Fan/mount or total replacement HSF for 8400GS


May 6, 2007
I bought a passively cooled sparkle 8400GS link here and the thing runs way too hot. Anyone have suggestions for cooling solutions? The cheapest solution would be to somehow attach a fan to the existing HS, but I'm not opposed to an actively cooled HSF either. Has anyone literally attached a fan to an existing heat sink before and if so, what did you use?

Your suggestions are welcomed.
Passively cooled cards always run hotter, and they do need some airflow in the case - the heat doesn't just magically disappear. What case do you have this in, and what kind of temps are you registering? I notice in the newegg comments that at least one user reported that it "got a bit toasty: burns to the touch but not board threatening".
The thing I see most people use to attach fans is just zip-tie.

But is the heat really bad, as in error inducing bad? These things are work survive 90C heat.
@evilsofa - yeah, I read them prior to making the purchase knowing that I'll probably need to lower then.

@Hypernova - Haven't seen errors, but always looking to minimize temps :) The temp on the HS under load have been reported to approach 80 C (like 180 F). I'm concerned that plastic might melt at that temp... maybe some sort of metal wire wrapped away from the circuit board?

@JohnleMVP - thanks for the suggestion.