far cry 2

You have played it then :). I think it´s going to be ONE of the best games yes
I think there are going to be a lot of shooters coming out this fall so it's hard to say.

It might end up being one of my favorites to come out this year since the two games I wanted most, Dragon Age and Empire: Total War, have been delayed till the beginning of next year.
I think there are going to be a lot of shooters coming out this fall so it's hard to say.

It might end up being one of my favorites to come out this year since the two games I wanted most, Dragon Age and Empire: Total War, have been delayed till the beginning of next year.

No way! I was hoping to pickup Empire: Total War this winter...
do you think far cry 2 is going to be one the best games of 2007-2008

Maybe. Hopefully it won't be so over-hyped (like Crysis) that it could never live up to it. I think that was one of the things that was so good about Far Cry - it came out of no-where with no hype at all before it was released.

Far Cry was/is one of my all time favorites and the modding community came through big time as well with extra missions. Hopefully they won't screw it up (Far Cry 2) and make it just a tech demo.
teh fact its coming out on the 360 and ps3 tells me it NOT going to be another tech demo like crysis. remember they use different engines.
teh fact its coming out on the 360 and ps3 tells me it NOT going to be another tech demo like crysis. remember they use different engines.

I think l I just read they kept only 2-3% of the original CryEngine (Far Cry) code as well. THe rest is all new for the Dunia Engine.

I think it will be one of the best PC games this year, not games in general when put up against some console games. Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect were great games that came out this year for PC, but should be considered 2007 games since they were released for consoles then. I've got Far Cry 2 pre-ordered along with Spore, Fallout 3, Left 4 Dead, Dead Space, and some others I am really looking forward to. Ask this question again in December/January.
It has the potential to be one of the best games.

But because its being developed in parallel with the consoles I'm also more afraid of disappointment with this game than any other except Fallout 3.
Look, comparing it with fallout 3 is just crazy, and then u have resistance 2 coming out, Possibly Project Origin, Spore and the games that already came out GTA4, MSGS4, ect

This game better have tons and tons of depth, action, very few bugs on release to even be considered...im sorry but i just dont think itll be best game