Far Cry 3 - $5.62 @ Gamefly

If this is the same thing as far cry 3 blood dragon, I have three codes, $5 each

I am not a gamer so no clue if it is the same thing
If this is the same thing as far cry 3 blood dragon, I have three codes, $5 each

I am not a gamer so no clue if it is the same thing

It is not the same...

Hence the different names.
Thanks op. I purchased the game, but HOLY FUCK!! Can someone please tell me how to start the game once installed. Thanks.
Terrible game imo. Just terrible. Terrible story, terrible gameplay. Horrible spawning bullshit, terrible levels with invisible walls in the stupidest places. To cap it off it requires uplay, takes forever to load even on a SSD, makes you slog through the same stupid bullshit long-ass sequence every time you start the game, and features gameplay that can best be described as "Far Cry of Duty" -- GARBAGE.
lol after farcry2...i swore never to trust them again...and i never will
I bought FC3 4-pack fairly cheap over the steam sale after having my eye on it for the coop gameplay since release, but I still feel extremely ripped off. I spent 10 hours trying to get my money's worth and I can't, I just can't. It's pure consolized EA FPS rubbish at its worst, and EA didn't even make it.
Monotony the game, with a side of a completely fucking retarded story.

Characterization like you've never seen before, as the protagonist goes from weeping about stabbing someone in self defense to, in the span of a couple hours, being an utterly psychopathic one man army with a stupid magic tribal tattoo who is having the time of his life listening to the blood curdling screams of people he's currently roasting alive with a flamethrower.
^Like Lara Croft? LOL.

It's kind of funny, but I thought people liked the story... or I guess, maybe it was just the one bad guy.
His game is definitely worth this price! I played through the campaign twice, and I've dabbled in the online coop, which I thought was cool.

No, it's not a "deep" game, but it's entertaining. Main downside is uplay! :(
I'd say it's worth 5 bucks, but it does get tedious and repetitive really, really fast. It's still fun to run around and assault the enemy camps.
So Uplay is the biggest POS ever. Cool game, the graphics are pretty neat, physics in the vehicles are a little wonky, story line is decent, pretty fun game, wish more games would look as nice as this one.
Terrible game imo. Just terrible. Terrible story, terrible gameplay. Horrible spawning bullshit, terrible levels with invisible walls in the stupidest places. To cap it off it requires uplay, takes forever to load even on a SSD, makes you slog through the same stupid bullshit long-ass sequence every time you start the game, and features gameplay that can best be described as "Far Cry of Duty" -- GARBAGE.

Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, those are total exaggerations. Gotta completely disagree. Had loads of fun in Far Cry 3. But then I'm a sucker for openworld games in tropical settings. Hanggliding over areas and seeing like people and animals wandering around below in the distance - it can be pretty immersive. The "long sequence" at the beginning is just a one-time thing that takes a couple minutes and thats it.

I'd buy it again for full price. At $5 OR $6 bucks its a no-brainer and you're missing out if you pass it up.
Definitely worth this price.

It gets a little grindy if you want all the stuff but otherwise, I thought the gunplay was good, I liked the side missions and there is no respawning checkpoints etc. etc.
^ And the outposts can be reset if you want them to be. Plus there are some great mods for this game over at the Ubi forums.
Loved the game except for having to use Uplay. Got it on Steam thinking that the Steam version won't have to use Uplay. Wrong...........

Still a good game.
Typically I wouldn't chime in but I just finished this game yesterday and I really enjoyed it. I say that while having to say that this typically wouldn't fit the description of a game that I would like. But, for some reason, I just keep playing and playing. I paid $7.49 on a Steam sale and I definitely received my money's worth.
I thought it was a great game, well worth $5 for sure!!! I will say that I got kinda tired of the overpriced weapons so I used CheatEngine to give myself 100 Million and maxed every weapon out..The top sniper rifle (Z93) with the upgraded scope+silencer+extended mag=:D:D:D:D...My preferred carry is the above mentioned sniper rifle, the top machine gun, the MKG (which handles like an assault rifle so you get much more firepower with very little downsides) or the SPAS 12 when I need a shotty, and the good ole GL94 rapid fire gernade launcher...With all the upgrades, you literally are a 1 man army:D...

My one complaint was the stupid hunting specific animals in order to "upgrade" the number of weapons you can carry....That is why I only carry 3 instead of the maximum 4 weapons since I have no desire to go "fight a shark" in order to make a 4 weapon harness:rolleyes:..
Typically I wouldn't chime in but I just finished this game yesterday and I really enjoyed it. I say that while having to say that this typically wouldn't fit the description of a game that I would like. But, for some reason, I just keep playing and playing. I paid $7.49 on a Steam sale and I definitely received my money's worth.

That's the mark of a good game - you want to keep playing.
i definitely enjoyed it, and im really picky as fuck. absolutely worth $6

i loved clearing all the outposts with hand to hand and stealth on hardest difficulty.

i found the acid scenes refreshing for a video game.

also, tits
Great game. Far better than FC2, and a heck of a lot of replay value: it's basically my "go-to" game when I only have 20 minutes and want to blow stuff up. Story was a bit meh, but this game was never about the story but more about exploration, customization and fun gameplay.

Only detraction is Uplay which really chafes my ass.

For those saying this isn't worth $6, you've got to be kidding.
I think this game is a great deal at $6. I'm about 2/3rds through. It *is* a bit grindy, especially if you want to upgrade all your carrying capacity, but it looks fantastic. I've spent time on small tropical islands, and they really nailed the look.

I didn't like having to install Uplay, but its been working flawlessly for me. GFWL was MUCH more of a nightmare.
I loved Blood Dragon but never played Far Cry 3 proper because Far Cry 2 was such a POS. Considering this now.