F.E.A.R SP Demo

apocalypse said:
I get the same thing on both PCs , spraying in slo-mo = abysmal fps.
Doesn't seem like a bug , more likely some setting needs a little toning down.

It also seems to DEMAND more than 1GB of ram for maximum textures , otherwise i get those corner pauses that everyone seems to get.

Anyway , I really loved the demo.
The enemies just seem far more convincing than anything I've ever seen in any game.
Which makes killing them much more satisfying :D

Its definitely a bug because my fps does not drop at all when im using automatics in slow motion. Max settings, 4xAA, 8xAF. Could just be with nvidia cards.
Converge said:
Its definitely a bug because my fps does not drop at all when im using automatics in slow motion. Max settings, 4xAA, 8xAF. Could just be with nvidia cards.

I don't think that's a nVidia card thing. I don't have that problem.
I have the corner bug problem, but I am only running with the .5gig, with textures on medium. I sometimes get a 1-2 second pause on the corners.
I tried to read through this whole thread but I couldn't quite make it. I apologize if this question has been asked, but a lot of browsing and CTRL+F and forum "Search" function through multiple boards has yielded nothing so far.

I DLed the F.E.A.R. demo from Fileplanet, let my computer sit for two days while I was on vacation, and installed the demo when I got home. I restarted after the installation (as prompted), and after restarting, I closed all of my random background programs that run on Startup (mIRC, Trillian, Steam, etc.) and double-clicked the FEAR SP Demo icon.

And no, I did not get an error message. Nor even did I get a black screen that crashed. No, the game ran absolutely fine.

I adjusted the resolution to 1280 x 960 (I know, ambitious given my specs) but left a lot of the settings at Medium because I just wanted to start playing and couldn't be bothered to look through every video option. And I didn't stop until I beat the demo. Pretty freaky at some points, the infamous ladder scene was quite frightening. And then I quit the game, and everything was normal.

Until I tried to run the game again. After playing once, I can no longer launch the demo. I have tried disabling everything in the Configuration menu, I have restarted the computer, I have closed all background programs, I have set the resolution to 640x480 in the Configuration menu, but nothing. The game simply won't launch. I get a black screen, which stays for about 2 - 5 seconds, and then CTD. There is no indication that I even attempted to launch the game; the game doesn't show up in Processes in the Task Manager.

Has anybody else experienced something like this?
Just DLed this demo and ran it on both my HP Crapvillion and my AMD Gaming Rig. I've got ot say, on the Crapvillion it didn't even get through the opening movie before it ate up all the memory and died.

On the AMD Rig it didn't hiccup one bit.

And I've got to say.


This game is totally awesome. It reminds me a lot of what HL 1 was like playing. I haven't actually been excited about a game since HL 1. But I'm stoked for F.E.A.R. It's got the same style action as HL 1 the same ambiance. I love the dialogue during the gameplay as well. Reminds me a lot of what HL 1 used to be like.

I ran through the demo in about 5 minutes. The demo was short, too short but it did it's job. Made me want more. I can't wait for this thing to come out.
spooky, but still the same dumb enemy AI.

How hard is it to make an enemy smart enough to avoid a clearly visible proximity mine?

I want an enemy that is smart enough to make me get tricky with that mine by placing it just around a corner, or hiding it under a desk or box or something.
eastvillager said:
spooky, but still the same dumb enemy AI.

How hard is it to make an enemy smart enough to avoid a clearly visible proximity mine?

I want an enemy that is smart enough to make me get tricky with that mine by placing it just around a corner, or hiding it under a desk or box or something.

Noone will be happy about enemy AI. If the AI was really smart, you'd be bitching about the game being too hard and wouldn't play it anymore. I think the AI's pretty good for a FPS.
They seem to scatter when you toss a grenade. The following, "Oh Shit a grenade!!' is usually a dead giveaway to that, then you see them run to find cover.

And I'm sure if you set the mine long before you see any enemy come along they'll haphazardly walk into it.

On a side note, mines are kind of useless as a personal weapon anyway in single player. I mean seriously, when do you lay them? After you've cleared an area? I highly doubt they'll be behind you especially if you've just came from there there and killed everything. In front of you? It's pretty much impossible because they usually see you approaching them. Unless you happen to lay one around a corner you haven't gone past and then somehow lure them to you. Mines are only usuefull in multiplayer. I never picjup mines if I'm playing SP.

Oh yeah, and if you want human like AI they need you over in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Moose777 said:
They seem to scatter when you toss a grenade. The following, "Oh Shit a grenade!!' is usually a dead giveaway to that, then you see them run to find cover.

And I'm sure if you set the mine long before you see any enemy come along they'll haphazardly walk into it.

On a side note, mines are kind of useless as a personal weapon anyway in single player. I mean seriously, when do you lay them? After you've cleared an area? I highly doubt they'll be behind you especially if you've just came from there there and killed everything. In front of you? It's pretty much impossible because they usually see you approaching them. Unless you happen to lay one around a corner you haven't gone past and then somehow lure them to you. Mines are only usuefull in multiplayer. I never picjup mines if I'm playing SP.

Oh yeah, and if you want human like AI they need you over in Iraq and Afghanistan.

when i played the SP a second time, i put a proximity mine right before the area where the bad guys are, then i would get their attention and hide. When they would come to get me, kaboom!

I found proximity mines to be helpful towards the end. In the large open area where groups of guys keep coming at you. I would put them on the stairs and then just wait for them to walk down. A few times it worked. One time it didnt cos the bastard saw me and jumped over the railing instead of using the stairs.
Here is how I played the demo.

Started the game, mapped the keys, tweaked a few video settings then started play.
I chose Extreme Difficulty and I am glad I did, because it made the demo last almost an hour.
My save files were like this:

Save File 1: 2 Down
Save File 2: 5 Down
Save File 3: 9 Down

After every group of enemies I saved the game.
Turns out the were only 21 bad guys to kill!
But the demo was fucking awesome. :cool:
The last part witht he chopper I just slowed down time and ran around like a crazy man, and when I got too close to them I'd use the melee attack and then when they were off balance I'd shoot them. I didn't even use the mines, I'd throw a grenade randomly to give me time to displace.
Moose777 said:
The last part witht he chopper I just slowed down time and ran around like a crazy man, and when I got too close to them I'd use the melee attack and then when they were off balance I'd shoot them. I didn't even use the mines, I'd throw a grenade randomly to give me time to displace.
At that part I just stood near the Large Pipe against the wall almost right under the Exploding barrel under the grate platform. As soon as the reatards hopped out. I just shot the barrel and boom no more baddies.
Meh..that isn't nearly as fun as shooting everything just to see the kickass particle effects. lol
I'll definatly be paying more on my reserve with my next paycheck. I've played through the demo a few times, and have had fun each run-through.

This and Quake IV will make me very happy this fall. :D
The demo played great for me. I will be buy'n the game for sure.

I played it at 1280x960 all maxed but shadows, I had them set to Med and soft shadows off.
ManCannon said:
Yeah, I've played the demo over and over again myself. Completed Extreme difficulty 5 or 6 times now :). Last night I played it almost to completion with just the pistol, on extreme.I beat that big guy who busts through the door and his two henchman with the pistol alone. Unfortunately at the very last battle I ran out of ammo since I had to use like 3 clips to take down the big guy earlier, so I had to kill the remaining few with two well placed grenades. If only I had had one more clip :(.

Someone give me a medal :p.

I just emailed you a cookie instead. Mmmm....Oatmeal Raisin!! :D

Definitely a purchase. The soft shadows, though a crusher, look amazing. Grenade blasts were impressive. AI was rockin'. I planned on shifting to console for gaming. Then I tried this demo. Shit. May be time for a little upgrading. Hell, it's only $$$$... :p :D


P.S., I remember SHOGO. Loved it. Never noticed it running poorly. Must just be me. :D
I'll be #258 to add my two cents.

I don't like the aethstetic feel of the game. Seems like Perfect Dark compared to Golden Eye. Maybe there's better features, and more realistic AI (which I was impressed with), but it just doesn't feel as good. Too cold.
Here's something I'm wondering. I wonder how much the Max graphic setting is effecting Video Memory. I remember on Doom 3 that ID designed highest level of graphics for cards with 512MB (though those with high end Athlon64 systems of the time were able to rape this setting). I went backed and lowered all texture details to medium from max and my stuttering issues disappeared (though I left all of the shadows and soft shadows on and maxed). I don't really have a Super Honkin' system (PIV 2.8, 1GB memory, 6800GT) but was able to get playable speed at 1024.

The highest graphic setting on D3 gave me stuttering issues. Pull it back to the next texture setting, gold.

Just food for thought.

I hope you guys are trying out all the different guns. I love the nail gun

If you think the mine is useless in SP then you need to learn some tactics. :) It can be an incredible weapon for setting up ambushes. I tossed one on the platform where the helicopter lands, and as soon as the guys touched down...BOOM!!! :D
Moose777 said:
Oh yeah, and if you want human like AI they need you over in Iraq and Afghanistan.

possibly the dumbest comment i've read here since 2001. that was so unfunny i still cannot get it. WTH?
wizzackr said:
possibly the dumbest comment i've read here since 2001. that was so unfunny i still cannot get it. WTH?
Wasn't meant to be funny. It's reality.

Why is it dumb? It's true.

He's bitching about the AI in games being unrealistic, or dumb. Well, a game is only made to entertain. They really aren't trying to make the AI of the enemies in games so incredibly lifelike that you forget you are playing a game. If he wants total human like AI (or in his case intelligent behavior) then join up. There's plenty of real opponents to combat over seas. Just because there isn't a draft doesn't mean people aren't needed. In fact, the US Army's numbers are down for new recruits.

I'm just getting tired of people compalaining about how unrealistic games are. That's their point. To be UNREALISTIC. Games are meant to entertain. To take you out of the real world and immerse you in a fantasy world or a world that is loosely based off of something real. Games aren't supposed to give you the feeling of really being there. If that's what they were trying to accomplish then we'd have more recruiters for all sorts of things. A game is entertainment, nothing more nothing less.

I play games to be entertained. I could actually care less if the AI just stands there and waits to be triggered ala D00M, Heretic, Quake or if they actually hunt you down. I'm only playing because I want to be entertained. Not because I want to feel like I'm actually killing someone.
DruSi3r said:
I hope you guys are trying out all the different guns. I love the nail gun

Isn't that the combat shotgun? I wasn't aware of there being a nailgun. Where is it found?
Moose777 said:
Wasn't meant to be funny. It's reality.

If he wants total human like AI (or in his case intelligent behavior) then join up. There's plenty of real opponents to combat over seas.

You don't join an army, a war, because you want "total human like AI" or "plenty of real opponents to combat over seas". That remark just sounds way too sick, sorry - you don't seem to get what these people are fighting for and that this is not just an alternative in case you want more realism! HS, guys like you scare the shit out of me... or I'm getting something seriously wrong here
wizzackr said:
You don't join an army, a war for crying out loud, because you want "total human like AI" or "plenty of real opponents to combat over seas". That is EXACTLY why I said the remark was sick - you don't seem to get what these people are fighting for and that this is NO alternative just if you want more realism! HS, guys like you scare the shit out of me... or I'm getting something seriously wrong here
I believe there is something you are completely missing.

And why do I scare you?
Moose777 said:
At the very end or when you are on the bridge type area?

When you encounter him for the very first time...i can't really remember the exact location but you are walking towards a door and the the door breaks open and the big armored guy comes out. When you kill him take his gun (this guy i went slow motion and popped him in the head with the shotty....boom headshot boom headshot boom headshot even fps doug would be proud)
Noodle Boy said:
When you encounter him for the very first time...i can't really remember the exact location but you are walking towards a door and the the door breaks open and the big armored guy comes out. When you kill him take his gun (this guy i went slow motion and popped him in the head with the shotty....boom headshot boom headshot boom headshot even fps doug would be proud)
Ahh ok. Cool/ I was just playing it I got to that point then stopped. i was messing around with command lines which none of them seem to work. I'll probably try again after my computer is done compressing files.
Funny thing. I didn't think D3 was scary. I laughed and was like "whatever, that guys just trying to make a point by saying how scared he was." And I got a little ways into this demo and I'm shutting it down, cause I got freaked out.

How cool is that?
Just finished the demo. I ran the game on 1152x864 with just about all the graphics option on max except for soft shadows and it ran pretty good. But, I was having the skipping problem when going around corners. I thought it was a pretty badass game so far. The bullet time effect is awesome and it really makes me want to keep playing just so I can use it. I definitely wanted to keep playing after it was over. Ill have to see what kind of reviews it gets though before I decide on getting it or not.
DragonNOA1 said:
Aha, then she'd remind me of Amer. McG.'s Alice! woot on the hotness.
Yeah, minus the whole dead little girl thing that they've got goin' on. lol
Cousin Patty said:
Just finished the demo. I ran the game on 1152x864 with just about all the graphics option on max except for soft shadows and it ran pretty good. But, I was having the skipping problem when going around corners. I thought it was a pretty badass game so far. The bullet time effect is awesome and it really makes me want to keep playing just so I can use it. I definitely wanted to keep playing after it was over. Ill have to see what kind of reviews it gets though before I decide on getting it or not.

When I ran it with texture details on medium but maxed lighting and soft shadows, I didn't get the stuttering around corners as I did with everything maxed. Framerates were also playable (didn't benchmark it, but it didn't bother me). Soft shadows looks sooooo cool. :cool:

Anyone know where I can upload a 100MB+ vid of the F.E.A.R demo?