Fallout: Operation Anchorage Info Released

Excellent! Thanks :)

These are great news, even if I'm still not done with the main game. Still have a lot to explore, but I'm almost done with the main quest (I think).
Nice, looking forward to venturing back to the wasteland with the DLC and continuing post main quest.
I do like when a company continue to works on a game but i hate these little add ons, just give me a full expansion.
Sweet. Is this also for pc? Probably coming out via steam?
I just have a savegame prior to the last mission so I was able to go and do all of the side stuff. You don't really get anything from the last mission, so it's not like you're missing anything.
I'm looking forward to this. Hopefully there's some kind of boss. That's the one real knock I had on Fallout (other than the pretty dry main quest). The only bosses are behemoths and you never have to fight one if you don't seek them out.
Why give us weapons like the Vengenace and Alien Pistol when you never really need them?