Facebook Ads Target You Where It Hurts

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
It looks like Facebook’s targeted ads are pissing people off. I know advertisers think they are slick but shaming people into buying your products is pretty lame.

After my quaint status update about the muffin top ad, Facebook got even more vicious, like a schoolyard bully provoked by my initial reaction. With the knowledge that I was engaged to be married, the site splashed an ad across the left side of the screen playing into a presumed vulnerability. Do you want to be a fat bride? You'd better go to such-and-such Web site to learn how to lose weight before the big day.
If you put your info out there, its bound to be used against you at some point.....we are all guilty.....even as I type this.....
It's all part of the advertising machine. I'd rather have targeted ads than ads that have my complete opposite interest.

I do not need to see cialis ads, I do not need to see "save the earth" ads, what I do want to see is ads of ladies, cars, power sports, computers, etc.
If you put your info out there, its bound to be used against you at some point.....we are all guilty.....even as I type this.....


At least the ads are targeted correctly. "Female - Lesbian" "Do you suffer from erectile disfunction? Try Viagra"
Wow, getting butthurt over an ad on the Internet on a free website no less. Hmm, maybe you shouldn't use facebook anymore if you are that sensitive.
You're right about them going for the supposed insecurities. I'm 24 and listed as single. I keep seeing ads that proclaim "24 and still single?", like it's something I should be worried about. I'm like "yeah, I'm a college student, goddam right I'm staying single!". Plenty of time for marriage and crap later on, thankyaverymuch!

Still, the little video ads when you log off of myspace bug me more. I keep getting ones for some singles site that looks like chicks are talking into a video cam or something. After 5s, they just look ridiculous.

I never understood the fascination about Facebook and MySpace. I understand some people use it for business to stay 'mainsteam' but otherwise it seems like a glorified attention grab. Not mention the whole putting all your information out there. To each their own I guess.
You're right about them going for the supposed insecurities. I'm 24 and listed as single. I keep seeing ads that proclaim "24 and still single?", like it's something I should be worried about. I'm like "yeah, I'm a college student, goddam right I'm staying single!". Plenty of time for marriage and crap later on, thankyaverymuch!

Still, the little video ads when you log off of myspace bug me more. I keep getting ones for some singles site that looks like chicks are talking into a video cam or something. After 5s, they just look ridiculous.


Amen! Getting married before/in college just takes half the fun out of it. And for the annoying videos, you should checkout Adblock Plus if you have firefox. :)
I hate ads, but I have to admit these newer online websites keep getting better at finding the right targets, I swear one day the programs that crawls all these web pages are going develop an AI and take over...

I think newegg has started doing something similar

All I see now in the daily deals are items that I have recently viewed... I used to love the daily deals because it would show me something I may have not been interested in getting but did anyways, and at least thought I was getting a "deal". Now it seems they just take what you have most recently viewed, throw it up with a for 3 dollars off to tempt you to buy it....

It is smart marketing but I hate seeing the same things up there every day...
I saw an ad for a dating site that said "You're 31 and still single?"

You don't get Facebook? How old are you, seriously? I rarely update my facebook and it's still an invaluable resource.
I think newegg has started doing something similar

I've thought that for awhile now. I've noticed that if I'm browsing on the web site, the next day or so I'll get an e-mail with promo codes for similar crap. Worked too; this fish has bit more than once. I'm okay with it, they are good deals on stuff I actually want/need.

Maybe that facebook chick really did need some help with that muffin top?
Facebooks ads are retarded IMO, but I understand why they're there. I post a few articles here and there that are actually degrading and taking shots at the Obama campaign for the President..

and what does Facebook do?

Gives me a perma-ad basically to buy Obama buttons to show my support. It's almost always on when I login.
i dont see what the big deal is here.

firefox+ABP plugin = no ads!

problem solved!

Ever since I changed my status from in a relationship to single they have been giving me almost nonstop singles ad "27 and still single?" "Near 30 and not married yet" "learn to approach women"

See... I have a nifty trait that helps me with such ads. I'm fucking oblivious. I don't even notice the ads. That's why when people ask me what adblocker I recommend, I say, "Why? You pay attention to ads?"
I keep waiting for [H] to have ads that say "Are you pasty white?, try spray tan".

"2 AM, drunk and typing on a forum? Try an inflate-a-date" Free shipping!

I never understood the fascination about Facebook and MySpace. I understand some people use it for business to stay 'mainsteam' but otherwise it seems like a glorified attention grab. Not mention the whole putting all your information out there. To each their own I guess.

My thoughts exactly. Some of the people IRL seem to only have one for the purpose of knowing how many friends they have. :rolleyes:
LMAO. Entrapment! This thread is about Facebook's ads, it's only inevitable that people are going to be talking about ad blocking.

Rules: http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?p=1026133236#post1026133236

(23) Any discussion of AD BLOCKING software or instruction for using ad blocking regarding this forum or any other discussion in general of attempting to block advertisement will result in a no questions asked permanent ban on your account. This is not done lightly, rather deliberately to deny access to those who choose to utilize this forum, but not support our sponsors. It takes money to finance the cost of bandwidth, especially a forum of this size and if you don't care enough to support us through our advertisers, then we don't need your business. This will be the only warning with no discussion.

Did the staff feel [H] was too crowded? :D
I never understood the fascination about Facebook and MySpace. I understand some people use it for business to stay 'mainsteam' but otherwise it seems like a glorified attention grab. Not mention the whole putting all your information out there. To each their own I guess.

I have family all over the country, and friends all over the world. Some of them are military and move around a lot. Sites like Facebook allow an easy place to keep in touch, and that is what I use it for.
I never understood the fascination about Facebook and MySpace. I understand some people use it for business to stay 'mainsteam' but otherwise it seems like a glorified attention grab. Not mention the whole putting all your information out there. To each their own I guess.

I know I personally don't put any of my information on it, I just use it for girls and to keep in touch with them mostly :p
As others have said, that's what you get for placing your information where anyone can read it. If she is expecting businesses to play nice, she's completely mistaken. I can understand the use for such sites, but I still encourage the information that a person makes available to be kept minimal.
See... I have a nifty trait that helps me with such ads. I'm fucking oblivious. I don't even notice the ads. That's why when people ask me what adblocker I recommend, I say, "Why? You pay attention to ads?"
I agree with you i don't even notice ads.
Meh, Facebook is another fad. I stopped using it except to look at family photos, it's just MySpace 2.0 (beta) now.

But kudos to them for properly using targeted ads. It's obviously still early in development, but they'll definitely be raking it in even more now that their ads can have much greater relevance. Besides, READ THE DAMN TOS. If you aren't happy with it, go do your thing elsewhere. You knew good and well what Facebook's terms say. Hell, even their developer terms piss me off.
I don't think some of you get it. Yeah people use it as a E-Peeing contest but it can be used to keep in contact with family and friends. Just because you think it's a place where punk kids try out do each other doesn't mean its a bad idea.

At least for me the problem is that every time I'm in there and the ads get through they seem to grab only to a trait or two and run it into the ground. Example, lets say you told a friend some information that made them think that you felt fat, or that you think you may have ED or couldn't get pregnant. Now every time they see you they give you some sort of brochure about it. For some reason you see this person a lot because to get something you want you have to go through them. Now can you understand how it can get annoying?
I think the writer was being a little overly sensitive, but then most journalists are overly sensitive... its what I cant say fuck, shit, ♥♥♥♥, pussy, dick, and many other such words in public without being branded as a prude
Facebook's new look is horrible which is nice because I'll use the site even less. It has about the same half-life as AOL software.