Facebook Is About to Lose 80% of Its Users

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Facebook is like an infectious disease? I don't know, that sounds pretty accurate to me. ;)

Basically, Facebook users will lose interest in Facebook over time as their peers lose interest — if the model is correct. ”Ideas, like diseases, have been shown to spread infectiously between people before eventually dying out, and have been successfully described with epidemiological models.”
While I can agree with the idea that the article is talking about, I am not sure about the time frame or the numbers.

Yes there will come a day where people suddenly decide that they really don't care about facebook anymore and will stop using it, as people stop their friends will start to decide that they also might as well stop as their friends left. but not sure where the numbers or days come from other than him just making them up.
Unless there is some up and coming social network I'm unaware of that resembles Facebook then this won't happen.
facebook is easy/to the point and too many families are connected at this time. The problem with these articles is social media is no longer a new, emerging market its about 7-10 years old depending on the platform. facebook is here to stay until their expenses outweigh their profits. google+ is not catching on. I know about 1 out of 200 people that use it more than once a month, vs 199 out of 200 that will use facebook even those that claim they hate it.

however the people that hate social media dont use alternative options either. that or they are the type that dont care/out of touch with tech like my parents. i can rarely get them to use email.

google+ is for geeks
facebook is for friends/family
myspace is for nobody anymore that i know of, it use to be teens/20s and musicians

then you have marketing companies or organizations that have their own social sites to some effect.

then you have the social type news sites.

twitter has its nitch similar to facebook.
Exactly what the article said. Their using data on google for facebook query. Maybe slight decline, but not concluding the data being mobile which most all users on fb or on now. I cannot for see fb declining its use at any rate, but build a broader market on the mobile side. As of now, you can get in touch with international without paying for loading phone cards, and text messages through sim carriers. This right here is how we stay in touch with a simple internet connection and not extra other fees.
wait,people actually use Google+?

Judging from all the reviews that are still happening on the Google Play store--which I can no longer review myself because I flatly refuse to create a CreepyUncleGoogleWatchesGPSCoordinatesOfYourBathroom+ account--I'd have to say there are plenty of Google employees rating apps, at least.
There are enough narcissists born every minute to keep this pestilence of a service alive for many years to come. Surely there are changes in demography happening and new services will arise and take some segments. But facebook currently stains a huge percentage of products with their logo and that reach will guarantee them new consumers/members for a long time to come.

I am ashamed to have been on there for two months about 8 years ago - a nauseating experience of an online theater, with people "selling" their boring lives as happening and profound through poor photos and even poorer writing.
wait,people actually use Google+?

Believe it or not, Google+ is a pretty intriguing platform... and to answer your question, no.. no they don't use it. Last time I logged on an honest to god tumbleweed blew across my screen.
Judging from all the reviews that are still happening on the Google Play store--which I can no longer review myself because I flatly refuse to create a CreepyUncleGoogleWatchesGPSCoordinatesOfYourBathroom+ account--I'd have to say there are plenty of Google employees rating apps, at least.

Why u no like me? :D
Facebook is here to stay until some new media platform comes along. Social media is a big thing, people are connected. Facebook helps connect people in a single place. From family to friends to companies. All in a single site. It's great for that on desktop, tablets, mobile. Until they can come up with some new idea (not just another social site), Facebook will stay. People may stop playing the games (doubtful) or whatever, but it still keeps people connected. Sometimes, too much.

Google+ is fine, but it's just awkward. I have a lot of geek news, but it's a jumbled mess to read.

So, Facebook competition won't come from just another social site. It'll come from a different type of site that does more than just display what people are up to, IMing, things like that.
The increase in ads on Facebook isn't helping the situation. I can imagine the tipping point will be related to advertisements.
Sounds like someone wants the stock to go down. That's all I took from the article.
I am ashamed to have been on there for two months about 8 years ago - a nauseating experience of an online theater, with people "selling" their boring lives as happening and profound through poor photos and even poorer writing.

Couldn't help but point out the obvious here....
wait,people actually use Google+?

Believe it or not, Google+ is a pretty intriguing platform... and to answer your question, no.. no they don't use it. Last time I logged on an honest to god tumbleweed blew across my screen.

It makes a very convenient forum-ish platform. Lots of Android devs and dev teams use G+ in place of having to maintain a dedicated forum. Works fairly nicely most of the time.
Unless there is some up and coming social network I'm unaware of that resembles Facebook then this won't happen.

when you were a kid, was ANYTHING that your parents did cool?


Exactly. Now parents are on scene and the kids are going to run. I called this over a year ago and it WILL happen.
Facebook is far to integrated on the web to disappear, how many people use facebook to login into every other site out there..
when you were a kid, was ANYTHING that your parents did cool?


Exactly. Now parents are on scene and the kids are going to run. I called this over a year ago and it WILL happen.

Pretty much 100% true. No one in their right mind is going anywhere near Facebook if their parents are hanging out on it. That's why there's kinda a shift to instagram. FB is for blue hairs trying to seem modern or trendy but they haven't yet figured out that they're not on any trend but the one that other old people are trying to be on.
Love how they model a Social Networking site as an infectious disease. Props to the author, and PhDs who used that analogy. However Pro-tip or Lay-man tip (whatever), what type of disease have they classified this as. If its a simple, stomach virus...(my-space) then yes over time, the "infection" can be cured and stopped (how many MySpace buttons do you see floating around). However FaceBook from day 2, has been about integration, advertisement, and longevity management. This is no ordinary "stomach bug" at random taco joint. Facebook knows what happened to MySpace and others before it. They product plan like no other, and realize the only way to sustain market share, usage rates, and investments is through providing a business model that will never end. Facebook is like a smart RNA virus.....always adapting
when you were a kid, was ANYTHING that your parents did cool?


Exactly. Now parents are on scene and the kids are going to run. I called this over a year ago and it WILL happen.

I think this is grossly overstated.

What about drinking, smoking, swearing, driving, staying up late, etc.?

Eventually we all become our parents. So long as Facebook proves to be a valuable tool, regardless of age, then everyone will continue to use it. When I was a teenager, I still shopped at some of the same stores, or ate at the same restaurants as my parents.

By the time teens are ready to move away from Facebook, they are going to college and suddenly need a more reliable way to stay in touch with a wide variety of friends and family. Vine is not the answer. Facebook is.
NoAgenda, "the Best Podcast in the Universe" (now twice a week) pointed this out ----> from Time Magazine's Mark Zuckerberg Person of the Year 2010 article

The door opened, and a distinguished-looking gray-haired man burst in — it's the only way to describe his entrance — trailed by a couple of deputies. He was both the oldest person in the room by 20 years and the only one wearing a suit. He was in the building, he explained with the delighted air of a man about to secure ironclad bragging rights forever, and he just had to stop in and introduce himself to Zuckerberg: Robert Mueller, director of the FBI

Yeah.. always glad to provide sensitive and private personal info about myself to a company that has the Director of the FBI wandering it's hallways.
Pretty much 100% true. No one in their right mind is going anywhere near Facebook if their parents are hanging out on it. That's why there's kinda a shift to instagram. FB is for blue hairs trying to seem modern or trendy but they haven't yet figured out that they're not on any trend but the one that other old people are trying to be on.

No. Since Facebook went public they are simply trying to milk this cow for everything it's worth for investors. Attract mom! Attract Dad! Attract grammy and grandpa too!

Remember the original users of Facebook? College students. You had to have a .edu address and everything. I don't know a single one on Facebook anymore - especially knowing how much it can fuck up your professional career.
No. Since Facebook went public they are simply trying to milk this cow for everything it's worth for investors. Attract mom! Attract Dad! Attract grammy and grandpa too!

I just seen a 63-65 year old man posting a picture on his FB account using his FB app on his phone yesterday and asking the question what does 'lol' mean (He was Mexican and not fluent in English). I was like yeah FB's in that zone right there...lol.
Facebook went from being a fad to to an outlet for aggressive extroverts and attention seekers just like MySpace, the only thing that's "saving" it is Zuckerberg was wise enough to expand its clientele beyond youth and to start a datamining operation (having the government at your back helps). Some people will stay, most will move on.
I predict a fire sale within 2 years. Zuckergeek will bail and go buy an island somewhere to retire on.

I think he can do that now :)
Gradually, it's becoming Myspace. Facebook is a perfect example of how you take a clean and simple interface to communicate with a select group of people and turn it into a shyt heap. For the life of me, I don't know why companies do this.

Oh wait:

Its funny that even with forcing users to be a part of it, that Google+ is and will always be a complete failure. Facebook was once simple, and "good enough", but it is a textbook case of relentlessly catering to shareholders that has brought it down.

I wonder, if in some version of the future, that people refuse to sign a TOS that removes all rights to privacy. That a company would be willing to rely solely upon a few banner ads to maintain profitability, without poking their nose directly into people's private data. I doubt it.
The only way people will leave Facebook is if something replaces it. There is nothing to replace it. Google+ isn't a replacement, it is a complete joke that somehow got labeled a social network.
i think facebook is for a lot more than just keeping in touch with friends and family. It is nearly another Craigslist if you use the groups. I've been using it A LOT to buy retro game stuff and even used it to sell some guns locally and buy ammo from people.