'Falcon 4.0: Allied Force' is out!

I'm really interested in this game. I was all about flight sims when I first got into PC gaming, going all the way back to games like Stunt Island so this kind of reminds me of old times, albeit this is much more complex but that doesn't frighten me away from it. I have a few questions though; how well would this run on my PC? Are 16:10 widescreen resolutions supported? It would be nice to have the added FOV.


2500-M Mobile Barton OC'd to 2.5ghz
1 Gig corsair ram PC3200

What about joysticks? I dont really have any place locally I could test them out.
Shouldn't have any problem with your PC. Remember, the game was targetted to be runnable on an Athlon/Pentium-III 1ghz.

1gb of ram has pretty much always been needed (it was the VERY first game to benefit from it, AFAIK), and the new graphics updates do benefit from a DX9-level GPU. Not for any fancy effects, but it has been re-optimized for this generation of card.

As to the joystick - well, the one I linked an image to on the first page is the Saitek X45. It's universally regarded as the best flight simmer joystick for the price. Sure, you can go higher....but it's really, really diminishing returns.

It is completely programmable - you can map any keystroke to any button - and it...umm...has a LOT of buttons. There is a thumb switch on the throttle that switches the stick through 3 modes. And the pinky switch on the throttle can act as a 'shift' to the buttons (or, either can be programmed just as regular buttons). Using both as they are designed, though, each button on the stick can have one of SIX functions (a base function for each of the three joystick modes, and a 'shifted' function). Mapping the same function to multiple buttons, or the same buttons in multiple modes, is perfectly fine, so this is a great feature. I tend to map one mode with buttons using air-to-ground functions, second mode with air-to-air functions, and third mode as basic navigation functions.

You can usually find X45s online for $40-$60.
I was unable to look at any of screen shots,as I am deployed and behind a massive firewall. I am lucky that [H] is one of few forums not blocked...any game site is blocked here too.

Bummer no Rivet Joint in the game, we are a HUGE player when it comes to the battlefield enviorment....how do think the F16Cj knows where to go to blow up what radar...
Okay after hearing that Flaming Cliffs give full 6dof support for LOMAC I am not so interested anymore. I know it does support TrackIR but nothing beats 6dof :).

Also that SU 25T is so sexy.
oqvist said:
Okay after hearing that Flaming Cliffs give full 6dof support for LOMAC I am not so interested anymore. I know it does support TrackIR but nothing beats 6dof :).

Also that SU 25T is so sexy.
Problem is that LOMAC/Flaming Cliffs is still just scripted-campaign-city.

I mean, if you like flying the same EXACT missions over and over each time you play a campaign, I guess, sure, it's not bad. Certainly is pretty. But the radar modelling and campaign just don't hold a candle to Falcon 4.

(And, I'm sorry, but regardless of HOW nice a cockpit looks, one in which you CANNOT CLICK A SINGLE BUTTON leaves a lot to be desired! A far, far cry from the Falcon 4 pit where every single button and switch and lever in it is mouse-clickable and does something.)
Yes as always they do things differently. But the flight modelling do seem better especially the new one they made for the SU 25 T.

I would definiatly have preferred a clickable cockpit but there is always pro:s and con:s you will have to weight against eachother. Also a non brainer the visuals and audio is better in LOMAC and I have the computer to run it so that takes part in the equation as well.
wow... i have to say, i've been waiting for this for years.

couldn't ever get falcon to run on my comp after i upgraded to XP pro, just too poor and too lazy to set u a second comp to run it.

finally i can play again
peacetilence said:
2500-M Mobile Barton OC'd to 2.5ghz
1 Gig corsair ram PC3200

Here's min specs from graphsim website

Windows® 98 / ME / 2000 / XP
Pentium® 4 1.5Ghz or AMD Athlon® 1.2Ghz (recommend: Pentium® 4 2.4Ghz or AMD Athlon® 1800)
1.5Gb Free Hard Disk Space (plus 500Mb for Windows Swap File)
4x CD-ROM Drive, 100% Windows compatible mouse, keyboard and joystick
1024x768 resolution capable color monitor
64Mb 3D accelerated DirectX® compatible Video Card (recommend 128Mb)
100% DirectX® version 9.0b or higher compatible sound card
56Kbps modem for multiplayer options (recommend: DSL/Broadband)
DirectX version 9.0b (included) or higher
Trinitrotoluene said:
hahaha the graphics are horrible for 2005 standards, even for a flight sim


I think they look amazing with the exception of ground textures. Anyway, you do know that there are more to a flight sim than just graphics right? I take it you have never played the original Falcon 4.0? You should try it, it was quite revolutionary.
TheSpook said:
How do you figure? The review says the final install size is 1.23gb. UT2003 / 2004 had demos, and their install sizes are upwards of 5gb.

I installed UT and it took up an entire 12g partition. :p
Trinitrotoluene said:
hahaha the graphics are horrible for 2005 standards, even for a flight sim

Unfortunately the level of maturity on the [H] forums has gone steadily downhill since I first started reading these boards years ago. Did you even read the OPs comments? Yes, LOMAC has better graphics (and so do HL2 and Doom3) but who cares? Falcon 4.0 was an amazing accomplishment when it first came out, and 7 years later there's still no other flight sim that can touch it's complexity and realism. If you're too repulsed by the "horrible" graphics to appreciate what it has to offer than good riddance; the community is better off without you.

AceTKK said:
Unfortunately the level of maturity on the [H] forums has gone steadily downhill since I first started reading these boards years ago


If you think its bad here, try the Automotive forum.
AceTKK said:
Unfortunately the level of maturity on the [H] forums has gone steadily downhill since I first started reading these boards years ago. Did you even read the OPs comments? Yes, LOMAC has better graphics (and so do HL2 and Doom3) but who cares? Falcon 4.0 was an amazing accomplishment when it first came out, and 7 years later there's still no other flight sim that can touch it's complexity and realism. If you're too repulsed by the "horrible" graphics to appreciate what it has to offer than good riddance; the community is better off without you.


heh I just noted the graphics and what disappoints me is the amount of repeated textures on the terrain.Yes I have played the game and the flight interaction is amazing but with that being said, I am still a graphics whore. This game is still cool, I love being able to use the mouse to click all of the necessary start up controls to get ready for a take-off. Very nice!
Cool. I'll have to check out the review from home. My fucking employer seems to think that I should be working and not visiting site's with the word "game" in the description.
Trinitrotoluene said:
hahaha the graphics are horrible for 2005 standards, even for a flight sim

You know I really don't care about the graphics. I'm happy with 2000 graphics. I get wowed by 2005 graphics, but I don't need them and honestly don't care that much about them.

You know why this is?

Because I remember 1990 graphics.
dgb said:
You know I really don't care about the graphics. I'm happy with 2000 graphics. I get wowed by 2005 graphics, but I don't need them and honestly don't care that much about them.

You know why this is?

Because I remember 1990 graphics.

lmao Some 1990's games had the best graphics. I used to play Star Wars space shooters on a 1995 Mac Performa with now 3D card. I used to play flight sims on that thing too. All I can say is, the joysticks for the Mac were indestructible. I got pissed off and threw one out the door, and it still worked, didn't even dent it. And I've gone through 3 PC joysticks in the same amount of time. :(
anyone found this in stores yet?

i've pretty much found it online only... and i hate to pay for shipping when i just dont need to
Jester1550 said:
anyone found this in stores yet?

i've pretty much found it online only... and i hate to pay for shipping when i just dont need to

Maybe it's like CMR4 and only available online?
Jester1550 said:
anyone found this in stores yet?

i've pretty much found it online only... and i hate to pay for shipping when i just dont need to
Apparently Fry's is stocking it, but I've seen no reports from any other places.
alphaone said:
read thread for the answers you seek, young master

Fixt. ;)

I barely played this game before. I should whip it out and install it again when I get my X45...
hey all,

just checked the online inventory for my local stores... they've got it in stock (if its on the shelves or not is another story... but at least they're supposed to have it instore)
dderidex said:
No, it's a re-launch of the game with all kinds of extras and 6 years of development work.
ah ha! that explains it

I never thought reading would ever be productive :rolleyes:

I'm off to bestbuy today to get it :cool:
Bugalaman said:
ah ha! that explains it

I never thought reading would ever be productive :rolleyes:

I'm off to bestbuy today to get it :cool:

lmao Can I sig part of that? :p
I just started playing it and, I WANT MY $30 BACK!!!! what a rip. its no different than the game 5 years ago, but thats not the part I hate! it doesn't run 2 minutes until it gives me some BULLSHIT visual basic error. And when I have Anti alasing on, it doesn't run AT ALL. sure the gameplay is fun, but the errors are freeking rediculous. I just formatted a few days ago, so thats not the problem. I bet you the old 4.0 would work better. :(
Bugalaman said:
I just started playing it and, I WANT MY $30 BACK!!!! what a rip. its no different than the game 5 years ago, but thats not the part I hate! it doesn't run 2 minutes until it gives me some BULLSHIT visual basic error. And when I have Anti alasing on, it doesn't run AT ALL. sure the gameplay is fun, but the errors are freeking rediculous. I just formatted a few days ago, so thats not the problem. I bet you the old 4.0 would work better. :(

That's....ummm....a LOT more than a little unusual.

Game isn't written in VB, it's in VC++
dderidex said:
That's....ummm....a LOT more than a little unusual.

Game isn't written in VB, it's in VC++
whateever its the same damn thing, programming means nothing to me. it could be made in Microsoft word for all I know
Bugalaman said:
whateever its the same damn thing, programming means nothing to me. it could be made in Microsoft word for all I know

lmao Your like freaking made of sigging material. :p
Bugalaman said:
it doesn't run 2 minutes until it gives me some BULLSHIT visual basic error. And when I have Anti alasing on, it doesn't run AT ALL. sure the gameplay is fun, but the errors are freeking rediculous. I just formatted a few days ago, so thats not the problem. I bet you the old 4.0 would work better. :(

Anyone else having these errors? Or any other errors at all?
I bought mine at Best Buy a few days ago. I haven't had much time to play it yet, but within the 1 hour that I did play, it ran pretty good. A bit framerate laggy around the airbases, but otherwise fairly solid. The graphics are dated but I knew that before hand. It was fun being in a strike package playing air cover while watching my teammates bomb the crap out of an airbase, and watching others strafe the airbase with their guns taking out the missle launchers.

I also put into the commandline shortcut the -g4 and -hires commands, to enable better resolutions (even though the game crashes at 1280x1024 which is my native resolution) but being able to make the ground view radius twice as big was nice.
Scoobydo said:
I bought mine at Best Buy a few days ago. I haven't had much time to play it yet, but within the 1 hour that I did play, it ran pretty good. A bit framerate laggy around the airbases, but otherwise fairly solid. The graphics are dated but I knew that before hand. It was fun being in a strike package playing air cover while watching my teammates bomb the crap out of an airbase, and watching others strafe the airbase with their guns taking out the missle launchers.

I also put into the commandline shortcut the -g4 and -hires commands, to enable better resolutions (even though the game crashes at 1280x1024 which is my native resolution) but being able to make the ground view radius twice as big was nice.

Nice, I too was noticing lag around airbases and generally everwhere... but im certain its my old ass rig struggling with this game.

Anyone able to print out the keymap correctly? When I print it out, it won't word wrap and I only get about half the keyboard to print up.
I have not tried that. If you go over to Simhq.com and go into their forums and post it in the Falcon4:Allied Force section, I'm sure one of the developers will see it and fix it. They visit there frequently.

BTW. I didn't have any problem with Anti Aliasing. I had it on 4x AA (temporaral) with 4x antiscopic filtering and it still ran fine. Using a ATI 9700 with Cat 5.6.