Facebook Follies Get Trooper In Trouble

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
If you are a state trooper, it is probably a good idea to steer clear of Facebook while you are working. If you like posting pictures of yourself drinking and pointing your firearm at another cops head, you should probably avoid Facebook in your off time too. Also, if you like talking about killing homeless people….you guessed it…don’t do it on Facebook.

ISP says Pestow was supposed to be on duty at the same time he apparently wrote, "Chris Pestow is keeping the mean streets of Fishers safe and free of trash." A friend quickly responded to that post. "Hmmmm. how are u keeping the streets safe ... if u r on facebook? :)," the friend wrote.
Indiana's finest keeping you safe. If he wants to call people garbage then you could call a State Trooper a meter maid ticket writer with a gun and accident scene traffic controller. :rolleyes:
Florida highway patrol gave me a ticket for 96mph when I was only going 75mph :mad: The officer even tried to antogonize me into a fight with him. I just laughed at him, went to court, and got it wiped. I don't think a 1993 Toyota Tercel with an ass blasting 95 horsepower could even do 96mph? lol :D FHP cars routinely drive over 100mph and tailgate on the florida turnpike without any lights, many police too. My parents were even hit by a police car that ran a red light while in route to a call. Another police car was in a wreck down the street from my house for the same thing. So be careful of law enforcement drivers if you decide to visit Florida! lol

PS You gotta be somewhat gungho and overconfident to wanna do their jobs!
The vast majority of cops are good people and yes, some of them are dumbasses.
here's a clue, they can be complete assholes and have good intentions.

You mean like Democrats? wow.

That's like telling the guy that's building your house that it doesn't matter how many nails he bends building it so long as it gets done. Or handing out a 'participation award'. Or accepting said award.
When are people going to learn don't post the dumb crap on facebook. I wonder if he is going to keep his job I have a feeling he will not:p
Facebook and Myspace are good things since it helps society single out the most idiotic people. Then we can laugh at them.
If you are a state trooper, it is probably a good idea to steer clear of Facebook while you are working. If you like posting pictures of yourself drinking and pointing your firearm at another cops head, you should probably avoid Facebook in your off time too. Also, if you like talking about killing homeless people….you guessed it…don’t do it on Facebook.

Truly, if you're a police officer and like/find it funny doing any of those things and acting in such a manner even in your personal life, never mind just not posting it on Facebook, you shouldn't even be a damn cop, because you'd have to be a mindless troglodyte to "get off" on such.

Actually, anyone like that should post it on Facebook... that way they can be caught and fired. Let fools like that go flip burgers somewhere, and let real men and women enforce the law.