Fallout 3 essentials


Aug 1, 2003
So my girlfriend surprised me with a copy of Fallout 3 today. I had been waiting for the GOTY edition with all the x-pacs included to pick it up but I've already opened it like a giddy 5 year old on Christmas and away I go into the wasteland...

I have a few questions though:

1) Which add-on raises the level cap? If I'm enjoying the game, I'll want to pick that add-on up first, before I cap out. The cap is 20 in the vanilla game correct? Should I get the add-ons on disk or Live?

2) Are there any recommended eye-candy or performance mods? I'd like to give the vanilla game a run before I mod it up but if I can make it look better or run better I'd sure like to. I'm thinking equivalents of Float32 and SHARPER textures for STALKER:SoC.

If anyone has any general tid-bits on the best way to enjoy the game I'm all ears...or eyes anyway. Spare me any spoilers though :)
Broken Steel will up the level cap to 30 and allow you to complete the main quest without ending the game. Of the three DLCs I've gotten I've enjoyed Point Lookout the most. Some of the DLCs are like extended quests that you can do once with your character and then you're done but the new areas in Point Lookout are available to travel to whenever you want even after the quests are done. Both Point Lookout and Broken Steel are available on one disk I think so that's what I would go for first.
Oooo goodies!

I'm going to restart the game again..... for the 4th time.
g36c and classic weapons for the .223 (from blade runner) and p90. Can't live without my favourite weapons. That and the killable children mod, always popular.
the Broken Steele Point Look Out were fun. I burned through both and were very happy.

I snagged The Pitt and Anchorage.. I just finished the Pitt and can tell you it blows. Don't get it. I'll slog through Anchorage and see how that is though I am a bit weary of the premise.

Mothership Zeta seems cool..
Good stuff. Exactly what I was looking for.

Assuming I don't hate it for some reason after a few hours I'll probably grab the Broken Steel / Point Lookout pack.