Far Cry Coop mod

have you try'd it yet?

I am downloading it now.. I'll give er a try in the morning... If it works...
This mod doesn't seem to work for me. I installed the mod and tried it over lan but it didn't work out very well. Basically I host/play it on my computer and had my girlfriend join my game. For some reason crouch and prone do not seem to work at all on the client computer. There is no change in the screen when the client presses crouch or prone, the character just stands still.

I also had a problem with the game not seeming to "sync up". For example, on the first map named "Training," there is a small doorway type thing that you have to crouch under to get passed. If the client walks up to it and tries to crouch to get under it, nothing happens. The reason is because on my screen she is near a wall and not near the doorway. She would have to be watching my screen in order to navigate her character around in the game world.

Sorry if none of this makes any sense. It doesn't seem to make any sense to me either. Hopefully, one of you guys can tell me what I should do to get it working correctly. Thanks

System specs for host:
P4 3.0C
1Gig of ram
radeon 9700
asus p4p800 deluxe

System specs for client:
AMD 3000+ XP
1 Gig of Ram
radeon 9700
Asus A7N8X-deluxe
I did not have them problems, though we did have many small things.. Me and my son just got done play'n, We started about 9am and have play'd without to much trouble till (5:53pm).. what we noticed:

Not all maps let you know which way to go.
Sometimes when I started a movie no matter were my son was it started his..
This did not alway happen though.. Some times he would not see it at all.. :)
Stuff you find respawns after a short wait. (guns, ammo, health)
The host has to take key cards
After you complete a level you have to exit the game and load the next.
only one map had which way to go on the compass, so far. (we just got past the pier level)
I had to take it down from 1280 which I play in SP to 1024, so it would play smooth.
some times after I would die, on my sons computer i would like like I just had a white t-shirt and pants on.. Not what I started with...
Host seems to start with binocolars when others don't (but not always)
hmmm... I think that is about it..
oh ya.. if the host does not log in.. no NPCs move...

but the game was a BLAST to play together, and worked well over all.
I should say (after reading again the other post) we did rebind my sons controls.. maybe why we didn't have problems with that..?,, not sure..