Fan Voltage/Current Question


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 15, 2008
G'day all,

I've got a new PVR/media player. It was dirt cheap, so naturally has "issues". One such issue is the fan is criminally loud. Its a tiny little 25x25mm which runs at 5V and 0.08A (according to the sticker on it) and it is louder than all other electrical components in my lounge room combined (including 2 PCs!).

So what I'm thinking, fuck the warranty, I'll remove the fan, cut a big hole in the top and solder on a Scythe GT (since it doesn't use a standard fan connector).

So my question, the Scythe GT is rated to run at 12V and 0.083A. I know it can run at 5V, but what amperage will it run at when plugged into the PVR? Will it be a safe modification to make? I know Ohm's law of V = IR, so if voltage decreases so should amperage for a constant resistance, but I figure a fan isn't a constant resistance.

Is there any chance the PVR will refuse to run with the fan either disconnected or a different fan attached? (its only a 2 pin plug, so I assume its not measuring speeds or anything).