Facebook Co-Founders Give $170K to Pro-Pot Measure

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I wonder how much money the state of California would make/save if they A) Legalized, and therefore tax/regulate marijuana and B) release all prisoners from state prisons serving time for marijuana related offenses (typically people just serving time for possession with no violent crimes they are also locked up for), which could also ease the prison overpopulation stuff as a side benefit.

Of course none of that factors in what the Feds would do in response. Obama I guess before being elected support some decriminalization and wanted to stop medical marijuana DEA raids (but apparently he's fallen back on both of those positions now, especially the drug raids which still continue).

I for one can't wait until the entire boondoggle that is the "War on Drugs" is over. Prohibition of alcohol failed in the 30's, why can't we learn that it doesn't seem to work for drugs as well?
I wonder how much money the state of California would make/save if they A) Legalized, and therefore tax/regulate marijuana and B) release all prisoners from state prisons serving time for marijuana related offenses (typically people just serving time for possession with no violent crimes they are also locked up for), which could also ease the prison overpopulation stuff as a side benefit.

Of course none of that factors in what the Feds would do in response. Obama I guess before being elected support some decriminalization and wanted to stop medical marijuana DEA raids (but apparently he's fallen back on both of those positions now, especially the drug raids which still continue).

I for one can't wait until the entire boondoggle that is the "War on Drugs" is over. Prohibition of alcohol failed in the 30's, why can't we learn that it doesn't seem to work for drugs as well?

Well, some drugs should be illegal. Any drug that can be easily and accidentally misused with permanent side affects, including coke, x, heroin, meth... all of those should certainly remain illegal.

But, imo, pot much less deadly than alcohol. I don't think you can smoke yourself to death.
Would love to move to CA if it does go legal.

I live in MA and hope things start going the same way here.
If they do end up legalizing it, not much point in taxing it. Pot is piss easy to grow so who would ever actually buy it? The only reason they don't legalize it is because there would be no money in it.

May as well just decriminalize it and let the people decide if they want to smoke it or not. Absolutely nothing wrong with a little pot aside from of course the health concerns. Everything in moderation. Cigarettes and alcohol are much worse offenders than marijuana.

Someone mentioned pot was a higher cancer risk than cigarettes? Last time I checked, people don't smoke a pack of 20 joints a day. If they did, they'd be pretty fucked up! lol
If they do end up legalizing it, not much point in taxing it. Pot is piss easy to grow so who would ever actually buy it? The only reason they don't legalize it is because there would be no money in it.

May as well just decriminalize it and let the people decide if they want to smoke it or not. Absolutely nothing wrong with a little pot aside from of course the health concerns. Everything in moderation. Cigarettes and alcohol are much worse offenders than marijuana.

Someone mentioned pot was a higher cancer risk than cigarettes? Last time I checked, people don't smoke a pack of 20 joints a day. If they did, they'd be pretty fucked up! lol

Interestingly. There is not one single study linking pot use to lung cancer and the like. Granted. Smoking anything is certainly bad for your lungs, but after all this time there has been no statistical link to cancer. Personally if it were legal I'd go out and buy a vaporizer.

I'm not saying pot is good for you, but it has very mild side effects compared to some of the legal recreational drugs, cigarettes and alcohol, in particular. One of the biggest problems is there isn't a good way to determine impairment of someone who's just smoked a bowl. With alcohol it's very easy to determine how much they've had to drink and whether on not they're over the legal limit which raises some legal difficulties in keeping it out of the work place and stoned driving; Since as far as I know there's no really good way to determine THC level. There's no pot breathalyzer.
There are exponentially more reasons to legalize Cannabis then there are valid reasons to keep it illegal. If you agree I would suggest that you support LEAP, it doesn't have to be monetarily. Leap consists of past and present law enforcement officers, judges, politicians, and people like me and you. They are the voice of reason in a sea of hysteria and those who profit from prohibition.

http://www.leap.cc/cms/index.php + http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LayaGk0TMDc

As a libertarian I concur with John Stossel.

John Stossel
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CGlD50mdbs (6 parts)

John Stossel
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYb6lmnEu7o (6 parts)

Judge Jim Gray, "The government has as much of a right to control what I as an adult put into my body as it does what I put into my mind. It's none of their business."

$69 billion dollars down the rat hole every year.
There's no pot breathalyzer.

To counter this, the NZ police will now perform field sobriety tests on people that pass a breathalyzer test but still appear to be impaired.

"Police will first perform a standard breath test, and if the driver passes that but appears impaired, the officer can then require the driver to perform a Field Sobriety Test (standing on one leg, etc). If the officer then believes the driver has failed that test, they can compel a blood test. Any traces of cannabis residue, which for regular users can permanently stay in the blood, will be enough for conviction, whether or not it is enough for impairment."
As an employer I certainly don't want any one coming to work impaired. It's grounds to be fired on the spot, but what they do on their own time is none of my business so long as they don't bring it into the workplace with them.
If its made legal it better be a ZERO tolarance while driving.

There already is a ZERO tolerance for driving while drugged/drunk.

If they do end up legalizing it, not much point in taxing it. Pot is piss easy to grow so who would ever actually buy it? The only reason they don't legalize it is because there would be no money in it.

Good quality pot is not piss easy to grow. Yes just about anyone can throw some seeds in the ground and come back 3 months later to some decent ditch weed. However, Good quality pot requires A LOT of attention and care, and there are a lot of people who just don't have the time/patience/or know how to grow it. There will always be a demand and a source of revenue to tax.
...............and there are a lot of people who just don't have the time/patience/or know how to grow it. There will always be a demand and a source of revenue to tax.

Precisely. It's totally legal to brew your own beer. There are tons of stores that sell anything you need to brew any specific recipe of beer you desire.

How many people brew their own beer? Not many. But liberty is having the right to make your own and the freedom to choose not to.
Interestingly. There is not one single study linking pot use to lung cancer and the like. Granted. Smoking anything is certainly bad for your lungs, but after all this time there has been no statistical link to cancer. Personally if it were legal I'd go out and buy a vaporizer.

I'm not saying pot is good for you, but it has very mild side effects compared to some of the legal recreational drugs, cigarettes and alcohol, in particular. One of the biggest problems is there isn't a good way to determine impairment of someone who's just smoked a bowl. With alcohol it's very easy to determine how much they've had to drink and whether on not they're over the legal limit which raises some legal difficulties in keeping it out of the work place and stoned driving; Since as far as I know there's no really good way to determine THC level. There's no pot breathalyzer.

The studies of drinking/smoking have been massive compared to the studies of pot, it should also be pointed out it took ages until smoking was considered bad so you'll excuse if i feel a slight case of deja vu.
If its made legal it better be a ZERO tolarance while driving. AND it should be perfectly legal for employers to terminate employees for testing postive.

As a supervisor I dont need pot heads on my team, and should have the right to fire them for it. If you want to smoke pot and flip burgers then go ahead. But I wouldnt have you working on a network, DB, system, that has millions of dollars invested in it.

Plus how would you feel when you find out your school bus driver tested postive for weed and you cant do anything about it.

I agree 100% with the driving part and the employee termination.
However, I do want to let you in on a little secret. I'll bet some of your hardest and most productive workers smoke pot. I'll also bet they wish they didn't have to hide like a criminal.

Also, the drug test your company requires is not a drug test. It's an IQ test. Trust me, you cant afford to truly drug test everyone. It's also clear you don;t know much about school bus drivers.;)
lol tried it before, and I can say is that its pretty stupid to legalized it, being stoned is far worst than being drunk, and believe me getting addicted to it is really intense. yeah if you want to say its cool but seriously, there is something wrong with society to legalized it.
lol tried it before, and I can say is that its pretty stupid to legalized it, being stoned is far worst than being drunk, and believe me getting addicted to it is really intense. yeah if you want to say its cool but seriously, there is something wrong with society to legalized it.

You must be trollin.:D
If its made legal it better be a ZERO tolarance while driving. AND it should be perfectly legal for employers to terminate employees for testing postive.

As a supervisor I dont need pot heads on my team, and should have the right to fire them for it. If you want to smoke pot and flip burgers then go ahead. But I wouldnt have you working on a network, DB, system, that has millions of dollars invested in it.

Plus how would you feel when you find out your school bus driver tested postive for weed and you cant do anything about it.

How is this any different than people drinking alcohol on the weekends? If you get caught using it during company time of course you should be fired. What you do on the weekend and off of company time is none of your business. If people can recover from a weekend of heavy drinking and show up for work on Monday, I don't see why people who smoke can't?
lol tried it before, and I can say is that its pretty stupid to legalized it, being stoned is far worst than being drunk, and believe me getting addicted to it is really intense. yeah if you want to say its cool but seriously, there is something wrong with society to legalized it.

OMG weed had a negative affect on this ONE person, somebody call the white house and have them kill this!! You sir are trollin lol

I want ONE person to even show me a valid argument of why alcohol should be legal and pot should not. ZEEEEEEEEEEEERO deaths from an overdose of pot compared to how many for a MUCH more harmful drug we like to call alcohol?? :D
OMG weed had a negative affect on this ONE person, somebody call the white house and have them kill this!! You sir are trollin lol

I want ONE person to even show me a valid argument of why alcohol should be legal and pot should not. ZEEEEEEEEEEEERO deaths from an overdose of pot compared to how many for a MUCH more harmful drug we like to call alcohol?? :D

Yea, when I read his comment it made me think of those "cured" gays. Riiiiight. :rolleyes:
Liberals will be happier than potheads in Cali.

YEAAAAAAAA something new to tax and waste on worthless members of society.
There are at least 5 posts in this thread about taxing it. It will most likely be taxed to the point that the criminal black market will still thrive.
California. Schwarzenegger, himself, said that he didn’t support decriminalization but recognized that officers and courts can’t afford to “expend limited resources prosecuting a crime that carries the same punishment as a traffic ticket.”

Come to kentucky please
the only harm from cause by pot is caused by the laws against it.

anyone who doesn't understand that has completely bought into the government propaganda.

some pot users are douchebags, don't blame pot for douchebaggery, they were gonna be that way pot or not.
lol tried it before, and I can say is that its pretty stupid to legalized it, being stoned is far worst than being drunk, and believe me getting addicted to it is really intense. yeah if you want to say its cool but seriously, there is something wrong with society to legalized it.

Getting addicted to weed is really intense?

Ok first of all you can't be physically addicted to weed, and second there aren't any withdrawal symptoms because it isn't physically addictive!

It's really saying something when weed is a cure for an alcohol-induced hangover. This plant is truly a healing herb that has commercial uses as well. Just think about all the secondary sources of income if weed is legalized. Hemp can be used as bio-fuel I believe, but many states have even outlawed hemp because of the very slight amount of THC it produces.
Well, some drugs should be illegal. Any drug that can be easily and accidentally misused with permanent side affects, including coke, x, heroin, meth... all of those should certainly remain illegal.

But, imo, pot much less deadly than alcohol. I don't think you can smoke yourself to death.

no they shouldn't. The legal status of those drugs cause more problems than they fix.

The research is out there, I suggest you read about it.

This would be a better country if it was all legal and regulated like other legal drugs.

I love how much people talk about freedoms, and then say they have the right to tell others what to do with their bodies.

and no, you can't kill yourself with pot.
I love how much people talk about freedoms, and then say they have the right to tell others what to do with their bodies.
Haha yeah right. A perfectly healthy man wanting to get himself fully/physically castrated won't exactly fly. :rolleyes:

So much for gender-equality.

Just kidding, but still! :D
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