FarCry 2 MP


Limp Gawd
Jul 30, 2008
I am considering getting this game, does anyone know if the MP is any good & what types of games it has?
Multiplayer is total fail.

There are very few people playing it.
You can't join servers that have started a round.
After each round you have to join another server.
Punkbuster is kicking most players.
You can't change your key binding for MP.
The server browser is horrid.

If you want a good multiplayer game, don't get Far Cry 2.
The mp system is decent on the 360. You earn XP to upgrade your weapons as long as you stay on the server. It wont replace games like COD4, but the multiplayer is fun with the unique wound healing, fire spreading, and map editor. They need to fix ranked matches a bit however.
and thus continues the vicious cycle...bad time for pc gamers

u can join some games in progress--there's an option in the filter that works for this. However, it SUCKS like everyone has been saying. This game could be so much better if they would have paid a little more attn to MP. The console for MP isn't user friendly and yes, seems very compatible for a gamepad. I really like COD5's MP options/console even if it' just like COD4. If it ain't broke....

Farcry2 reminds me of stalker is some ways. The bloom/HDR effect is too much for my taste.

Still, with all FC2s successes, MP is going to kill it alot earlier than it should. I never buy games for the story line--that's just me so I lose big time. Everyone else who does buy based on this will be happy I presume, but like everyone else who looks to MP for a continuation of gameplay will be disappointed.
Yep, I am either one game away or to the point where I am going to start pirating games that have shitty multiplayer. I feel like I just bought an electronic device and only half of its features work, and the rest are either not there at all, or broken. I had convinced myself to pirate games after the utter failure of Frontlines Fuel of War, but I needed to waste my money more.:rolleyes: One thing's for sure though, just like with Crysis, I have been the guinea pig for my gaming community and I have told them all just to skip it.

Maybe having a USB drive to go with the games will be next when the ratings come up short, that will fix the problem of continually shitty games. One thing for sure is that if they bitch about sales of the game on PC because of piracy, I will never buy from Ubisoft again.
Multiplayer is total fail.

There are very few people playing it.
You can't join servers that have started a round.
After each round you have to join another server.
Punkbuster is kicking most players.
You can't change your key binding for MP.
The server browser is horrid.

If you want a good multiplayer game, don't get Far Cry 2.

I've been able to change my key binds but everything else is spot on, also no prone/lean :mad::confused::(


We should also post our thoughts on their official PC feedback thread:
No prone is just the tip of the iceberg. I am stuck with a bastardization between WASD and my standard controls. All of this doesn't matter though because i get disconnected for PunkbusterB half the time, and its almost impossible to join a server. BUT, when you do get a round, you get disconnected afterwards.

This game needs to be pirated so Ubisoft can go under. There is absolutely no news of a patch or fixes for these game-ruining problems. This is retarded.
My colleagues and I have thoroughly enjoyed Vegas 2 Co-op...I disagree that it's universal; though I might agree with you it's a mixed bag.
I didn't say it was "universal" but in my experience with most Ubisoft FPS games for the PC, MP could be good but they seem to find a way to screw it all up & it usually starts with the server browser & not being able to connect to servers. Then its patches that take forever & people give up. Personally for me just the word Ubisoft on the box is a red flag.

I won't be buying this till I see that its being enjoyed a great deal online. I am tired of paying full price for half a game.
It sucks that they can't just learn and implement a good multiplayer. Hell, take COD4 MP, copy the idea and add map editor, profit?

They really do have cool maps and MP is fun, however the server browser and inability to remain on the server once the map ends are ridiculous.

Personally though, I think that people do play MP. Look on Xfire, the game is #5, I see a ton of ppl online.
I bought FC2 for the single player....I will NOT be playing it online, that's what CoD4 is for....

FC2 online is worse than FC1 was, by far, IMO.
I haven't played online yet...I've been playing the single player.

Reading these comments is disturbing. You get dropped to the server browser when the round ends? You can't join matches in progress? What happens if people leave mid-round? You're just stuck with a half-filled server until next round?

No prone and no lean were really stupid and lazy design decisions but it looks like multiplayer was even lazier. Probably never got to finish it to squeak it out for the holidays. If the multiplayer doesn't get a significant patch soon the game will die an early and unnecessary death.
I haven't played online yet...I've been playing the single player.

Reading these comments is disturbing. You get dropped to the server browser when the round ends? You can't join matches in progress? What happens if people leave mid-round? You're just stuck with a half-filled server until next round?

No prone and no lean were really stupid and lazy design decisions but it looks like multiplayer was even lazier. Probably never got to finish it to squeak it out for the holidays. If the multiplayer doesn't get a significant patch soon the game will die an early and unnecessary death.

Yes, you get kicked to browser after each round, and I don't think its a bug.
Yes, you can't join games in progress, and I don't think its a bug.
Yes, two nights ago it was 6v2 towards the end of the round and it couldn't be adjusted.

Ubisoft should have just skipped MP all together. Its like building a car but figuring engines are too over rated, so you just skip that step.
That's what I get for buying a hyped game at release.

The last game I paid full price for was CoD4 after I saw the multiplayer would give it legs. Now I shell out $50 for this game and once I beat it I may never play it again. At least I only paid $20 for a used copy of Crysis and knew what to expect going in. I'm going to wait for plenty of reviews from here on out.
That's what I get for buying a hyped game at release.

The last game I paid full price for was CoD4 after I saw the multiplayer would give it legs. Now I shell out $50 for this game and once I beat it I may never play it again. At least I only paid $20 for a used copy of Crysis and knew what to expect going in. I'm going to wait for plenty of reviews from here on out.

Last overhyped game I picked up was Hellgate: London... What a sorry guy I was... Far Cry 2 has taught me never to purchase a game until it's in the bargain bin, or at least significantly marked down from retail, IE: 30%... I new some things were going to be missing, as advertising always gets things wrong, but I never imagined it would've been this bad...
I agree that the MP is bad, but if that's what you bought it for, you clearly didn't do your research.
You should try the game on the 360. You don't get kicked after each game, you can join games in progress, and there are lots of people online playing. There is also thousands of maps that have been custom made and uploaded already. If you are in a room and they switch to a custom map, you are prompted to download the map or leave the room, and the map is downloaded to everyone's console.

I am really enjoying MP on the 360, though the lack of prone really sucks.
I guess November's LAN party won't be as fun and exciting as I thought.

It's a good thing Crysis MP doesn't suck this hard. I can get more than my moneys worth from a $29.99 game, and get ripped off by a $49.99 game that everyone has sworn would be "better".
You should try the game on the 360. You don't get kicked after each game, you can join games in progress, and there are lots of people online playing. There is also thousands of maps that have been custom made and uploaded already. If you are in a room and they switch to a custom map, you are prompted to download the map or leave the room, and the map is downloaded to everyone's console.

I am really enjoying MP on the 360, though the lack of prone really sucks.

me too but on the ps3. glad i got this on the console then on the pc. i will sacrafice k&m over better online play, stable fps and more popularity online.
me too but on the ps3. glad i got this on the console then on the pc. i will sacrafice k&m over better online play, stable fps and more popularity online.

Careful budday, I get a great FPS too so dont tout superiority in graphics. I do, however, envy the structured matchmaking system (which is what Im assuming the consoles use).
Multiplayer is total fail.

There are very few people playing it.
You can't join servers that have started a round.
After each round you have to join another server.
Punkbuster is kicking most players.
You can't change your key binding for MP.
The server browser is horrid.

If you want a good multiplayer game, don't get Far Cry 2.

I disagree. It's glitchy and undone at this point, but the MP is still very fun.

There are very few people playing it. False. There are plenty of guys playing MP and with the 'quick match' system, albeit being a bit glitchy, you'll be thrown into a match in no time.

You can't join servers that have started a round. True, but matches are created all the time, and again, the quick match system will get you in a game automatically. And if you create your own matches you won't have to bother, when your game is done you'll get back to the game room waiting for a new batch of players and you'll be going again. I only have 768kbit upload and I can host decently for up to 15 players!

After each round you have to join another server. Yes but after a match just go searching for games with the same map, chances are the same server is gathering players for the next round at this point. Or again, just go with quick matching... simple.

Punkbuster is kicking most players. Haven't had this problem myself. I DID have to turn off my firewall to even log on, maybe disabling my FW fixed this in advance.

Not being able to set a nick in game is a problem for me though. You'll be named what your ubisoft.com account is named. Wich will be something a bit random cause much is taken already and only letters and numbers are acceptable for your username.

What keeps me going though is that the game itself is very fun. It's the new counter-strike with some extra game modes and a ranking system. You gain diamonds as you gain ranks. You spend the diamonds to advance in the class of your choice for better equipment, and you improve the weapons that you use slowly in reliability and effect, which I suppose is damage output and or accuracy.

You don't get a CS-like shooter with ranking system and upgradeable weapons with impressing graphics elsewhere.
Well Punkbuster kicks the fuck out of me all the time, even when I rarely get to play a few matches of of a Ranked game. I can play an Unranked game fine, but you cant keep your stats from an unranked game, even if you log into your online account.

I hate their server browser implementation, its just as bad as when UT3 was released. Getting kicked from a server after a map is done and not able to join a started match is incredibly retarded imo. I hope UBI soft patches that so its like any other competent PC multiplayer game.
I am considering getting this game, does anyone know if the MP is any good & what types of games it has?

dont listen to people saying its a total fail. in the consoles its fucking awsome mate. you will love it. the pc version however is a total shitfest
It's not a total shitfest on the PC for fucks sake.. The framework is poor and glitchy but the game itself is addicting and fun.
It's not a total shitfest on the PC for fucks sake.. The framework is poor and glitchy but the game itself is addicting and fun.

QFT, plus i dig it when people say 'for fucks sake'.
I disagree. It's glitchy and undone at this point, but the MP is still very fun.

If you can get used to the pre-set controls.

There are very few people playing it. False. There are plenty of guys playing MP and with the 'quick match' system, albeit being a bit glitchy, you'll be thrown into a match in no time.

BF2142 has several thousand people on every evening. Far Cry 2 had only about 3-4 servers per game mode. BF2142 is 2 years old, Far Cry 2 is the new game that is all the rage.

You can't join servers that have started a round. True, but matches are created all the time, and again, the quick match system will get you in a game automatically. And if you create your own matches you won't have to bother, when your game is done you'll get back to the game room waiting for a new batch of players and you'll be going again. I only have 768kbit upload and I can host decently for up to 15

And what happens if you want to join a server with your gaming community? There are no server names, and it starts before everyone can join half the time.

After each round you have to join another server. Yes but after a match just go searching for games with the same map, chances are the same server is gathering players for the next round at this point. Or again, just go with quick matching... simple.

Its easy if you don't care what map you're playing and have no one else to play online with. In most cases, that is a problem though.

Punkbuster is kicking most players. Haven't had this problem myself. I DID have to turn off my firewall to even log on, maybe disabling my FW fixed this in advance.

Everyone with Vista x64 was getting PunkbusterB kicks every time they tried to join a server. They released a fix, but many people are still getting randomly kicked.

What keeps me going though is that the game itself is very fun. It's the new counter-strike with some extra game modes and a ranking system. You gain diamonds as you gain ranks. You spend the diamonds to advance in the class of your choice for better equipment, and you improve the weapons that you use slowly in reliability and effect, which I suppose is damage output and or accuracy.

You don't get a CS-like shooter with ranking system and upgradeable weapons with impressing graphics elsewhere.

Um, the only problem is every aspect except the gameplay makes it not worth dealing with to get some of the gameplay. Its a failure.
The lack of prone position seems to be a ubisoft trait. BIAHH does not have prone position either. Instead they have a "dig in" position to take cover behind something, which works perfectly in BIAHH. It took me a bit to get used to not being able to drop into prone position like I would in BF2 but once you get used to it, it is really not that big of a deal. At least you can still crouch though....

Also BIAhh has a shit MP. No dedicated server options in a game from 2008, like WTF? lol
Hmm there must be lots of issues associated with vista64 cause im on xp and I'm having great fun with lots of other players. Each round i wait maybe 40-60 seconds and there'll be 16 players in my deathmatch game. I hope they fix this shit so they can improve your impression :)