F@H on athlonXP problems :confused:


Apr 18, 2005
:confused: ok I can't figure this one out...

I have a athlonXP mobile 2600 on a dfi nf2 ultra B... windowsXP pro.

I don't know what bios rev. I can find that out later, though, when I can restart it.

RAM is good, and the system passes prime95 for days... BUT F@H 5.03 crashes after about 24 hours...

it will crash no matter what clock speed I run at... my temps are good and I have tried stock settings vs my OC settings... both crash 5.03

I run the version 4.0 for win9x systems and it works fine, but I would like to use the latest graphical client.

any ideas what could be wrong? is there a bug with aXP systems?

wasn't sure where else to post this.
have you tried the console version?

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

have not yet... I should.

I like how the 5.03 client keeps track of progress and a tally of completed WUs.
er.. the console version keeps track of more than the graphical client displays. For the progress of a work unit, you can simply refer to unitinfo.txt found in the FAH directory.. For easy viewing of all data related to your folding, I suggest grabbing Electron Microscope monitoring program from here. You'll actually have more information available through that program then you ever would with the current graphical client from stanford. And the console version is much much more stable, and even a little faster. Happy Folding!
well stable and faster is great...

and I figured there would be a .txt dump of info... and good to know about electron microscope... I am going to check that out right away.

see what I have been doing is just looking my name up on the website to check my WU count... but looks like getting the console client up and a good monitoring program is the way to go.
yep...console plus EM3 is the BEST way to go period for a windows box. Welcome to the Addiction :)

edit: OH...and to switch clients with out losing WU progress....just download the console client into the same folder as the GUI client....delete client.cfg....move the folder to the c:\ (easier to get to using command prompt) and then run it...it will re-ask you the config settings like username and stuff (if you set username to roftranspo...it runs faster :) )....make sure to select yes to the run as service question....restart...and you will never have to worry about it again :)
EM3 is cool..

but I have to ask... where is a simple WU completed count? there are all these other metrics that I have never heard of... but no WU completed count.
well I know I can check on the site... I have been doing that...

but even the 5.03 graphical client (the one that crashes)can give a WU total... I wonder why EM lacks that basic feature.

the win9x client doesn't give a WU total either.
Yashu said:
well I know I can check on the site... I have been doing that...

but even the 5.03 graphical client (the one that crashes)can give a WU total... I wonder why EM lacks that basic feature.

the win9x client doesn't give a WU total either.
your right...but no one cares about WU totals really....its all about the points...cuz not all WU's are the same....so using them to judge productivity isnt really effective (Example: if you always got 99x series protiens on a single computer you would have about 14 wu/week but all 25xx series would mean only 4 WU/week, but either way you would have about the same points in one week)...but thats me...but thats probably why it is built into EM3...you could always request to have it in there...dont know if the weatherman will do it...but you can always ask.and get yourself a badge :)

Actually WU count is becoming more and more important as the points system is getting more and more skewered.

As for location, the only place I can see that has the number of units completed is under the FAHlog.txt file, but it only updates the count when the unit is sent back to Stanford.

As for EM3, it looks like that's a feature LPerry has implemented, although not as a static item:
EM3 Feature List said:
Number of Work Units you have done in tooltip over score.

Taken from here: http://home.comcast.net/~wxdude1/emsite/em3.html
I will have to check the tooltips... my computer is fucked up, I will have to wait until I get home from work.

that will be nice to have that feature...

some of this is new to me. The last distributed project I was into was RC5-64, and at the time I was in the top ten.
Have you done the basic Memtest86+ and Prime95 tests to make sure everything is stable? Ran them for 1/2 to 1 full day? Folding is really tough on a computer and will show how unstable a computer is really fast.

yes yes I said in my opening post.

crashes at OC and stock speeds the same way... memory and prime tests out fine.

nothing else crashes... only the 5.03 client... not the windows9x client.
Yashu said:
yes yes I said in my opening post.

crashes at OC and stock speeds the same way... memory and prime tests out fine.

nothing else crashes... only the 5.03 client... not the windows9x client.
y are you running the win9x client? that is an older version and doesnt pick up the better protiens? if you are running XP....run the 5.04 console version....you are running into problems using the 5.03 Gui client cuz yea...that is what it does.
Yashu said:
"better proteins"?
I expect he means points wise. But yeah, as everyone else said, if you're having stability problems with the GUI client, get the 504 console, and use EM3 to monitor. WU counts are available on the stanford site or hardfolding.
Yashu said:
"better proteins"?
newer ones to the cause.
the win9x client is less optimized and doesnt get the newer protiens that are begging to be crunch on your rig and really you shouldnt be even running it on win98...the console runs on 98 too :)
roftranspo said:
newer ones to the cause.
the win9x client is less optimized and doesnt get the newer protiens that are begging to be crunch on your rig and really you shouldnt be even running it on win98...the console runs on 98 too :)

I've been wondering if the console would run under Win98. I've got a few clunkers doing timeless with the GUI client. The download site doesn't list 98 for the console. :confused:

Celerator said:
I've been wondering if the console would run under Win98. I've got a few clunkers doing timeless with the GUI client. The download site doesn't list 98 for the console. :confused:

I've run the 5.0x series consoles on Win98SE, and have had to go back to 4.0 to regain stability. Did something substantial happen in 5.04 to make it worth another try?

roftranspo said:
i had 5.02 running just fine on win98
I *thought* it was running fine as well, until I looked at the logs and saw all the incomplete WUs being tossed back. Blew 5.02 out, reloaded 4.0, they never threw another bad WU 'til the day I shut 'em off.

I might try 5.04 on the XP boxen when I restart the solo cores in September.
