Fake Heat Evaluation


Limp Gawd
Feb 12, 2009
I received an email the other day from Heatware that someone left me some negative feedback.

I went to check, and never heard of this person. He is new and has 0 evaluations. He said I sold him a GTX680 and never sent it to him. I never owned a GTX680!

I'm working with Heatware to get this removed, however it usually takes a few months for them to respond/resolve.

I speculate it's a user that I left negative Heat for a about 6 months back. He then left me retaliatory Heat that was later fixed/remove by the HEAT team.

He was recently banned from Hardforum for bad selling practices, and I think he has some hard feelings or something and wants to troll my Heatware.

Just a warning to others in case they see some fake heat evaluations from this user.

Here is my heat:

That's crappy.

I wouldn't mind knowing who this individual is personally, since odds are he's already created a new fake account here and is well on his way to rejoining the FS/FT forum.

(Please don't post names unless you get permission from the mods first)
Right - I won't post the name since I have no proof it's him. I just wanted to share in case others get fake evals.
It one case in 2011 I had someone using my Heatware to 'sell' things on a Bitcoin exchange. He scammed them out of the goods and I took the heat. It was removed, of course, but you may want to see if there's a scammer out there using your alias.
It one case in 2011 I had someone using my Heatware to 'sell' things on a Bitcoin exchange. He scammed them out of the goods and I took the heat. It was removed, of course, but you may want to see if there's a scammer out there using your alias.

The "buyer" claimed the transaction was done on hardforum, and OP has his hardforum username on his heatware page, so I doubt that is the case. Unless the buyer was extremely stupid, in which case he probably deserved to get scammed (not really, but still).
I wouldn't mind knowing who this individual is personally, since odds are he's already created a new fake account here and is well on his way to rejoining the FS/FT forum.

(Please don't post names unless you get permission from the mods first)

With just a few seconds and a few mouse clicks, Its not too difficult to figure out who it is..as far as them creating another account, while it certainly is possible, trust me when I say none of them go unnoticed....whether or not they are allowed to stay is entirely up to the admins and is heavily dependent on what they were originally banned for
I'd say that you should at least leave a comment on the negative feedback explaining the situation for any would be future buyers/traders. You can still do that on HW, right?
I'd say that you should at least leave a comment on the negative feedback explaining the situation for any would be future buyers/traders. You can still do that on HW, right?

I agree with that. I would even go so far as to call the account a "fake" in your response, as as evidenced by the fact that it has no heat.
Mention that a search of your forum name here never showed u selling that card, a search for that forum name on [H] turns up nothing, and that even a google search for that user name turns up nothing.
(I wouldnt even leave feedback for it myself)