Far Cry - Nforce 2 Soundstorm Issues


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 4, 2003
Anyone know what the deal is with Far Cry and Soundstorm audio ? My gun sound effect will just randomly stop working. And the voices will drop off too. I had this problem in the demo but assumed it would be worked out in the retail. Well I bought it today at Fry's for 30 bones and the audio seems to be hosed.
Apparently there is some issue with this game and the nforce motherboard's sound. I'm using the 4.09 audio driver. A new one was released yesterday 4.31, I haven't d/l it yet but people at NforcerHQ are saying it didn't fix the problem.
This is getting frustrating. I'm saving cash for a new video card. I don't want to have to spend it on a decent sound card. The Far Cry message board is down right now. :(

edit: I've installed FC 1.1 patch already. It didn't fix it either.
I heard the problem is the APU overheats, some people put a fan on it to cool it down and it works. You could try that.
It is a known problem with Far Cry and nForce 2 audio. Unfortuneately it is not because of the APU overheating in this case. I had the same problem and there is no solution so I put my SBLive! in :( .
Yes no problem for me. There is an Audigy 2 issue too but I own both Audigy 2 and nforce soundstorm and ain´t got problems at all with either. But perhaps it was the Audigy 2 ZS I only got the plain Audigy 2.
Well I put the new 4.31 audio driver on and the problem seems to be fixed. (crosses fingers) I just played for the last 2 hours with zero audio glitches. Before I couldn't play for longer then 10 minutes without sound effects disappearing.. I'm a happy camper. :) Now to upgrade my video. On medium quality I'm still dropping down into the 20's sometimes. Low setting is just too ugly, although I get steady 60's.
This is a known problem that is stated in the readme.

The 4.31 beta drivers fix it. Im actually loving these new drivers. You can finally clone your front speakers to your rear speakers in winamp !!!!!

4.31 audio with NVmixer

These drivers actually fix alot more stuff (some more UBI soft games).
They work great for me.
I have the audigy2ZS and I am having huge problems. If I enable eax the gun sound is delayed about a half second and there are no footsteps or anything in the game. If I disable that and just use hardware acceleration than I get proper gun sounds but no sounds from the enemies. They will be shooting at me and it will be silent. Does anyone know a fix for this? I have a set of Logitech z-680's if this makes any difference.
i just installed the new 4.31's also. does anyone know where all the options went? it seems like we are missing some, and also does anyone know why i cant enable lfe crossover frequency?
The NVmixer is where most of the options went. Supposedly these drivers are still beta though so who knows ? :confused:
Grrrr why did i do this? for some reason i cant get these drivers to sound good at all, than god i can roll back!