Facebook, Greenpeace in Truce Over Data Centers

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
You have to wonder how these two came to a truce and what it means exactly when they say the two will "work together" to promote clean energy?

But Greenpeace wasn't happy that Facebook picked a power company that generates most of its electricity from coal to power the data center. It started a campaign to get Facebook to use renewable energy. It attracted some 700,000 supporters on Facebook. Facebook says it will work with the group to promote clean energy.
Screw Greenpeace. Their organization is just legal terrorism.


Granted working to make your company a little more environmentally friendly is never a bad thing, but I would of told them to go fuck themselves just on principle.

Granted working to make your company a little more environmentally friendly is never a bad thing, but I would of told them to go fuck themselves just on principle.

Yeah that's my opinion too. Nothing wrong with clean energy, especially if you're going to run a monster of a datacenter like Google's. But Greenpeace still need to do a lot more to repair their image.
Green Peace: Start walking East or West, continue until your hat floats, bunch of Wacko Morons.
We all know EXACTLY what it means. It means Facebook will donate a shitload of funds to them to keep them doing shit for a paycheck. At least the Nazi's had some dignity to them.
Ive always wondered why these data centers arent built under apartment stuctures in norther areas... get double use out of the heat generated and moved.
Probably not shookdown persay... but I think that some checks probably moved between hands.
Oh yea, +1 on the legal terrorism thing. Green peace would probably be better off making their own powerplant instead of harassing other people. Convince people by proving it can be done, and done better.
Why does any company give any credence to these leftard cretins I'll never understand.
Coal is pretty clean in the grand scheme of things.

Yep. I spend quite a bit of time at a coal plant on PC & printer service calls, and it's rather amazing how clean it really is.

Greenpeace can get bent.