really that much of a leap graphically over the original FEAR. If I recall, FEAR had some really pronounced air distortion effects and damage/debris all over the place when you fired in slow motion. That stuff is still in there but it seems like they toned it down rather than improving it.

You can just tell by how fast it runs that they set some kind of hard limit on the number of objects/elements rendered or something and that limit was set by consoles. FEAR was a system killer back in the day and while I am pleased to see FEAR 2 run as well as it does on my 8800GTX, I can't help but ask myself "what if" this wasn't a console game.

That said kudos to the developers for anti-aliasing support. At worst, this will be the best looking version of the game.
I've everything set on max @1680x1050.. the letterbox is just bullshit.. Console shit..

blah.. I'm quite dissapointed. :(
Definitely looks like the old FEAR game engine. At the beginning when the clouds were scrolling overhead I thought I was in the Quake 3 engine, heh. I gave up a few minutes in when I was in a dark hallway, disoriented and being attacked by ghosts that I wasn't even sure I could hurt by shooting, heh.