Facebook Page Used To Issue Traffic Citations

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
India has turned to Facebook to for extra revenue…errr, I mean…to enhance public safety by issuing traffic tickets. Fans of the Facebook page submit photos and video so all the authorities have to do is mail out the tickets.

The traffic police started a Facebook page two months ago, and almost immediately residents became digital informants, posting photos of their fellow drivers violating traffic laws.
This proves people cannot keep their noses out of other people business
As if the US is any better....

The government might be worse, but the general population isn't that bad. They won't actively stick their noses into someone else's business just to see them pay fines. (I'm a foreign resident in the US so I think I'm unbiased)
The government might be worse, but the general population isn't that bad. They won't actively stick their noses into someone else's business just to see them pay fines. (I'm a foreign resident in the US so I think I'm unbiased)
Video vigilantes, 'nuff said.
The government might be worse, but the general population isn't that bad. They won't actively stick their noses into someone else's business just to see them pay fines. (I'm a foreign resident in the US so I think I'm unbiased)

I may be in the minority here, but quite frankly, I don't think traffic infractions are - or should be - a private matter. People whoa re risking other peoples lives with their behaviors - wheter they realize or acknowledge it or not - should be punished and it is everyones business to punish them as hard as possible so they change their ways.

I would love if something like this existed over here.

It's attitudes like the above that exist in gang culture, where the person doing the right thing, and telling the cops about criminal activity, is made to be the "snitch", or the bad guy.

Remember, the "snitch" is the hero. The people doing the bad shit that are being "snitched" on are the bad guys.
I dunno, with the way people drive sometimes, I wanna snitch them out, pissing me off.

As for India, its like China I heard, where like no one follows traffic rules
Oh man I wish I could do this. People drive down my street at 60mph all day long (limit is 30mph). Two people killed and countless animals killed. All in a 1/4 mile area.
Zarathustra[H];1036009838 said:
I may be in the minority here, but quite frankly, I don't think traffic infractions are - or should be - a private matter. People whoa re risking other peoples lives with their behaviors - wheter they realize or acknowledge it or not - should be punished and it is everyones business to punish them as hard as possible so they change their ways.

I would love if something like this existed over here.

It's attitudes like the above that exist in gang culture, where the person doing the right thing, and telling the cops about criminal activity, is made to be the "snitch", or the bad guy.

Remember, the "snitch" is the hero. The people doing the bad shit that are being "snitched" on are the bad guys.

We have 911 for a reason, to report this sort of behavior. Doing so over facebook is not acceptable to me, that is a public forum where these matters should not be on a public site(unless published as DUI or something)
i would like to report people like that. i dont care what people think, dont mess around and you wont get in any trouble ffs
Yeah, if this was busting people video taping going 200 in their rice rocket then fine. But having civilians post photos of this? Unless this was someone the cops saw and he got away or someone who actually hit/ran over someone, then fine, but turning everyday people into big brother just has all sorts of wrong stamped all over it. What's to stop a clever photoshop of someone you absolutely hate just to get them in trouble? You honestly think the police are going to spend any time or money into verifying all photos are legit?

Granted I have one annoying fucker on a motorcycle (lives like way the hell down the hill from me too) who almost nightly roars by setting off every car alarm along the way (it's probably illegally loud), and I'd love to bust him some how, but what? here's a tape recording? I'd more likely like to pull a thin wire across the street and decapitate the fucker.
Since the cops or other authorities do absolutely jack squat to promote traffic safety, I always thought it would be a cool idea for people to take the matter into their own hands.

My idea would be to set up a web site like "BadDriversLasVegas.com" or something and everytime I see someone break a traffic law, take down their license plate number (with photos if possible), and then later post it and other personal info on them along with their violation to at least publicly humiliate them.

Traffic safety is a serious issue, yet no seems to care enough to do anything about it. It boggles my mind.
god I wish we had this here, im so sick of people thinking they can do whatever they like. People that double/tipple park in parking lots, I mean if you drive a big pickup or something thats harder to park, then go park in the back of the parking lot, not take up 2 or 3 stalls because you cant park it properly. I was just at the west Edmonton mall over the weekend and I counter 4 vehicles in just 1 section tht did this. Or those that park on sides of the streets because they only need to go inside for "1 minute" and cant find a good parking spot.

or my favorite is the ones that come flying down the highway cutting everyone one off and swerving in and out of lanes. Lots of times i can see them coming and all i would need is my cell (while im in passenger seat, or have my wife do it of course lol)