F.E.A.R = Doom3 is wussy.


Mar 8, 2004
Ok, I dunno about you guys, but Doom 3 was like walking through a staged horror show, and a really bad one, the few times it got me scared is when im totally not paying attention or that evil laugh came outa nowhere.


THIS GAME however scared me every single damn minute I played that demo. The atmosphere as you start walking through those dark cooridors then hear that scary little girl laugh and your ghost sensor ghost off sent chills down my spine.

Monolith has actually created such an atmosphere it feels farking creepy just walking around with no silence except the sound of machinery and bumping into stuff in the dark, it definently puts your nerve on "edge"

Speaking of edge, did anyone else almost scream like a girl when you jumped down that ladder and saw that guy walking right towards you???? I just about flew back in my seat it scared me so bad and unloaded a whole damn clip into the wall I freaked out so bad.

But that was nothing when the hallway of blood appeared and that girl came up right behind me on that door, HOLY SHIT that caught me totally by surprise I almost had to check my pants.

Damn...now im not gonna be able to sleep tonight.....
Out of curiosity, how are the graphics in that game? The screen shots leave me a bit disappointed, but screenshots usually don't do the games justice.
IceWind said:
Ok, I dunno about you guys, but Doom 3 was like walking through a staged horror show, and a really bad one, the few times it got me scared is when im totally not paying attention or that evil laugh came outa nowhere.


THIS GAME however scared me every single damn minute I played that demo. The atmosphere as you start walking through those dark cooridors then hear that scary little girl laugh and your ghost sensor ghost off sent chills down my spine.

Monolith has actually created such an atmosphere it feels farking creepy just walking around with no silence except the sound of machinery and bumping into stuff in the dark, it definently puts your nerve on "edge"

Speaking of edge, did anyone else almost scream like a girl when you jumped down that ladder and saw that guy walking right towards you???? I just about flew back in my seat it scared me so bad and unloaded a whole damn clip into the wall I freaked out so bad.

But that was nothing when the hallway of blood appeared and that girl came up right behind me on that door, HOLY SHIT that caught me totally by surprise I almost had to check my pants.

Damn...now im not gonna be able to sleep tonight.....

lmfao, at least you have the cojones to play the game, i'm to afraid as soon as im dropped out of the car lol. i walked up the truck loading dock thing, walked down that corridor, the music/sound changed to something scary, and i ran back out lol. man, that ss of the girl woah! and again how u describe it, im certain i will scream like a girl

dont worry, when my 6600GT comes back, maybe i will have ballz by then
The graphics are like Doom 3 except with high res textures. I'd argue that it's the best looking game released thus far.

As for the scariness, I was never really scared. I was definitely spooked throughout the whole level, though. There is a very creepy atmosphere to the game. Monolith did a fantastic job foreshadowing stuff, a simple blood texture smeered on the wall in the shape of hand really makes you tense up because you know something nasty is probably up a head.
junehhan said:
Out of curiosity, how are the graphics in that game? The screen shots leave me a bit disappointed, but screenshots usually don't do the games justice.

Full crank, they put Half Life 2 and Far Cry to shame, but DAMN do they absolutel make your system run like a slug, my poor 6800GT can't handle it anymore :(
I thought just the opposite. It seems like a 2nd rate fps game, along the lines of Far Cry, good game but not quite as polished feeling as Doom3 or HL2. Definitely doesn't have as creepy or scary and an atmosphere as doom3. Not once did I flinch in teh game, I didn't find the environment having the creepy and suspensful atmosphere as doom3 or silent hill.

The graphics seem stale, and flat. Its hard to describe how it felt to me, the technology of the shadowing I think is ahead of Doom3, at least the soft shadows look reallly nice. Just the environment seemed a bit plain, and bland in comparison.

System in sig is not the one I originally played on, was powered by x850xt
Akuma said:
The graphics are like Doom 3 except with high res textures. I'd argue that it's the best looking game released thus far.

As for the scariness, I was never really scared. I was definitely spooked throughout the whole level, though. There is a very creepy atmosphere to the game. Monolith did a fantastic job foreshadowing stuff, a simple blood texture smeered on the wall in the shape of hand really makes you tense up because you know something nasty is probably up a head.

That shadow of that girl walking past me and my sensor going off literally had my hair on the back of my neck go up.

The part where you go down the ladder and see the girls feet infront of you, and the ghost in the hallway of blood through the door are what made me jump.

As for performance, its bad but nothing too bad. I got max settings and 1680*1050 out of it, im happy.
Thats because Doom3 scares you by having things jump out at you, which gets old after a while. FEAR is scary for the same reasons, but it also gets into your head a little (At least it seems like it will from the demo)
I played it at max settings with 4x and 16x in game and 8x 16x in Nvidia console.

Its quite nice and no lag or stuttering here. I like the graphics although they are not as realistic to HL2 they are damn nice and a tad better then doom3.

The Spectere ghost didnt scare me but it gave me chills at the exit door :eek: .

I can't wait for the full release..... Guess I'll be OCing my system to keep up for now.... :p
Somebody compare its scare factor to Clive Barkers Undying.
To this day, I still refuse to play Undying... I played it for a half an hour total and it scared me away...

I'm downloading F.E.A.R. right now... we'll see how that goes.
S0m30n3 said:
Somebody compare its scare factor to Clive Barkers Undying.
Well if The Ring scared you, then this game will scare you, The Ring never scared me, just spooked me, this game just spooked me. Where Undying scared the shit out of me, and I hardly finished the game.
Banko said:
Well if The Ring scared you, then this game will scare you, The Ring never scared me, just spooked me, this game just spooked me. Where Undying scared the shit out of me, and I hardly finished the game.

I still to this day refuse to play Undying, thats how freaky that game is.
I just played about an hour of FEAR. I have a 9600XT and a p4 2.4 ghz 533 MHz fsb along with 768 MB of RDRAM. That being said, I put everything at medium and some of the effects at low. I learned the following...I now know why I play things like Neverwinter Nights and strategy games....FEAR dun got in my head and the first time I saw the ghost thing, I jumped...then it took me an thirty minutes to get to the room with the baddies in it because I kept expecting the ghost to come out and do something to me. The game has a creepy feel, but I think it caused me to create more fear in my head than the actual game did. And that laugh, those dark corridors, and the dang ghost meter that tells you about the mysterious signal you detect...that just about drove me nuts..needless to say I would walk to spaces, shine the flashlight, wait and repeat!
If you really want the hair on your neck to stand up, play System Shock 2.

I did enjoy this FEAR demo though.
Wow yeah this game really freaked me out and scared me too. But sometimes right before a scary sequence my computer would chug a little....wow nice warning system i have rofl time to get some more ram
The demo was tough on my computer.. Game gave me the creeps.. I liked it.. I WILL be buying this game.. Hopefully they didn't cram all of their best content into the demo, or I will be :mad: :(
Holy crap... this game is cool... great IQ and gameplay... runs very well on my system @ 1600x1200 with pretty much all of the goodies on... w00t. The damage you can inflict on the environment is w-i-c-k-e-d
It sucks when the exception has become the norm. I have no money, but as soon as I go pick some off that tree that grows in my backyard I am going to have to pick up a 2X1GB kit of RAM. This 2X512MB isn't cutting it anymore. I hate exiting this demo and BF2 and my system contiues to lag for another 5 minutes before it clears itself from my pagefile.

The demo was fun, the graphics were good, sound was good, and the AI is better than 95% of games out there. I'll be getting the game, too bad I already know the MP in it is garbage.
yeah - I am going to have to grab some 1gig sticks now also... I noticed my machine swapping a little... didn't cause too many slow downs, but it was a little annoying.. OCZ cas 2 or something...
HAVE YOU SEEN THE WATER!?!?!?! PUTS HL2 to SHAME.... omg.... im sorry to yell but it is amazing, it is physically interactive. When you wald through it there are PHYSICAL geometrical ripples, it is amazing... I love it.
i honestly thought doom was scarier than fear. fear was a good demo, dont get me wrong. little short, but good.