Fan Connector


Jan 25, 2005
I got this fan that my dad got from work awhile ago for free, its 92mmx38mm with a connector for some sort of electronic machine, it's a Papst which is a good brand right? I want to put a 3 pin female connector on it, what do I need to do this? I know you need the actual connector itself,, but it asks if I want the female pins, do I need these? And how do I go about putting it together? One more thing, is this fan too high of wattage to hook it up to my motherboard directly?


Mmmmmm.... Some MB connections will run it no problem... Others might not. check your mobo manual to determine the maximum wattage that any given fan connection can supply.

As for making it a 3 pin connection, the easiest thing to do is buy a 3pin fan extension ala: (these can be had for alot cheaper on other sites).
Just cut off the male end, and connect the red to the red of the fan, the black to the black of the fan, and you're good to go.

Crimping all the pins and making the cable from scratch takes more time than it's worth, and it might even be more expensive too.

This thing has the potential to be *VERY LOUD* :rolleyes:
I am planning to get a Zalman Fanmate 2 to control it, because my system doesn't run without a fan plugged into the cpu1 fan header. My motherboard is a Abit AA8XE (LGA775), I looked through all the documentation and there were no wattage ratings for the fan headers on the motherboard. I think the fan would be too powerful for the mobo from my research, should I connect the fan to the fan mate 2 (Can that handle it?) directly to my psu and connect an exhaust fan to my cpufan1 header?
Anything other than fan headers (mobo) should be perfectly fine, including a fan controller.