Faceplate Design Contest

Dec 8, 2004
I am working on making a new faceplate for my computer, but I can't draw to save my life. So, I thought I'd have a contest for everyone here to help design one! The winner will get $25, in addition to having their design immortalized in aluminum.

Specifics for the design are:
Contest ends April 2nd, just so no one thinks its an April Fools Day joke.

The basic idea is for an interesting fan grill design. There are 3 120mm fans right next to each other that need a way to get air in, and plain circles are so dull.

The design will be cut from a 1/8" thick aluminum plate, so keep that in mind, as it will be difficult to make tiny details with my drill and dremel.

The design must fit in a 6" high by 17" wide area, so use it to its fullest!

This will be seen in public, so sorry, no pr0n.

Notes on my skills, materials, etc.
I am fairly skilled with a Dremel, so straight lines and curves are equally welcome.

The power switch is a touch switch, consisting of a seperate metal piece glued on top of the Al. So feel free to use that as a design element. (it can be/will be made of another metal, like silver, Ti or brass, so it could be used as a highlight, like the iris of an eye, for example). There are no other switches or a fanbus (all fans are temp controlled).

I can't really add 3D elements, like a fiberglass skull, but I can add thin layers of other metals, kind of like how you'd glue on peices of construction paper in preschool. Metalas include aluminum, brass, copper, titanium, steel, iron, stainless steel, and even a couple dime sized peices of silver. I also have clear plexi, of course.

I can also do etching of the Al plate.

The finish will be bare metal. I can leave it "natural" or polished. I can do some limited painting (ie the entire peice to be painted one color) but would prefer to leave it bare.

Here is the old design, to give you a bit of an idea of what I am talking about:

As I have filled the entire thing with hard drives, there is no longer a need for a optical drive opening, so the whole 6"x17" can be used for the design.

Please post your submissions here so we can all see and comment on them. Also, if you have any questions, please feel free to post them as well. Of course, if I only get a couple submissions, I reserve the right to not choose one. Hopefully that won't happen though.

Once the contest is over, I'll start working on the plate, posting pictures and updates as I go.
can you give us a shot of it in the following manner:

Full front faced
no wires hanging in front of it
very little non-case showing along border (read closer pic)

Can you do that? So it is easier to mess with in photoshop?
Tiny: Make a new image in photoshop that is 6"x17" and go from there.

Bigboy: I am not sure what you mean by making fun of groups, but as long as it's tasteful I don't see a problem with it.