Facebook Teen’s Father Shows Some Tough Love

I'll just say it...
Yes he went extreme on the situation, but he was in a very emotional state. I'm sure her outcome will be not as harsh, but at least ingrained in her mind that she shouldn't disrespect her parents openly on facebook.

The problem is that this is what leads to stupid overreactions in the first place. It's what led to her overreaction and his overreaction. And in North Carolina, it leads to many worse overreactions.

The wise person has some presence of mind about these things.
Buncha crybabies in this thread.

For real.

Seems liek the people in genmay have a better grasp than the forum population in general.

The thread in genmay is full of kudos and this one is full of whining.
The problem is that this is what leads to stupid overreactions in the first place. It's what led to her overreaction and his overreaction. And in North Carolina, it leads to many worse overreactions.

The wise person has some presence of mind about these things.

Presence of mind? Why have presence of mind when you can do things the [H] style.

By the gods, you make those little shits fear you! They should shit their pants whenever you come home from work for fear that you're just going to round up everything they own and set fire to it! That'll show those worthless little piles of crap! Show them who's in charge!

I sometimes wonder why some people even have kids. Spend a bunch of money raising them, then alienate them so terribly that they turn 18 and never speak to you again. Save yourself the money and get an abortion if that's how you want to play it.
Did anybody else before they clicked play, before they read the headline at all - think for a split second 'What's Kyle doing sitting outside holding a sign I can't read?'
I think he's quite fair here. Looking at the details, yeah, I think he is. In fact, from what I see most of the time, parents are just too fucking soft on their kids. I'm not advocating military style parenting here, just put effort into finding the middle ground. That daughter? She definitely deserves it.
I think he's quite fair here. Looking at the details, yeah, I think he is. In fact, from what I see most of the time, parents are just too fucking soft on their kids. I'm not advocating military style parenting here, just put effort into finding the middle ground. That daughter? She definitely deserves it.

Well lets think about this for a sec.

Daughter whines a bit on Facebook. Dad shoots laptop.

Daughter gets caught stealing from dad. Dad ______________

Daughter gets caught doing heroin. Dad _______________

Fill in the blanks, where does his go from here?
Well lets think about this for a sec.

Daughter whines a bit on Facebook. Dad shoots laptop.

Daughter gets caught stealing from dad. Dad ______________

Daughter gets caught doing heroin. Dad _______________

Fill in the blanks, where does his go from here?

Shoots daughter? Everybody wins.
This was a great video, except it was missing the whipping and beating that the girl will receive.

Also why didn't he sell the laptop on [H] to get some cash so he can start publishing his book on proper parenting in the 21st century? He was a little softer that what my dad would have done to me is all I am saying.
Well lets think about this for a sec.

Daughter whines a bit on Facebook. Dad shoots laptop.

Daughter gets caught stealing from dad. Dad ______________

Daughter gets caught doing heroin. Dad _______________

Fill in the blanks, where does his go from here?
Hmmm....slippery-slope fallacy?
Kids need punishment/disciplinary action, it's the only way they're going to learn how to appreciate things and that for every action there is a reaction. My parents disciplined me when I was young and I grew older and came to understand where I was out of line and why I was disciplined.

I was, however, disappointed about his course of action. I would have preferred he set the laptop vertically in a makeshift wooden vice and hit it with one or two shotgun blasts but I suppose he was going for safety here since he probably doesn't have a dirt mound in the immediate area to block any loose shot.
Dad send her ass to the cops and she gets jailed.

He seems to be someone who wants his kid to be responsible, if a bit uptight about it. I doubt he'll send her to jail on the first go because he actually seemed like he tried to be reasonable, but she kept pushing.

The people on here saying he's gone to far seriously needs a reality check. I wouldn't be surprised if her life goes to hell when she's 18, cuz if she keeps it up I doubt he's gonig to look out for her as he apparently has been for before this. He seems to have spent a damn good amount of money to help her with her computer and she bitches about him asking her to get coffee? Are you fucking kidding me? And the list of her "chores" is mostly her stuff anyway, she act likes she's being made a slave, hardly.

He's the parent, parenting does not mean he has to make her bed. Seems like he's asking reasonable things to help her in her future life. It didn't even include cooking. And you guys think he's the bad guy?
Well lets think about this for a sec.

Daughter whines a bit on Facebook. Dad shoots laptop.

Daughter gets caught stealing from dad. Dad ______________

Daughter gets caught doing heroin. Dad _______________

Fill in the blanks, where does his go from here?

What is "Shoots laptop"?
BTW I see a factual mistake in a few postings here - she didn't post that as a public Facebook message. He stated clearly that part of her punishment was that HE was going to make public what she wanted private (her Facebook comment was a private message, not public) by reading what she wrote in private for everybody to publicly read.
It was not a private message. It was a public message that was posted after she adjusted he privacy setting to block "family" then added everyone but the family dog account to that "family" listing. She made an error in her setting that allowed him to still see the post.

That would be similar to someone here who has GM access and post something bad about a member who don't have GM access without realizing that it's a free sneak peek weekend for GM. It's not a private message, just a normal post but wasn't meant to be seen by the person being talked about.
Hmmm....slippery-slope fallacy?

No, because I'm not suggesting that the punishment would inevitably escalate.

In fact the opposite, he's kind of gone as far as he can go (legally) to punish her, and for a relatively minor offense. When she does something more serious that requires a more severe punishment to correct the behavior, he's got nothing left in his bag of tricks.
That Dad or Father or w/e is the biggest crybaby I have ever seen.

You made a youtube video to dis her? Really?
You don't respond to childish behavior by acting like a child yourself. That's just bad parenting.
lol at all the crybabies in this thread. Guess what? Your actions have consequences. She was warned last time and ignored it... now she lives with the consequences.
I fail to see the flaw in this

Parent sees child acting out of control, takes child aside to parent them, teach them from right and wrong, and gives the child a, in my eyes, decent punishment for acting out

Three months of grounding later, father restores childs privileges, hoping that maybe he was able to teach her that acting like a spoiled brat wasn't the best thing to do in life

He then sees her posting this on facebook, actually gotten worse, and why? Cause his parenting obviously was not severe enough

This, my friends, is where the father took the proper initiative and bumped up the severity of his punishment, not only does she had no phone, no tv, no car access, she now has no computer, so while she may some day get her phone and tv privileges back, the one thing she won't be getting back, the computer, cause she obviously doesn't know how to use it

To those of you saying "Well she'll act out then cause she's bored, she'll go do drugs and have sex" you would make the worlds WORST parents. If your child does not respect you, even after taking away their stuff till they grow up, then you have no other recourse then to bump up the punishment yet again.

A child turning to sex and drugs because a father PROPERLY parents their child, is a child that is being a ungrateful punk, this is in no way, shape or form a result from the father trying to teach her proper life lessons. A child using her bad behavior -AS AN EXCUSE- for a father being a good parent is literally one of the most selfish people alive.

When I continued to break the rules, I had my toys taken away and SOLD, and at the age of -SEVEN- I had this happen, I never did break the rules again afterwards. Shooting the laptop is the same level too me as taking away toys, if she doesn't learn respect now, she'll never learn it and the only thing you can do is kick her out the door at 18 and go "Have fun, cause you think life's a party!"
Also, respect is earned. I wouldn't respect this guy if he were my father. What he did was bullying, attention seeking, and a huge overreaction to what happened.
Seems two types of response's: those who are still kids, and those who have teenagers.

Respect your elders and things will always go better, show disrespect and things will go south. It's too simple for most folks to remember it these days.

I would have finished the video will a bill for the bullets and upgrades + onsite fee myself.
He seems like an abusive prick but then again she is also at that age 15 or 16, so who no's, Looks like these walls we build, Around us crumble.
Albert ur a NOOB
He is dead on
I want him for President!

We already had this guy for President.


Looks like her father is trying to get his rationale out to the internet on this subject. The viral video has now reached 15 million hits. :eek:


I like how he said on Facebook that he'll never ever do anything this public ever again. Guess he learned his lesson that family business needs to remain family business.
Let see I was:
Spanked, slap, fed stale dog food, spanked in public( around her age), hand placed on a warming stove, locked out of the house, had my toys thrown in the garbage, drank my own chemical concoctions, soap in the mouth, something w/ dog crap(can't remember that one).

Poor kids, they have it so rough these days.

And lemme guess, you turned out fine didn't you? Therefore the kind of behavior you describer is a perfectly reasonable way to treat children.

...BRB off to hold my kids hand on the stove because she wet her bed last night.
No, because I'm not suggesting that the punishment would inevitably escalate.

In fact the opposite, he's kind of gone as far as he can go (legally) to punish her, and for a relatively minor offense. When she does something more serious that requires a more severe punishment to correct the behavior, he's got nothing left in his bag of tricks.
There's more--and still legal.
Saw this posted on MMO-Champ and it was just as sad then.

Screams redneck parenting at its finest. :rolleyes:

Teaching children things is one thing, teaching them to rage out on a viral video is just laughable.

What's next? She torches his puter while he's asleep? lol :rolleyes:
Martin Luther King said:
Hate begets hate; violence begets violence; toughness begets a greater toughness. We must meet the forces of hate with the power of love... Our aim must never be to defeat or humiliate the white man, but to win his friendship and understanding.

The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. … Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
The whole quote is too much for this situation, so I bolded the relevant part. I left the whole quote, because, you know, Black History Month and all. :)

Anyway, the daughter was punished once, so the father turned up the heat. Possibly going too far. Now the ball is in the daughters court, will she back down, or will she feel a need to retaliate with much more force. Keep in mind she is a teenager.

Who wins in the end?
Anyway, the daughter was punished once, so the father turned up the heat. Possibly going too far. Now the ball is in the daughters court, will she back down, or will she feel a need to retaliate with much more force. Keep in mind she is a teenager.

Depends on the kid. That's why this kind of overreaction is so dangerous. It's not as simple as "Be super strict and your kids will turn out to be paragons of humanity." if parenting was that easy, there'd be no disobedient kids in the world.

The fact is, this kind of thing can and does often incite emotional & hormonal teenagers to retaliate. A teenager could easily walk away from this with the impression that the correct thing to do when someone wrongs you is to destroy something they value.

I hope for this dads sake that his daughter isn't the vengeful or vindictive type of teenager.

Here's exactly what I would have done at that age:

Find something daddy really loves, say, his fancy .45, and put that shit in the nearest river.

Who wins? Nobody wins when you get into a pissing match with your own kid about who can be the biggest prick.
Let see I was:
Spanked, slap, fed stale dog food, spanked in public( around her age), hand placed on a warming stove, locked out of the house, had my toys thrown in the garbage, drank my own chemical concoctions, soap in the mouth, something w/ dog crap(can't remember that one).

Poor kids, they have it so rough these days.

Are you for real? Seriously? THAT is your comment? THAT is what you have to say?

So if my dad cuts my left arm off then today's kids are doing fine because they have both arms hanging on their sides? Do you UNDERSTAND how extreme the things you describe that happened to you are?

Have you got any sense at all in order to understand just how low it is to ironically address today's kids the way you do because they are not spanked in public? or eat stale dog food (!!!!!!???) or have their hand placed on a warming stove? (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) or drink their... piss???? (!) or.....

Your parents did all these? Who was your father, jigsaw? And now what, you applaud them for it?

People who, just because they went through some seriously bad and messed up shit in their lives, want to pass around the pain screaming "I had to take it, now YOU take it", are the absolute worst kind.
One thing I don't get about the "I had it this way as a kid, so it's fine for my kids" comments...

Don't you want your kids to have a better life and childhood than you had? That's not to say shrug off punishments or responsibility (which are absolutely crucial to instill in your children), but do you really believe your parents did it the best way? Just because you had it, it makes it the best way?
Depends on the kid. That's why this kind of overreaction is so dangerous. It's not as simple as "Be super strict and your kids will turn out to be paragons of humanity." if parenting was that easy, there'd be no disobedient kids in the world.

The fact is, this kind of thing can and does often incite emotional & hormonal teenagers to retaliate. A teenager could easily walk away from this with the impression that the correct thing to do when someone wrongs you is to destroy something they value.

I hope for this dads sake that his daughter isn't the vengeful or vindictive type of teenager.

Here's exactly what I would have done at that age:

Find something daddy really loves, say, his fancy .45, and put that shit in the nearest river.

Who wins? Nobody wins when you get into a pissing match with your own kid about who can be the biggest prick.

You know what would be worse? If the daughter went to the police department and said she doesn't feel safe living there due to a [false] threat of violence, and then she shows the video to the officer on duty.
You know what would be worse? If the daughter went to the police department and said she doesn't feel safe living there due to a [false] threat of violence, and then she shows the video to the officer on duty.

Yup....that is just the kind of thing I'd almost expect out of this. Kids may be hormonal and stupid, but they're not dumb. If there are step-parents involved they more than likely have some experience how to play to the authorities
I would never have thought of posting something like that about my parents. Personally, I think a lot of this has to do with how and the environment you are raised in. From the sound of it, this a family where the kids have no parents in the home when they return from school. Did this guy over react? Yes. Was the girl's actions worth this level of reciprocation? No, he could have deleted her facebook page and made her do the chores she claims to have to do. Teenagers are hormone laden beasts that over react and are barely able to function in any kind of normal manner. This isn't an excuse, but it isn't a justification for you to act the same way.
good for him he stood up and acted out on his warning, dumb he shot the thing could have donated it to some place like a school or something then the vid would have been a +2 and good for calling her out like that to her friends, kids have 0 respect for their parents nowadays, and it shows as the girl did it again so now next time she might say hum im not doing that again or i really want a new pc im go get a job.
good for him he stood up and acted out on his warning, dumb he shot the thing could have donated it to some place like a school or something then the vid would have been a +2 and good for calling her out like that to her friends, kids have 0 respect for their parents nowadays, and it shows as the girl did it again so now next time she might say hum im not doing that again or i really want a new pc im go get a job.

Nope. It teaches a kid that reacting emotionally and destructively to stupid things is an acceptable and adult response. Absolutely the wrong message you want a kid to see.