Factory Refurb LCD?


Limp Gawd
Jun 5, 2004
Anyone have any experience with these? I've bought other refurb parts in the past (mostly CRTs and cameras) and been happy with them. I'm currently being tempted by a refurb 275T that's $350 cheaper than the lowest price on a new one . . .
I personally think if you buy directly from manufacturer the refurb quality should not be a big issue. At least they own the brand.
AFAIK Samsung refurbs are available only through dealers, not directly from Samsung.
Well, what guaranty do you get? At least one year? Personally I'd willing to give a refub a chance :)
One of my Dell's is a refurb and side by side with the 2 store bought, you can't tell a difference, nor can you while gaming. Good enough for me.
I'd just make sure there is a good return/exchange policy in case of bad pixels, scratches, etc...
I just got my hands on a Nec 20wmgx2 not a short while a go for a little over 200 with tax + shipping. Manufacturer refurb with a 1 year warranty....I got mine from directron....So far, 100% loving it except for the banding issue, but others have it also, so it's not a quality problem....

Just make sure they have a good return policy if the model doesn't have a warranty....But I'm 100% happy with mine, 0 dead pixels, absolutely flawless condition, and even came with 0 hours on the sucker ^_^....
I ended up buying a refurb Vizio 42" from tigerdirect for $799 Cdn. Only a 30 day return/exchange warranty from td, td's extended warranty blows but apparently a better warranty is available directly from Vizio. There's a 2200+ post thread on this tv at avsforum and only a few reports of problems, so my hopes are high.

I read through td's refurb info and apparently "refurb" doesn't always mean the product is returned and refurbished. Damaged packaging, overstock, clearing out old models etc also counts as refurb. So as the poster above indicated, it's possible to get a brand new unit sold as a refurb. I'll report back when it arrives, probably next week some time.
Got my refurb VU42LF today. Very happy with it so far; looks to be in pristine condition with zero dead or stuck pixels. The screen on my 245bw, rotated to portrait mode, is almost exactly the same height as the Vizio screen. :)