Fall In The Fountain While Texting "Girl" Has Lawyer

The most interesting thing about all this IMO is that before just by looking at the video that was on the net you had no idea what she looked like, hell it could have been a guy. But now that she is whining about this and plastering her mug all over the TV we all now know exactly what she looks like so when we see her in public we can, point and LOL with a Nelson HAHA.
Lol that's retarded. A lawyer for... What? Unless there's an explicit policy that says all video footage is company property and can't be distributed in any way, shape, or form, then I see nothing wrong. I vote her to try and be less of a fucking moron.


I think it's fairly safe to assume that there are such policies in the camera room.
"I am so humiliated that people know it's me!"

...as she sits for the photographers and gives and interview to a newspaper. No one knew who she was before that. :rolleyes:

Exactly. One couldn't even see the person's face clearly, let alone identifying that person to be her in particular.

Stupid bitch
Saw her on good morning hysteria. It was sickening.
She is making herself look like a bigger ass than ever with this lawyer crap.

I hope she gets laughed out of court.
"I am so humiliated that people know it's me!"

...as she sits for the photographers and gives and interview to a newspaper. No one knew who she was before that. :rolleyes:

I'm with Steve on this one. She should have stayed quiet instead of making a big deal out of it and now everyone knows her. Your fault for not paying attention. And how the hell did she find the video on Youtube? Did she "stumbled" upon it?
No everyone in town has seen the video by now and we are all laughing about it, Reading is not a huge city that it doesn't take long for word to get around.
The readingeagle doesn't want me to read LOL link doesn't work for me, although at least I know what happened in the fountain LOL
She should be suing for the recording of the initial viewing of the video and then the release of said video to the net. Not for any sort of injury, she obviously hired the wrong type of lawyer. Stupid girl, but then again, why would I be surprised; SHE WALKED INTO A FOUNTAIN.

QFT +2

She is entitled not to have had that video posted and there is a chance once the security guard is named they will be fired reguardless of the outcome of the lawsuit for lack of PROFESSIONLISM.

I feel sorry for any of you that take the security guards side on this because you too lack respect for professionalism and I would never EVER employ you.

She is entitled to sue for damages related to the RELASE OF THE VIDEO ONLY. She is NOT entitled to sue for injuries sustained for her own dumbass mistake but sadly, this is a merica and she probably will and win.
Haw! My first thought when I saw the article was, "nice job dumbass, now were REALLY know who you are!"

This is one of this incidents where you just play it off and move on and don't say anything and people eventually forget about it. I laughed at the video when I saw it days ago and forgot about it but now I know exactly what the woman looks like, her age-range, and what her name is and given that she looks to be in her 40's I think she's an even bigger dumbass all because she couldn't just let it rest.
She is entitled to sue for damages related to the RELASE OF THE VIDEO ONLY. She is NOT entitled to sue for injuries sustained for her own dumbass mistake but sadly, this is a merica and she probably will and win.

What damages?? I'm fairly sure that the human ego doesn't have a quantifiable value...
The name callers have issues.
Suing will put this on national news.
Lawyers should be required to state financial interest in cases, percentage or rate.
Falling down in public these days would unfortunately raise "why?" questions. Not paying attention or other.
OTOH from some of the comments she deserves recompense, lawyers not the only sharks in evidence.
I would never work for you in the first place. Why should the video not be released? This might actually be a good video to release on why not to text when walking....along with people running into cars.

QFT +2

She is entitled not to have had that video posted and there is a chance once the security guard is named they will be fired reguardless of the outcome of the lawsuit for lack of PROFESSIONLISM.

I feel sorry for any of you that take the security guards side on this because you too lack respect for professionalism and I would never EVER employ you.

She is entitled to sue for damages related to the RELASE OF THE VIDEO ONLY. She is NOT entitled to sue for injuries sustained for her own dumbass mistake but sadly, this is a merica and she probably will and win.

This is her attorney

I think we can all agree, the crime fits the punishment.

Dumb bitch that had no identity, now wants to capitalize on some e-fame.

I hope she gets fuct and flushed.
More proof to why women are inferior mammals... They can't drive as well. So what's next to add to the list of why women are dumb?
She's a celebrity.

Quick, stop caring and giving attention to her.

Once the entire internet suddenly stops caring, she'll be like, "oh.." and go off guard.. THEN let's massacre her with parody videos all instantaneously one sudden day!

she brought it on herself.
There are countless jack ass law suits like this in court every day. ANY descent judge will immediately toss it out as meritless. There is a docket full of real cases that need their time.
But some times judges are activists and will hear meritless cases to push a political agenda.
This is how you get decision for the idiot woman who dump a cup of hot coffee in her lap and sued McDonalds. A descent judge would have tossed it out.
"No one from that security office came to her aid in a timely manner."

Why would they? They are security officers, not paramedics. Besides the fact she fell in, and immediately got back up and walked away.

She is just retarded and embarrassed that she was caught on tape acting like a retard.
Why can't stupid people just fall down very very very deep holes and become lost to mankind instead of just fountains and sewers where they then get news coverage and try and sue people for their own stupidity.

+ + + + + + + + +
Her attorney, James M. Polyak of Assburgleton, said he plans to entirely skew and exploit what happened. "We all got a good laugh out of this after that dumb bitch on the video. We are going to be down-to-earth and honest, for great justice," Polyak said. "We intend to put shotguns to our mouths in an attempt to rectify this situation. But not before we watch that shit again. LOL."
While she's in court,they should suspend her driver's license. No one should feel sorry for this girl,they should be scared as hell at the thought of her speeding down the road,wheel in one hand,cell phone in the other.
No she's correct to do this...The security camera's are just for illegal activity...no(t) public license for the showing and eventual internet release...

There is a reasonable expectation that images collected on security cameras remain private. This is NO different than a TSA employee publishing images of your "junk". The hypocrisy here amazes me. Why is it acceptable to release one form of private data but not another?
The question here is did the entity gathering this data / image have an obligation to keep it private? They did have an obligation and did not uphold it. Why shouldn't she sue? Why shouldn’t an employee or corporation be held responsible for what I am sure is a rules violation?
The mall should claim contamination, drain and have the fountain professionally cleaned, then send her the bill.
"I usually don't walk and text, but I did this day," she said. "I won't anymore."

She said she never texts while driving.
I bet she never texts while walking toward fountains either.

"It's funny, but you need to see the serious side of it," she said. "What if it was a senior citizen? Would it be funny then?"
Jesus pigfucking christ. I thought she was some 19-year-old ditz until further reading. Bitch, you are 49. You practically ARE a senior citizen. And yes, it is, and would be, funny as hell.
OMG I hadn't seen the video before.. thats fucking awesome.. I Want to call her just to say haha & hang up the phone.
"I'm a girl, I hate all this attention I'm getting"

Bizzaro, I woke up in Bizzaro world.
Go to the link and scroll down to see the comments. This one was interesting:

Did the news outlets do their homework before writing and airing this story? She was due in court this morning and has been charged with reckless driving, false identity and receiving stolen property among other things. Her husband is unemployed and this was an accident? You decide. Shame on her for blaming others for her own stupidity. Here's hoping that "if" this makes it to court that judge throws it out and makes her and her attorney pay for wasting the taxpayers money.
I think it's fairly safe to assume that there are such policies in the camera room.

Yea I agree. I'd assume there are such policies in place, but she's gearing up to win a case on injury that was due to nothing more than her stupidity. I mean how can you go against video evidence showing you not paying attention and walking into an object? Next time my shoelace comes undone and I trip I'm going to sue the shit out of whoever owns the property I was walking in.
I like this:

"Instead of laughing, they should have said, 'Is she OK?' and been down there right away to check on me," she said.

She said that in regards to the security. Uh no, their job description isn't to help people who make asses of themselves.

Oh I like it even more that the article as the youtube video at the bottom, YES! That didn't load for me before.