Facebook Cyberbully Jailed in UK

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
Not to be outdone by the US in online idiocy, a teen in the UK was the first person there jailed for cyberbullying. Keeley Houghton, 18, posted that she would kill the victim, Emily Moore, also 18, on Facebook. Houghton was sentenced to 3 months in a youth offenders institution after pleading guilty to harassment.

District Judge Bruce Morgan said: 'Since Emily Moore was 14 you have waged compelling threats and violent abuse towards her. Bullies are by their nature cowards, in school and society. On this day you did an act of gratuitous nastiness to satisfy your own twisted nature.'
Look on the positive side... this case leads to a 3 month sentence instead of years, since the judge could've easily gone much further than what was handed down onto Keeley the troll in question.

On the not so positive side, a legal precedence has now been set, meaning that every single court that is based on the English common laws now can use this as a template to hand out criminal sentences on trolling being accessory to induced murder. Other courts will cite this as an example in legal decisions.
Last month, an inquest heard how a schoolgirl took a fatal overdose of painkillers after bullies waged a hate campaign against her on Bebo.

Wow kids are so stupid.
On the not so positive side, a legal precedence has now been set, meaning that every single court that is based on the English common laws now can use this as a template to hand out criminal sentences on trolling being accessory to induced murder. Other courts will cite this as an example in legal decisions.

Responsibilty back in the world?? What will we do?!?

The virtual world is replacing the physical world, there for the rules will slowly follow.
"Bullies are by their nature cowards, in school and society. On this day you did an act of gratuitous nastiness to satisfy your own twisted nature"

The British have a way with words that I just love.
"Bullies are by their nature cowards, in school and society. On this day you did an act of gratuitous nastiness to satisfy your own twisted nature"

The British have a way with words that I just love.

I love how they insult in British parliament:

"I'm not asking you to infer but I believe that some where, someone may or may not be construing what you have recently stated to be what can be considered a more or less retarded statement"
Well this will teach people that nastiness will not be tolerated online. If anyone does not like someone else, just keep to yourself ;)
This is not anywhere near what happened in the U.S.

This girl made a direct threat against the life of someone that she had bullied for years in the real world -- AND left proof. If something like this would happen in life, it would be deny, deny, deny. This girl was a fucking idiot and left proof. It would be like her handwriting a note to the girl, signing it, and then getting it notarized.

The other lady got fucked. This girl got what she deserved--and only because she was moronic enough to post it online.
But think of it this way. Those that are trying to cause emotional harm should expect the same handed to them in every way possible, including and not limiting to governmental resources. The courts can and I would say should utilize its power to cause emotional harm to the guilty.

So, should your hearts bleed when a troll gets out-trolled when handed down with the criminal and civil litigation hammer? I would argue not.