Fallout MMO...$75 million

The more I think about it, the more I realize how perfect fallout would be for an mmo and how brilliant Interplay was for keeping the mmo rights.

The story has never been character driven. Anyone can live or die, your main character doesn't even have a clear identity and the entire cast was different fallout 1 -> fallout 2. The story in fallout is the environment, not the characters in it. The scavenging nature of the world makes for awesome possibilities with player made housing and trade goods, vehicle and weapon upgrades, and guild factions.
Maxxx- said:
Well here comes a World of Warcraft clone :(

more like a re-skin of world of warcraft. Honestly, if it's as fun/addicting as WoW, but in the Fallout setting than I'm all over it :)
Sounds good. I do like Bethesda though. I am sure they will make it a great RPG though. That is something most current MMORPGs are lacking, the RPG factor of the game. It has now become WoW and clones basically, and people are just becoming stupider. I just hope they don't dumb it down, and/or sell it to SOE to screw up.
Anarchy Online is still Original, they didn't copy off WoW at all (thank God).

I hope new MMO's don't mimic World of Warcraft at all..Especially that unknown one Bioware is making..I hope it's SWG lol -the good one.
I sorta played Fallout Brotherhood of steel and liked it, but only played it for about 2 hours, I love the artwork, it's the best I've ever seen, really great, concept is amazing as well. I just wish it wasn't an RPG, I'm not really into those types of games (hate the idea of stats). I can't wait for this MMO, though I don't really see how it would work out
I really hope it plays alot like AO, just with out all the buggy releases...

god if this was an AO rehashed with new content, interface, and classes (face it, most of the classes in AO were horribly unbalanced, some too powerfull and some freakin outstanding)

this has me excited, but 75 mil? holy shit! thats going to take alot to come out of that hole.
Fallout is a tactical mainly turn-based game. An MMO is a bastardization of the franchise IMO.

What is wrong with making games like Arcanum, Planescape: Torment and the original 2 Fallouts?

What they see is Blizzard hemorraging money from WoW.

That said, I will still play it when/if it comes out.
What I hate about MMO is the fact that :

1- Every high lvl players has the exact same equipment, spells/skill/whatever
2- Combat SUCKS. Press X and wait

GOD!!! I loved AO, it's the only game where you could make a metaphysist that used a bow or whatever (yes you sucked but it was fun nonetheless)

Now... it's... mindless. You can't fuck up... bleh.
Keep in mind that even though this MMO is being made by Interplay, this is not the same company in the slightest that made the first two. I'm suspicious of the quality of the MMO since most of the original developers left to form Troika.

Also, keep in mind that this is NOT Fallout3, which is being developed by Bethesda. When Interplay went bankrupt and had to sell the rights to the Fallout Franchise, they had a clause saying that they kept the right to produce a Fallout MMO. Everything else went to Bethesda.
Fallout Collection use StarForce? I seem to remember reading the orginal release of Fallout 2 did. Plus would need WS support. :(

I just hope this has nothing to do with Beth studios putting out a Fallout 3 single player game, I was banking on that one myself.
Maxxx- said:
Well here comes a World of Warcraft clone :(

The fact that I'd get banned for tearing you a new one is the only thing stopping me from doing so.

Fallout games are 2 of the best RPG's i've ever played and an MMO would just completely own, someone is willing to back $75 Million on that one as well. Fallout is nothing like WoW and even in some bizarre universe where it might be even remotely like it, fallout still preceeds it so its fail/fail really.
Frosteh said:
Fallout is nothing like WoW and even in some bizarre universe where it might be even remotely like it, fallout still preceeds it so its fail/fail really.

The story/setting of Lord of the Rings is nothing like WarCraft's but that didn't stop Turbine from making LotR: Online a WoW clone...or uh, so I've been told...*walks away whistling innocently*

While a Fallout MMO could be cool, the MMO genre is very derivative so they will go with what is popular at the time.
MH Knights said:
The story/setting of Lord of the Rings is nothing like WarCraft's but that didn't stop Turbine from making LotR: Online a WoW clone...or uh, so I've been told...*walks away whistling innocently*

While a Fallout MMO could be cool, the MMO genre is very derivative so they will go with what is popular at the time.

A story about Humans, Orcs, and Elves has nothing to do about a videogame with Human, Orcs, an Elves???.... WoW's fantasy setting is very much like LoTR, while Fallout's setting of being a post apocalytic dystopia is very different. MMO's like most RPG's follow certain rules, but it's completely up to the developer how much it follows pervious forms. It's not like there isn't room for changes.
I have avoided MMOs like the plague, but I would definitely pay for a Fallout MMO, tho with Interplay's last games I could only hope they don't mess it up.
Burning_Monk said:
A story about Humans, Orcs, and Elves has nothing to do about a videogame with Human, Orcs, an Elves???.... WoW's fantasy setting is very much like LoTR, while Fallout's setting of being a post apocalytic dystopia is very different. MMO's like most RPG's follow certain rules, but it's completely up to the developer how much it follows pervious forms. It's not like there isn't room for changes.

Fallout allows for much better possibilities in terms of player housing and even player cities. Blizzard is stuck with its major cities in WoW...I don't think you'll see undead taking over ironforge anytime soon. Any player housing they decide to add would be somewhat inconsequential, much like daoc's was. Its neat and all, but it doesn't alter the game world, and the map looks the same now as it did when the game launched. Fallout definintely has none of these rules, and could theoretically support a much more dynamic game world.
Spaceman_Spiff said:
Fallout allows for much better possibilities in terms of player housing and even player cities. Fallout definintely has none of these rules, and could theoretically support a much more dynamic game world.

I dont see how you come to these assumptions/conclusions at all. While yeah with 75 million in hand and 3 years of work anything might be possible, but I dont see how you can make these assumptions. The basis for wow, and the basis of fallout1-2 both allow for wildly dynamic game worlds. It is all in the implimentaion. WoW, has done well with a very static world.

That being said I hope some MMO generates a playable dynamic world. Imagine SecondLife combined with Fallout, you could stake out your plot of land in the wasteland and build it up. It would be roadwarrior 2. "Greetings from lord 'Umungous!"
Burning_Monk said:
A story about Humans, Orcs, and Elves has nothing to do about a videogame with Human, Orcs, an Elves???.... WoW's fantasy setting is very much like LoTR, while Fallout's setting of being a post apocalytic dystopia is very different. MMO's like most RPG's follow certain rules, but it's completely up to the developer how much it follows pervious forms. It's not like there isn't room for changes.

You're right in that the setting won't be the same, however, if we talk game play (other than random tweeks here and there) I'm willing to be it plays nearly identical to WoW. Simply because of the cash cow that it is.
urbsnspices said:
I dont see how you come to these assumptions/conclusions at all. While yeah with 75 million in hand and 3 years of work anything might be possible, but I dont see how you can make these assumptions. The basis for wow, and the basis of fallout1-2 both allow for wildly dynamic game worlds. It is all in the implimentaion. WoW, has done well with a very static world.

That being said I hope some MMO generates a playable dynamic world. Imagine SecondLife combined with Fallout, you could stake out your plot of land in the wasteland and build it up. It would be roadwarrior 2. "Greetings from lord 'Umungous!"

The story line of WoW isn't very conducive to a dynamic game world, its as simple as that. Warcraft has distinct characters and locales they preserved from game to game. Fallout had completely new characters and environments game to game because it makes more sense within the universe. I never said the game would have any of that, but its just as valid as people who yell "WoW clone!" about a game we know nothing about.
MH Knights said:
The story/setting of Lord of the Rings is nothing like WarCraft's but that didn't stop Turbine from making LotR: Online a WoW clone...or uh, so I've been told...*walks away whistling innocently*

Having played LOTRO since the start of the beta, I can kindly say that it is NOTHING like WoW.
I'm stoked at hearing this. If they do it right it could be amazing. With that budget I think they'd be able to get a lot of the original developers on board for look and feel, even for an mmo that is a truckload of money to develop with.

I'd suspect it'll be more like eve in its mmo principles than it is WoW. It's naturally predisposed to it, the thoughts of marauding groups of players in an intense PvP environment just makes me go giddy. Get me that power armor quick :)

If they do it as a holy trinity style PVE fest it'll suck.
Digital Oxide said:
Having played LOTRO since the start of the beta, I can kindly say that it is NOTHING like WoW.

yup, mainly because Turbine still doesn't know how do an UI.
Vorret said:
What I hate about MMO is the fact that :
2- Combat SUCKS. Press X and wait

I don't see how you could be referring to all MMO's, so what MMO are you playing?
Vorret said:
2- Combat SUCKS. Press X and wait
I think it would be cool if they could pull it off with turn based combat. Like in Tactics.
sweet. thats one my dreams come true! now off to my next one. a 3 sum with 2 hot gurls... one being asain....could be a longer wait then 3 years for that one....

i want to be in the beta for fallout mmo. Hell they already made a wanna be fallout mm called neocron. wasn't that bad.
ShackNews said:
...a post apocalyptic world resulting from the Cold War (1945-1990)...
What the fuck is up with that? The war in Fallout was around 2080, IIRC. It'll sure make it a bit harder to explain all the plasma rifles and power armour lying around...
Someone oughta be SHOT for comparing Fallout to WOW, Shit, Fallout 1 was the first PC RPG I really got into, I drove my parents nuts for weeks to buy me fallout 2.

This would be the ONLY mmo I would get, period. The universe would lend itself better than anything else ever done before.

PS> Speaking of MMO's, anyone else's EB giving out free copies of Auto Assault? Makes a great coaster :D