Faking out programs on comp specs?


Sep 14, 2004
I think this sounds like a bit of a weird question, but I'll ask anyway.

A game I just recently began playing with some friends, requires atleast a P4 1.2Ghz CPU.

At my one house I can run this no problem, however at the other, I only have a 1Ghz CPU. Now I'm pretty positive I can run this game no problem with this setup, as other components more than exceed min requirements (Vid Card, RAM).

Is there any way to fake the game out, and make it think a better processor is installed? I only ask because I can't really afford to upgrade it yet.

Age of Empires 3 is like this. It pissed me off knowing the 1.3Ghz was just under what the startup program looked for in the processor. I really hope it dosent measure AMD the same as Intel with clock speed.
The game is called Rakion, it's free.

The computer which won't run it:

Intel Celeron 1Ghz
AOpen AX34 Socket 370 Motherboard
768MB Generic RAM
GeForce 5700LE
120GB WD IDE Hard Drive
DirectX 9.0c
Win XP Pro

The System Requirements can be found here: System Requirements

Now I'm pretty positive I'll be able to run this game, but it simply won't let me, and I won't be getting very far in it since I can only play it on the one system.
p4 and celeron are a pretty big difference in addition to the lower clock speed that the game requires. all ur other specs look good, but i don't think it will let u run it. i dunno anything about faking the game out, but just wanted to point out the p4 and celeron difference.
Yes, I know thre is a large difference, however running this thing on low settings @ 640x480 shouldn't be a problem. If this computer can play games like Doom 3, I'm pretty positive it would be able to play this.

I understand where they're coming from as to we don't want you to play if you can't properly enjoy it. Or we don't want you to mess up other players, but something like that would come moreso with connection lag than anything computer based I believe. If my specs were really so horrible at running it, I just wish I could give it a shot and see how absolutely unplayable it becomes.

EDIT: And thanks for moving the thread tot he right place.