Far Cry 5 Teasers Confirm American Setting, Full Reveal This Week


Aug 20, 2006
Ubisoft has released four teasers that officially confirm Far Cry 5’s setting: Montana. The scenery appears to be on the modern side, so those rumors of the game taking place in the Wild West may have been a total fabrication. We’ll be seeing more of the game on Friday, when the full reveal happens. (For some reason, the teasers on YouTube are blocked in the US, but you can hit up the IGN link to see them.)

...the game will take place in the US - specifically the state of Montana - for the first time in the series' history. The short trailers end with a message saying that the game will be revealed this Friday, May 26. Each one shows an image of rural America, then puncture the peace with an unsettling image (the man being used as a face-based bellringer is pretty unpleasant). They also seem to counter rumours that said the game would take place in a Wild West setting (which would put it in more direct competition with this year's Red Dead Redemption 2) - clothing, weapons and buildings look more modern than the Old West would suggest.
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Each of the videos in the linked article has adverts for which you must wait 15 seconds before skipping. Not cool. Can I suggest linking to the Youtube videos instead?

Each of the videos in the linked article has adverts for which you must wait 15 seconds before skipping. Not cool. Can I suggest linking to the Youtube videos instead?
Those of us that live in the US can see the videos in the linked article. The Youtube videos you posted cannot be playing inside the US.

Update: Actually video #2 works, but the rest do not.
Although you can surly make a compelling Ubisoft-Open-World game in the American outdoors, it doesn't seem very exotic compared to every other Far Cry game. Betting on name recognition?
Click on the video #2 above to open in youtube. Then after watching that video you can click the other videos on the lower right side of the screen. They all play.
Although you can surly make a compelling Ubisoft-Open-World game in the American outdoors, it doesn't seem very exotic compared to every other Far Cry game. Betting on name recognition?
Its a teaser... relax.
Looks so nice. Well, it's time to fart out fetch quest all over the game.
Either the PS4 has magically gained some impressive graphics power, or those were just live-action shorts and not at all indicative of the actual game.
Although you can surly make a compelling Ubisoft-Open-World game in the American outdoors, it doesn't seem very exotic compared to every other Far Cry game. Betting on name recognition?

Maybe it's a Deliverance like style story... ??? The teaser did a good job of sparking some intrigue.
I bet the 'joke' game based on this title will take place as a Western. It'd be a waste not to.
Only four videos? Wasted opportunity, since this is the fifth game!
I've only beaten the original FC, the good one, since it was only available on PC! :p
Looks so nice. Well, it's time to fart out fetch quest all over the game.
Don't forget, this is Ubisoft. How much you want to bet the final game has graphics that are a notable downgrade than what's in these videos?
Don't forget, this is Ubisoft. How much you want to bet the final game has graphics that are a notable downgrade than what's in these videos?

Considering that these teaser videos are live-action and not computer-generated, disappointment is a certainty.
Considering that these teaser videos are live-action and not computer-generated, disappointment is a certainty.
Got me there, honestly, current generation graphics can be so good it can be hard to tell from smaller sized videos.
looks also like its gonna be SP only ..at the end of the vid i saw here

.. it stated 15 new INSANE SP games coming in 2017 and 2018

so it'll be like FC primal no co op or MP or map edit Program ???

i'll ask when i get to E 3
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The Playstation EU Youtube channel has these all up and those of us in the NA can watch them. Here is a link to the first one:

That water.... if that is representative of in-game graphics then I will be blown away.
This looks like either live action teaser or pre-rendered scenes. everything is always hyped. Let's not forget this is an ubisoft game....as stated above by tetris42

Video not available in my country, which is the USA LOL
If the water looks great. but the game sucks... then the game sucks.
Considering that these teaser videos are live-action and not computer-generated, disappointment is a certainty.

Did everyone forget this?

Ubisoft does a pretty great job of throwing in some live action tie ins with their games and FarCry 3 was leagues better than 2.
Hey, it's Nacho, from Better Call Saul!

Yes, FC3 was infinitely better than 2. Original FC still the best.
The only one that looks somewhat computer generated is the church scene to me.
This could be a nice palate cleanser from the past few Far Cry games. While I enjoyed 3 I was kind of burnt out on the formula and skipped the past few.
Did everyone forget this?

Ubisoft does a pretty great job of throwing in some live action tie ins with their games and FarCry 3 was leagues better than 2.

Max Payne 3 is the same way over the top 3rd world country stuff going on.

Man that video is horrible LOL
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Folks, the videos are 100% live action. Earlier this year there were people talking about Ubisoft shooting live-action footage in Montana for a game. At the time no one really knew what game it was for but once FC5's existence leaked, people put one and one together to figure it out.
I guess it's a good thing that so many people are getting live action confused with in game gfx? Seems like we've progressed on that front. :p