Failure to send work units


Mar 15, 2000
Anyone else having an issue sending work units to Stanford?

I have 2 clients trying to send to this IP and they keep bombing. It isnt too big of a deal, but these SMP WU have tight deadlines and I want it to get through before that window expires.

[15:04:15] + Attempting to send results
[15:04:15] - Reading file work/wuresults_05.dat from core
[15:04:16] (Read 27538170 bytes from disk)
[15:04:16] Connecting to
[15:04:37] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[15:04:37] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[15:04:37] (
[15:04:37] Could not transmit unit 05 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[15:04:37] + Sent 0 of 1 completed units to the server
[15:04:37] - Autosend completed
The server is up but its under a heavy load.

How close to the final deadlines are you running. ?
The client should try every 3 hours to upload your work.
So unless its very tight give it 6 hours or so.
If very tight, you could try the -send all switch but that will put more load on the server.

You could also go to the folding support forum and mention that the server is a bit bogged down and you cannot upload the work.

Luck .............. :D
Thanks man, I shouldnt be too close, I probably have 1.5 days at this point, Ill give it some time before I try to do anything else about it.

I just was trying to determine if it is me or the this point it looks like the server.
If your not sure go and read this.
It gives the steps to check if you cannot upload-download work, etc, etc.

Ninja-ish edit. I've just check my boxen & have just uploaded 3 wu that where being queued.

Luck ........... :D
What happens if you attempt to upload a WU too late due to a server issue? Do you lose that WU?
Thanks for the read Tiger, I just checked and mine went through as well.

Apollo, I am not sure, I would assume you may lose them if they get in late, even due to a server issue.
I would assume that Stanford does a bit of accounting every once in a while. In some cases if there is a server that's overloaded, they should know this and give a bit of leeway on returning WU's.

There have been other times where WUs seem to have gotten lost even after being sent back. I believe that just happened to me yesterday. I believe I show no points yesterday yet I know my P4 at work successfully sent in a dgromacs WU and yet it's not showing up.

There have been times in the past where all of a sudden people got 1000's of points overnight when something like this happened before.

Earlier today, I had an SMP WU that didn't want to upload and stayed that way for a while. Once I got home an checked out the box, it showed that it got sent back just fine and I've been credited with that SMP WU. I'm getting ready to send back another SMP WU pretty soon from my X2 system. Hopefully it will have no trouble with it. I didn't worry about the stuck WU much as the client was able to grab another WU and start crunching on that. I normally don't even get close to the deadlines so I have plenty of time to get a WU uploaded.

Also, I would assume that the WU has a record of when it was finished and if it takes a while to upload it which would push it past the deadline that you would still get credit for it since the problem is not on your end unless you managed to lose your net connection or something like that.

This is just something which happens every once in a while and will probably keep happening for the foreseeable future. Don't stress it too much.

There have been other times where WUs seem to have gotten lost even after being sent back. I believe that just happened to me yesterday.

I have had two get lost in the last week... hopefully my points show up eventually... but if not... no big deal, as long as the work was received.... that's all that really matters.

I have had two get lost in the last week... hopefully my points show up eventually... but if not... no big deal, as long as the work was received.... that's all that really matters.

Sometimes they will show up after a couple of extra updates or a couple of extra days. In some cases, it turned out to be a widespread problem that Stanford looked into and over the next couple of days people were having some very amazing days as far as points were concerned.

I think my lost WU ended up dropping in the last hardfolding update. I shouldn't have had more than 1 WU show up and it shows that there were two. More than likely that was my missing WU.

I was also mistaken earlier. My X2 system had uploaded it's WU much earlier in the day. My C2D was just spitting out another 1760 pointer. Looks like it's going to be a pretty good day pointswise for me.:D
