Facebook Responding To Your Feedback

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Responding to a mountain of criticism, it looks as though Facebook might be listening to those of you that are not happy with all the recent changes made to the ultra popular social networking site.

Since we launched Facebook's home page design, we've received thousands of e-mails, Wall posts and comments from you along with direct feedback from all of our friends and family. If you've already given us feedback, thank you. Hearing what you have to say, whether criticism or praise, helps us build a product that serves you better.
The new FB is definitely a step in the wrong direction. They've been continuously taking FB in the right direction with every new iteration of it but this new one... was so far off the bulls eye they may as well not have even bothered.
Facebook was good until they added News Feed and Applications...

Also, that was before anybody could do it. It was nice to have a college-only platform, so it wasn't made into shit by loser teenagers and middle-age mothers who want some action...

FUCK Facebook, go back to two years ago...
It was fine in it's original setup, it's become progressively worse/more cluttered with every update. I don't want to know that Sarah is feeling jolly today or that Bobby stubbed his toe, too much info now.
It was fine in it's original setup, it's become progressively worse/more cluttered with every update. I don't want to know that Sarah is feeling jolly today or that Bobby stubbed his toe, too much info now.

This is my sentiment exactly.
The links appears to be broken? Looks like its on the facebook side, can't get to blog.facebook.com. Facebooks broken!
It was fine in it's original setup, it's become progressively worse/more cluttered with every update. I don't want to know that Sarah is feeling jolly today or that Bobby stubbed his toe, too much info now.

Couldn't agree more.
Two days ago I had a message on FB telling me that my aunt just learned her stripper name.

THAT crossed some line. I'm not sure what line, exactly, but it was crossed.

Mine was Fanny Dangle Glitter.
Too many whiners. Just be happy it doesn't look like MySpace and get over it.
Facebook was good until they added News Feed and Applications...

Also, that was before anybody could do it. It was nice to have a college-only platform, so it wasn't made into shit by loser teenagers and middle-age mothers who want some action...

FUCK Facebook, go back to two years ago...

Somone needs to make an old school facebook.