F.E.A.R. Question

whilst i was pissing my pants at how scary the game was i asked myself the same question, i figure shes some voice in the commander's head which is telling him to kill everyone.
Shes the kid from the Sunny-D commercial. You know, the one where all the kids come running in and reach into the fridge for some delicious Sunny-D?
Well the game called FEAR for the fact that they find paranormal things and then go and shoot them so im guessing shes some kind of spook who messed with that fallen characters head a bit. Maybe possesing him?
I'm sure once the game is released and you've played through it, the truth will be told.
I have a feeling that you tried to save her life and failed, and now she follows you around and leads you to that vampire/zombie/cannibal guy you are following (who I assume is the one who killed her). She seems to be a good guy, or atleast thats the impression I got from the sp demo (since she sort of leads you where you need to go), and *possible spoiler* the MP beta (when she kills all the soldiers in the hallway, and those look to be the same soldier you are fighting against in the SP demo).

I'm sure I'm completly wrong though.
Naldo said:
I have a feeling that you tried to save her life and failed, and now she follows you around and leads you to that vampire/zombie/cannibal guy you are following (who I assume is the one who killed her). She seems to be a good guy, or atleast thats the impression I got from the sp demo (since she sort of leads you where you need to go), and *possible spoiler* the MP beta (when she kills all the soldiers in the hallway, and those look to be the same soldier you are fighting against in the SP demo).

I'm sure I'm completly wrong though.
[SPOILER from FEAR multiplayer beta]
the soldiers she kills in the MP demo do seem to be the clones you fight against in the SP demo, but you have to remember that she has control over Fettle... she opens his cell door to let him out and drives him to kill the prison guards using his army of clones. why would she drive Fettle to kill, yet help the good guys out by killing his clones? it could be that at some point in the game the clones were not under his control, but it's probably something much more complicated than that.
I thought the little girl killed Delta Force soldiers, who had nothing to do with the clone army...
Naldo said:
I have a feeling that you tried to save her life and failed, and now she follows you around and leads you to that vampire/zombie/cannibal guy you are following (who I assume is the one who killed her). She seems to be a good guy, or atleast thats the impression I got from the sp demo (since she sort of leads you where you need to go), and *possible spoiler* the MP beta (when she kills all the soldiers in the hallway, and those look to be the same soldier you are fighting against in the SP demo).

I'm sure I'm completly wrong though.

Those guys in the hall way were all delta force soldiers.
AznAnarchy99 said:
didnt find the game that scary, and i didnt find the game that mind blowing.

Back on track. I don't think she's good, I think she is indeed quite evil and she doesn't care who she kills, be it good guys or bad guys. Perhaps like some X-Files episode she feeds off of peoples fear(maybe that was outer limits?).
Noodle Boy said:
I thought the little girl killed Delta Force soldiers, who had nothing to do with the clone army...
Ranger said:
Those guys in the hall way were all delta force soldiers.
ohh, really? then she is definately a bad guy.
I think that she wsa maybe an innocent that was kiiled by the guy who is in your face as you go down the ladder...
possibly she is the sunny D girl and it was ad placement...
well I dont know but there is a room with a corpse dressed in a red/orange jumpsuit just laying on the floor (lazy bastard) but there are some monitors on the table next to him for survailence and you can see that freaky little beoch appearing and disappaering.
maybe shes a thin oompa-loompa
Alma, the littlegirl is some paranormal entity that has a connection with YOU, the main character. She's your daughter and what happened was you were taken away and she was taken away (she was murdered). If you can remember in the cutscenes "Where are you taking him!?"(little girl) and then the dude with the glasses saying "You will be a god amongst men" meaning that you are some kind of experiment/gifted individual whos ability to see/encounter/ the paranormal and slow down time with "reflexes" obviously indicates that you're not normal as well..

Just my opinion of course. None of that was fact except the quotes. It's more or less a theory rather then opinion now that I look at it.
im excited to find out what she is because in the demo she scared the crap out of me,. and itd be nice to know what did that!

She has to be some kind of evil entity though for sure. She hasnt killed all the cyborg guys because in the beginning of the demo we see her make farlen[sp] take control of them and kill everyone. She wouldve killed the cyborg guys while they were in stasis or whatever or while they were assualting the building if she was killing everyone.
Fistandantilis said:
I think that she wsa maybe an innocent that was kiiled by the guy who is in your face as you go down the ladder...
possibly she is the sunny D girl and it was ad placement...
well I dont know but there is a room with a corpse dressed in a red/orange jumpsuit just laying on the floor (lazy bastard) but there are some monitors on the table next to him for survailence and you can see that freaky little beoch appearing and disappaering.
maybe shes a thin oompa-loompa

you said it all.
RailGunRiz said:
Alma, the littlegirl is some paranormal entity that has a connection with YOU, the main character. She's your daughter and what happened was you were taken away and she was taken away (she was murdered). If you can remember in the cutscenes "Where are you taking him!?"(little girl) and then the dude with the glasses saying "You will be a god amongst men" meaning that you are some kind of experiment/gifted individual whos ability to see/encounter/ the paranormal and slow down time with "reflexes" obviously indicates that you're not normal as well..

Just my opinion of course. None of that was fact except the quotes. It's more or less a theory rather then opinion now that I look at it.

Well i interpreted the glasses dude's saying this way. I always thought he was talking about Fettle. Remember how the whole batallion of highly trained, heavily armed and armored supersoldiers were psychicly linked to Fettle? Well since Fettle has complete control over these men, that 'would' indicate he's some sort of "God" among men. And since the supersoldiers are very ...well....powerful, Fettle could use them to extend his control over others.

As for the girl, I think she was related to Fettle because they both have psychic abilities. She was probably taken out by the psychic supersoldier project, but she remained in a nonphysical state. She probably used Fettle to get revenge on the project guys, then uses "you" or the player you play, to eliminate Fettle. That's probably to "save" him from being this monster (cannibal much) that was the byproduct of the supersoldier project. It's all speculation, but I think my interpretation makes some sense.....
I couldnt get any dialogue to play during the demo, so Imissed that whole explanation part in the begining :(, story makes more sense now that I know some background. Guess the girl isnt as nice as I thought.
Naldo said:
I couldnt get any dialogue to play during the demo, so Imissed that whole explanation part in the begining :(, story makes more sense now that I know some background. Guess the girl isnt as nice as I thought.

most girls arent as nice as we think
Okay, I have not played the demo and did not know much about the game...but from what I have read here, I will definitely try it although I hate horror genre movies etc...
Sounds intriguing indeed.
Noodle Boy said:
Well i interpreted the glasses dude's saying this way. I always thought he was talking about Fettle. Remember how the whole batallion of highly trained, heavily armed and armored supersoldiers were psychicly linked to Fettle? Well since Fettle has complete control over these men, that 'would' indicate he's some sort of "God" among men. And since the supersoldiers are very ...well....powerful, Fettle could use them to extend his control over others.
Right before that scene someone says "what is your earliest memory?" I took that scene to be your birth(The triple light looks like the light from an operating room.). The "where are you taking him?" I assumed to be your mother as I'm guessing you were stolen to be part of some crazy project.
That was my thoughts on it. I guess only a handful of people know right now and they aren't saying shit ;)
did anybody else notice that at the end of the demo when you find that bloodied up guy in the chair he goes " alma [sp] if fettel finds her were in shit"
i think that when that girl said "where are you taking him?" she was talking about Fettle. they were forcefully taking him somewhere to implant that chip in his head that lets him control the clone army. hence we saw those three lights in probably an operating room, and a doctor tells him he'll be a god among men because of this capability they have given him (control over the battalion clone commandos.) the girl might be Fettle's daughter. her story is harder to guess, however.
little girls creep me out

dead little girls scare the everliving fuck out of me
erorr404 said:
i think that when that girl said "where are you taking him?" she was talking about Fettle. they were forcefully taking him somewhere to implant that chip in his head that lets him control the clone army. hence we saw those three lights in probably an operating room, and a doctor tells him he'll be a god among men because of this capability they have given him (control over the battalion clone commandos.) the girl might be Fettle's daughter. her story is harder to guess, however.

or they were taking you, the main character, away. and for some reason she was already connected with you and now tries to help you out.

or not
Wasn't the first cutscene FETTLE asking you what your earliest memory is? That being you being taken from your mother at birth, and presumably experimented/researched upon?

That is what I understood.

Anyway, regarding Alma, I'm clueless. I don't immediately see how she fits in, but your affinity to the supernatural makes you predisposed to encounters. Either she has taken an interest in you thanks for your ESP, or inspite of her best efforts is incapable of bumping you off. I believe we can assume she doesn't have any direct influence in the world, and thus has to act through people. Flashing lights and such may not even be occuring in 'reality'. Just your perception of it. Or it is, and she does have an influence. Just not much for the time being...

Now, all of that aside, I missed what the guard was talking about at the end of the demo. I always thought Fettle was somehow quarintine whenever I saw videos of the intro. Maybe not necessarily imprisoned, but issolated. I mean, I don't see that frosted glass holding a military project back. All the same, his quarters were exceptionally bare. Can't tell if this is by his own design, or according to the clone project.

No clue how everything fits together, but Fettle wouldn't seem like the bastard, at first, but as best I can tell, he, Alma, and you all have some sort of supernatural connection. Even if it is just a simple connection to the supernatural in general. I bet there is a distinct event/project or some such tieing them all together, though.
Alma spilled Sunny-D on Fettle converting him to the psycho-killer Zombie-man from hell. She wandered into the OR just as they were about to operate on Fettle and spilled her juice.
Seriously I think she's psycho-child from Hell and shes gonna woop-ass on you later in the game from some dark corner scaring the WHOLE shit right outta your socks.
I cant wait.
So far nice game IMO.
she didn't get the part of the little girl in the movie The Ring, so she had to settle for a computer game role.