Facebook Only Has 5 Years Left

I sure hope so but I hope that it is people getting real lives, not another web site taking its place.

Note: I hate facebook, twitter, myspace, spacebook, bookspace, mybook, and etc

Think people should just get real friends and stop hanging out with people on the internet.
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Myspace tried to change too much of it's CORE components and architecture integrity. Once they began to strive to be a 'facebook', they flopped and so did all the users who were at it's fan base. Facebook has not changed much of this and generally humankind does not like change.

I don't think so. Myspace didn't start copying Facebook until it was already on the rapid decline. I think the generation of Myspacers that made it popular went to college and joined Facebook. Then once Facebook opened up to non-college students, all the younger teenages wanted to be "cool" and join the college crowd so they switched. This, along with with the fact that facebook was infinitely more user friendly promoted parents/aunts/uncles and everyone else to join and "connect" with their younger, college kids, which was a demographic that Myspace never had in the first place.
I don't think so. Myspace didn't start copying Facebook until it was already on the rapid decline. I think the generation of Myspacers that made it popular went to college and joined Facebook. Then once Facebook opened up to non-college students, all the younger teenages wanted to be "cool" and join the college crowd so they switched.

i agree with that.
Hard to say. People's been predicting the downfall of World of Warcraft for quite some time now and it's still millions of players strong. When it comes to internet games and sites where close friends and family members gather around, it's hard to break it up. Nobody likes to be alone, even online.

Yeah, but then again you don't want to do everything with your mom in the room, even if it is a kind of virtual room. I think if something comes along that makes sharing only what you want with whom you want simple and reliable, it might stand a chance.

The social networking field hasn't seen a hell of a lot of refinement that wasn't purely technical, visual, or geared towards pimping you out to advertisers. Facebook was a little better technically and a boatload better visually than myspace, and kicked it's but in the long run.
Christ, what ever happened to giving someone a phone call any more?

Ditch this bullshit.

Alternatively: What if Valve made a social networking thing built into STEAM? :D
Okay look, the kind of people who use both Facebook and Myspace, the people who have made either site popular - are teenage girls.

Teenage girls, if you don't know, have very low attention spans. They migrate like turkeys every few years.

So, yes, this is 100% true. Only question is - who's going to build the next thing? I hope it's me!
i honestly dont see the whole social network site concept going away anytime soon
and facebook has such a stronghold they just have to avoid big mistakes to stay on top
I cannot stand Facebook I hope it does fade away. Its all a popularity contest to me who can get the most friends ect ect. Or just nosey people who have no life of their own. Where do you think the term "Facebook stalking" came from.

Another teenie-bopper fad.

You're doing it wrong.
something better will come...just look at AOL..everyone was on it and where are they now?
I laugh when I see people with AOL email addresses..
only thing that will cause Facebook to decline is some sort of video software used in the same way as Facebook
something better will come...just look at AOL..everyone was on it and where are they now?
I laugh when I see people with AOL email addresses..

Yeah and what about windows? Everyone used to use that shit and....oh wait.
honestly, I always like the simplicity of myspace to the "LOOK AT ME" complications of facebook.

Facebook was okay when it was exclusive to students and business networking, it's ridiculous now. As is twitter.

This whole self promotion when you're not interesting in the slightest is retarded. I don't give a fuck if you just bought new shoes, you delusional narcissists.
I should mention, I will pretend to care about your new shoes if I wish to put my penis inside you.

I will even tell you how pretty they make your ugly fucking feet look.
when I see the title of this thread an interesting fact comes to mind....

95% of all internet statistics are made up...
i only use facebook to get deals and coupons from the big manufacturers.
thus, I feel that i am forced to use facebook.

who knows. facebook may be successful for the next decade.
manufacturers throw up deals on their facebook,
people signup for facebook account to get deals,
more people use facebook,
and advertisers throw more money at facebook.

it's like an infinite loop
That "gay movie" topped the box office and is in the top 150 films on IMDB.

IMDB is all hype.. before the movie even came out they had shill reviewers (obviously from facebook and microsoft (part owner in facebook) write a bunch of reviews, check for yourself if you think I'm lying. There was 10/10 stars or whatever.... nobody cares about IMDB unless you want to see what actors are in a movie.

I hate facebook, I saw the movie, it was obviously all clever marketing. That's all it is, a myspace with some harvard brains and money behind it..... if you think otherwise then you just don't see the full picture.
i only use facebook to get deals and coupons from the big manufacturers.
thus, I feel that i am forced to use facebook.

who knows. facebook may be successful for the next decade.
manufacturers throw up deals on their facebook,
people signup for facebook account to get deals,
more people use facebook,
and advertisers throw more money at facebook.

it's like an infinite loop

Yeah, I only made a facebook account to spam and post my comments on (an obviously facebook paid) news site that had the little facebook login as an alternative to creating an account on their own site. Just to save a few minutes and keep from logging into email and doing a whole new account for some crappy site. Otherwise, it doesn't get used like the 2,000,000+ fake accounts on facebook.
I have some tinfoil hats I think you may be interested it :rolleyes:

You could say the same nonsense you're spouting about any company on the planet. If a company never marketed itself or created any hype for it's products they would all die. You could say the same thing about Google and its products, Apple and its products, or even Microsoft and it's products.

3 years ago TV shows and the like DID say crap like "check us out on Myspace." Sure, they didn't say anything about Twitter back then because it was just getting started. Facebook is still around, and it's bigger than ever.

Regardless of hype, Facebook is too ingrained into society at this point to simply die off. In the same way people simply say "Google it" when they mean to search the internet, people also say "Facebook me" when they want you to contact them.

Comparing something like Crocs to Facebook is retarded.

So many wrong points... sorry man, you don't know jack about facebook besides logging into it apparently.

You use facebook daily, amirite? :D

Tin foil hat??!?!?!? ROFL
I'm bookmarking this so that in 3 years from now I'll laugh at your predictions. Where do you live by the way? Crocs are all over the city here in Chicago.

Miami. Nobody wears them, and its hot here! The only legit thing I've seen them niche out is people that work in Hospitals, a few RNs I've seen, but not the entire floor.

Here's what I said on one of my stock trading websites 8/25/08.... (talking about the CROX stock and business plan)

Ugly fad shoe that will tank by 2010.

Even one of Crocs own TV commercials boasts a guy who hates the way they look... THEY ARE RAIN BOOTS, CUT TO THE ANKLE WITH HOLES... c'mon... really what is the purpose of wearing them besides the ability to say "I've got crocs!" .. ???

After the peak of the fad (around 6 months ago I'd say) I have seen less and less spottings of Crocs.

Honestly, I can't believe they made it this far... but hey, so did Lil Wayne and Soulja Boy in hip hop and they're completely horrible too.
>Facebook's only got
>Facebook's only got
>Facebook's only got
>Facebook's only got

I want to put their editor in a triangle choke.

I would like to thank Steve for correcting this when submitting it to us. I wish I had abstained from the click-through.
I don't use facebook. I have an empty private account that I signed up for only to keep tabs on a relative serving in Afghanistan. I checked in about three times and found the page full of annoying useless crap.

I haven't logged in for months.

But I don't see it being replaced. It is ubiquitous. Almost everyone into social networks is on FB. There is a massive barrier to leaving because that is where their friends are as well.

In 5 years I think it is near a dead certainty that FB will still be the top social network and likely bigger than it is today.

In 10 years who knows. No one can really predict anything 10 years out anymore.