Far Cry 2 Trick to fetch diamond at Train Yard


Limp Gawd
Feb 1, 2009
Hello Far Cry 2 gamers,

Just wondering if the diamond found on top of the train cart at the train yard can be fetched? Could seem to find a way to get to it. If so, how?

I know exactly what you're referring to, but I don't remember if I was successful. I climbed one of the silos and tried to jump onto the train. I know I died a couple times. Either I got pissed and stopped trying, or I managed to do it.
One potential possibility: If the man can be placed in a prone position while on top of the train cart, the diamond can be can be fetched, but the man can't, so that possibility is dead.

There has to be a trick to this one some how. Why would they place the diamond there and not way of fetching it.
There has to be a trick to this one some how. Why would they place the diamond there and not way of fetching it.

Remember that it's Far Cry 2. ;) :p

I think I'm gonna install Far Cry again sometime. I hope they make a real Far Cry 2. Maybe Krieger has a trigen son or something, tries to take over the world.
yeah I tried for at least an hour to get it. no dice I just finally gave up. I tried jumping from the silo, using the large truck nearby to push the cars, or even just parking it next to the cars so I could jump on the hood then jump on the roof of the truck. I even tried getting things to increase the height of the truck.
I think there was a hang glider off on the mmountain behind and you have to have some good flying skills to land it
I think there was a hang glider off on the mmountain behind and you have to have some good flying skills to land it

Good thinking, though, there's no need for the hang glider, just get on the roof of the building housing the cart, jump down to outside end of the cart. But that's as close to the diamond as I can get.

Is there a way to man to crawl? If that's possible, this this isn't that difficult at all. But so far, haven't found a way to make him crawl.
Ye, too a few times for me to get a good run up and time the jump but got ti myself like in the video.
nm, wrong one. keep finding things about the one of the big rock near the rail yard.
Oh, the train yard, ye round the back of the builing where the sniper is there is a build up of rocks and things.
I think there was a hang glider off on the mmountain behind and you have to have some good flying skills to land it

What's the trick with the hang glider? I didn't find one at the rail yard, but two others elsewhere and kept on crashing to the ground or river. Would be nice to get the hang of it.
What's the trick with the hang glider? I didn't find one at the rail yard, but two others elsewhere and kept on crashing to the ground or river. Would be nice to get the hang of it.

that reminds me, there is a case on top of a large rock somewhere and no way to scale the rock. I guess you have to fly to it.
Woopsee, i mean S as in back, at least i think that works, haven't used them too much.
Hello Far Cry 2 gamers,

Just wondering if the diamond found on top of the train cart at the train yard can be fetched? Could seem to find a way to get to it. If so, how?


I'm guessing you've got it by now, but just in case> Just use the railing on the middle fuel tank and run and jump :)
Oh, the train yard, ye round the back of the builing where the sniper is there is a build up of rocks and things.

^^^ There's a gap in the roof panels that has the beams underneath, which you can crouch and walk along to get to the train. The fuel tanks aren't at the rail yard, they're at the petro plant to the North.
