Far Cry 2 50% off = $15

I am hoping they have the Heroes of Might and Magic V pack on sale on Friday. I been a fan of that series (as well as Might and Magic) since the days it was own by 3DO. Hated Heroes of Might and Magic IV though and never touched the fifth one...yet
Came with my GTX 260 and I've played it for maybe ten hours over the past four months.
BFG never sent me the promotion pack that included FC2, and won't respond to emails asking about it. :rolleyes: That's the last time i'll ever buy a BFG card based on a promo.

$15 for this is pretty good. I might also get it.
Bought this game on release day and it was the worst $50 I ever spent, though for $15 it's a decent deal.
This game has nothing to do with the original Far Cry, and is not even made by the same people.
They acquired rights to the name "Far Cry". That is the only relationship between this and Far Cry!

I bought this game, as soon as it came out, because I loved Far Cry.
It was partly my fault as I should have done research, before buying, in order to find out that it was a sleazy and cheap way to make sales.

I am sorry about thread crapping. I am just giving information related to the product I wish someone had given me.
If you are buying just because you liked Far Cry, don't!
I just bit for 15$ having played it a little bit before. Anyone know how the multiplayer is?
If you loved Far Cry except for the mutants, you'll be in for a treat. However, if you're expecting any resemblance of Far Cry, you're gonna be pissed. :p
Just picked this up, I won't have any food Monday or Tuesday, but I'll have a new game to distract me from that. :)
I'm not a picky gamer, I'll reveal how the multiplayer is soon, 80% at 780kbs

Downloading at a pretty steady 5 mb/s here :D unfortunately i have a lot of other things to do today. I am hoping the multiplayer will add some more replay to the game and there is a decent amount of servers available to find a good one.
Yeah, anyone know how the multiplayer is? I mostly bought if for the SP though. Heard a lot of bad things about it... but still a pretty decent amount of good things as well. I can handle respawning bad guys for a while
Requesting picture of multiplayer server browser please. This came with my video card but then I sold it for $15, never got to try it out.
This game has nothing to do with the original Far Cry, and is not even made by the same people.
They acquired rights to the name "Far Cry". That is the only relationship between this and Far Cry!

I bought this game, as soon as it came out, because I loved Far Cry.
It was partly my fault as I should have done research, before buying, in order to find out that it was a sleazy and cheap way to make sales.

I am sorry about thread crapping. I am just giving information related to the product I wish someone had given me.
If you are buying just because you liked Far Cry, don't!
Crysis is the game for those who loved Farcry. It's not really similar to it but it was made by the guys who made Farcry. I loved Farcry and I like Crysis. You can tell when you play both games that they have similar mechanics.
I'm contemplating getting it based on hate for both farcry and crysis :p
I love Far Cry. Crysis wasn't quite as good as I expected, but I still enjoyed it. Both Crysis games are too short though.
I appreciate the heads up. I need a break from "COD5" and for 15 bucks this will be a welcome change of pace
I don't get how steam gets off selling COD5 for $49.99. All they are selling you is a link to the the download....no box, cds, manuals etc. I refuse to pay over $30 for a game on Steam.
I don't get how steam gets off selling COD5 for $49.99. All they are selling you is a link to the the download....no box, cds, manuals etc. I refuse to pay over $30 for a game on Steam.

I know - they cut out the retailer, prevent reselling or giving your copy away, and still have the nerve to charge more. Vote with your wallet. I'm happy to buy steam games when they get cheap, like Shadowgrounds Survivor for $8 - that was well worth it.
I agree about the whole re sale thing for 1 time play games, like this one. The multiplayer is pretty much a joke and you probably won't play it after you beat single player, but with a game like L4D or CS:source, those are the sort of games you always play and never sell off (this applies more to cs:source)
Hell, even if it's a game I think I *might* play at some point, $15 is worth it just to not have to have CDs or DVDs to deal with.

I agree about not paying full price for Steam games, though. $50 for a game (in the case of CoD4, a game that isn't even new) is pretty ridiculous for a download-only copy.
I don't get how steam gets off selling COD5 for $49.99. All they are selling you is a link to the the download....no box, cds, manuals etc. I refuse to pay over $30 for a game on Steam.
Well I won't pay 50 dollars for a game (since they price goes down so quick, and I don't need to play a game right when it comes out). I will pay more money to get a game on steam than on cds.

I will pay more for not having to look for cds and having them in my computer to play a game.
I will pay more not looking for cds to install a game on a new computer.
I will pay more for the simpler installation process, and not having to type in cd keys. It is easier to do other things while I wait for a game to install. Less pop ups, not having to insert disk 2/3/4. etc.

I do miss the manuals, but I don't miss them that much.
I bit. Been wanting this game for awhile. Hated the mutants in the first one, so hopefully this one is a fresh taste.
I bit. Been wanting this game for awhile. Hated the mutants in the first one, so hopefully this one is a fresh taste.

Well, if you mean "fresh taste" as in "has nothing to do with the first one," then yes. Yes, it is. :cool:
its worth 15 bucks to me just so i can use the flamethrower the burn some field grass and watch it burn and crackle