Fall In The Fountain While Texting "Girl" Has Lawyer

Does this mean I can sue people everytime I'm being completely stupid (lacking any form of common sense) in public too?

Isn't this what the liberals want? A total lack of personal responsibility?

The good thing is this dumb bitch needs a lawyer because she is a thief and a fraudster!
The stupid girl fell into the fountain, who would not laugh at that?

He should of "leaked" the video on wikileaks, hiding his identity! hahaha
There are too many to quote, so I won't. But I will clarify:

She was in a public place and should not be surprised there was a security camera recording her actions. I never said the location was private. Clearly, it was not. The images captured by this security camera are private property owned and controlled by the entity that recorded them (the mall). I don’t know the law and I never claimed to. However, I do know that corporations have internal policies that govern the release and distribution of these images.

The employee that violated these rules by placing this video on YouTube exposed his employer to this frivolous lawsuit. This case will not go to court; it will be settled. The victim here is the Mall. The idiot responsible for the lawsuit is the employee who released the video.

We can all agree that when we enter a public property, especially a retail location, we will be recorded by a security camera. You can’t walk down the street anymore without being recorded by a security camera. What I can’t explain is why anyone is defending the fact that this recording was released to the public. The “reasonable expectation” is that these images will not be made public. This is not “law” it is “trust”. We expect that recordings will be used for security purposes and not public entertainment subject to the release by any moron with the inkling to do so.

Are you suggesting that it is ok for images recorded by security cameras in retail chains, airports, bus stations, ATM machines, etc … to be made public at any time, by anyone for everyone’s enjoyment and gratification?
A lot of security camera footages have been released to the public, especially when the footages are used to get help from the public to identify a person.
Does this mean I can sue people everytime I'm being completely stupid (lacking any form of common sense) in public too?

Yes... it seems that way my friend. It has slowly become the joke into a reality. You can sue just about anyone else for the stupidest of mistakes by your very own person.

Haven't seen the new commercials lately?

Sue My Job . com

Sue My Work . com


Bullshit people with no real way to earn a buck so they learn how to be a shiester gimmick lawyer..... :rolleyes:
To the ones arguing about the reasonable expectation of privacy, simply stop. You clearly have zero idea what you are actually talking about. Go and watch TruTV and you will see videos like this all day every day that are released without consent. There is nothing illegal about what happened and any decent judge will throw the case out instantly.

I swear it just irks the snot out of me when "arm chair" lawyers start talking like they actually know the law and start making up laws out of thin air.
The morning radio here in Phoenix just aired her interview with someone, her main goal was to get money, she made no mention of humility till later. Her reasons was all over the place and had no coherency, then shortly after the interview ended they pointed out the fact that shes going on a 6month house arrest and won't have ANY money to pay for the 4k+ she owes the credit company. Especially now since shes most likely getting fired.
That is true, but that mall isn't a public place. Yeah, I know, I know, it looks and feels like a public place because there's lots of people around and it's deliberately made to feel like a public street with many shops... but it isn't. That mall is privately owned, and it has been made clear that this security video should not have been made public:


Don't make this about something it isn't. While all this stuff about the woman's personal life is amusing, it is all irrelevant and has nothing to do with the fact that a security guard, on his own and against company policy, made a privately owned security video public.

I like you, you have the common sense and logic that most of the people in this thread lack :)

Well, with that in mind we'll just push to have all video recorded by private parties to be available to the public at anytime. Since you are okay with having every aspect of your life that ends up and has ended up on video publicly displayed.

Why stop at just embarrasing video? Lets go ahead and let all the times you picked your nose in public be displayed, all the times you broke a law on video displayed, you'd be surprised how many times the average american breaks the law on video but the video was recorded by PRIVATE PARTIES and was not made public so the police could prosecute you like they tdo to people that post videos on myspace and youtube.
Well, I never knew about this until now. I guess she doesn't mind being even more famous now.
Well, with that in mind we'll just push to have all video recorded by private parties to be available to the public at anytime. Since you are okay with having every aspect of your life that ends up and has ended up on video publicly displayed.

Why stop at just embarrasing video? Lets go ahead and let all the times you picked your nose in public be displayed, all the times you broke a law on video displayed, you'd be surprised how many times the average american breaks the law on video but the video was recorded by PRIVATE PARTIES and was not made public so the police could prosecute you like they tdo to people that post videos on myspace and youtube.

Ever look in your rearview mirror? Even money that somebody's picking their nose....

If one is so concerned with personal privacy and security then perhaps it would be better to NOT have a facebook page or a twitter account?

Here's one more thing you don't understand. If you get sued, arrested, detained or whatever and someone makes a legal case against you there's a thing called "Discovery" that allows the prosecutor or a plaintiff to grab any evidence they want against you limited only by what a judge deems "admissible and relevant"

You have no privacy, you only have the "expectation" which makes the "right" totally ambiguous.
Your privacy ends where someone with a good lawyer begins. The sad thing is that we let it happen...
Dumb, clueless, bitch... not surprised and not anything untypical. Wasting her own money for a lawyer who will NEVER be able to win that case since it was obviously a lack of coordination and vision on her part.

"Don't text and walk" she says at the end of the article.... wow, really? Maybe YOU shouldn't do that since you clearly can't do 2 things at once. I am surprised this lady does not live in Boca Raton.... they'd have one of those velvet ropes around the fountain now for her stupidness and complaining. We'll just get more pussification of society because ONE PERSON WITH A (probably) DRUGGED OUT ON MEDS brain can't function right like the rest of us.

...........This stupid bitch would have walked off a cliff so was so into "texting" on her phone. Let's just be glad this stupid bag of bones wasn't driving while doing this.

By the way, here's the video since its not linked anywhere I could find it here:
