Farcry or Half-Life 2 - Quick!

i'm gonna say far cry, simply because of steam

they are both a blast, but with far cry, you don't get your rectum slowly probed every time you load it
Metallica_Band said:
Since when did the cost of a game determine the quality of the game??? That's kinda a dumb way to determine the quality of a game...Serious Sam only cost $20 and it kiked ass...so did SS2...

What kind of cheap are you talking about anyways??? Cheap as in quality or cheap as in cost??? If you just mean cost and not quality then ignore my reply...

I would have gladly ignored your post, but when you put words in my mouth, it leaves a bad after-taste :mad:

When did I ever mentioned that cheap determined the quality of the game? What I meant was that since it's cheap, he might as well get HL2 because I do not see the price getting lower than say $29.99. Hell Counterstrike still sells for $29.99 (last I have seen it). On the other hand, I have seen Far Cry go as low as $14.99. That leads me to believe that it might/will dip in the $10 category sooner or later....

Geesh man... Relax, you make terrible assumptions and make yourself look like an idiot....

Please re-read my post and then show me where I have ever MENTIONED Cheap means Quality... :rolleyes: . You are putting words in my mouth :mad: .



No doubt about it....
PoW said:
HL2. haha wallijonn was confused by hl2 install process

Oh I know about the install process, all of it. I couldn't get my game installed, for whatever reason. The Steam online status always showed that the servers were up, the firewall showed me all the ports that were opening. I even disabled the firewall and tried two different OSes. It just wouldn't verify and allow me to register the game. I tried all the tricks at the Valve Steam forums. I tried turning off my DSL firewall, enabling all ports, etc. But I never got to the point where I could insert the license numbers. So I returned it to BestBuy and got a refund.

But I know plenty of people who have to wait 3 to 6 minutes to have the game start, 2 minutes if they disconnect the NIC cable and play it in offline mode.

I went out and bought "Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay" for $24.95. Nice game.

I keep waiting for PainKiller to go down to $19.99. I picked up FarCry for $19.99. I picked up Halo for $19.99. I waited to pick up Half Life 2 for $39.99. I can wait for Doom III to go down to $19.99. The last game I paid full retail for, $39.99, was Unreal II and it had all sorts of problems and a crappy ending; the game ending felt rushed. Now I hear that the HL2 ending is left open for a sequel, just like Halo 2. After Unreal II I decided to buy the games when they go on sale. At least if it has a crappy ending I feel better knowing that I paid 50% of retail.

But I refuse to ever buy any Steam game. Vivendi made CoR:EFBB and the first thing I looked for on the box were the words "Steam". It installed smoothly, real smooth.

$55 for a Steam game? No thanks.
half life 2

the last few levels of far cry suck so much they ruin the game - compared to the last 2 mins. of half life 2.
Oh yeah....I thouroughly enjoyed climbing to the top of a structure and tearing apart some metal pieces as a "final boss" level :rolleyes:...wtf were they thinking??? I wanted to fight some big ass monster like in HL1 that actually took some skill on the hardest skill level...the game is WAY too easy to beat...

There needs to be an additional skill level IMO...one that's actually hard to beat...one that makes you think about which weapon ur going to use next because there's less ammo laying around and one that doesn't have a health pack around every turn...I swear...the first few chapters I never went below 50 HP on the hardest skill setting...UGH!!! Great game but it's too damn easy to beat...hell...ppl are setting pretty damn fast speed records already...it's too friggin easy...gimmie more baddies and less health and a bit less ammo being dropped...they did a good job of this in HL1...
I would think that the people who ranked HL2 better --- never really gave Far Cry a fair chance. Far Cry is my favorite PC game of all time. I've been playing PC games since 1991 with one of the first PC's. I've played nearly every big game there's ever been. Far Cry is the Creme of the Crop and HL2 was boring. The only reason I kept playing was because it was HL2.

one problem with HL2 - - - - Linear Levels


That one thing alone makes Far Cry an infintely better game. Far Cry is realistic in the ability to "choose your own adventure" so to speak. The whole world is your oyster and you can go anywhere, within reason.

In HL2 you can only go in a tunnel, or a narrow corridor, or a street that has every alley blocked off on the sides...it's so restrictive as to lose the entire realism aspect to me. Far Cry is a much better game and did far more to advance the genre.
Ditto on Far Cry. HL2 has better mood, setting and physics but overall Far Cry wins hands down on game play alone.

Besides HL2 was so easy on the normal setting a chimp could finish it.
Agreed but HL2 *DID* have the excellent lipsyncing which made the models "come to life" even more than any other game has done when it comes to realistic models...that's a BIG plus for HL2 I guess...
Oh no doubt. I am mean this whole thread is liking arguing about whether we are going to have a $60 dollar bottle of Pinot Noir or a $70 dollar bottle of Pinot Noir, either is going to taste great.
Ignore the flames.

I'd say HL2, although I find both games to be fun, and I suggest you own both ASAP.
Far Cry. I just played the demo of HL2 and I liked Far Cry more.
hl2, best overall package. Farcry single player was fun but not as egaging as hl2, and the only time I ever played farcry multiplayer was at the amd experience tour(almost netted me a 3400+, too bad I blew it last 30 seconds and tied for 4rth). HL2: DM is rather simplistic, and CS:S is pretty much the same old cs, but they're both rather addictive.
Metallica_Band said:
only difference is the bots...the graphix are worse than HL2...sure...redone maps...pshhh...other mappers can do a better job at remapping already remapped maps...there are no new weapons and the models are still poo...oh...and wait...get this...what a suprise...same sound too...what a bunch of lazy jackhole fux...the devs barely but ANY effort into this former FREE game and now they charge us for it...sure the so-called deleted scenes have new sounds but I could make better farting sounds compared to theirs...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is new about this game...you run around like a little girl in a linear based game shooting the crappiest of crap bots...they're worse than online n00bz...they camp like hell and u can just walk up on them and knife them to death...what a bunch of $#!T...and when they DO attack they just run in a straight line and start shooting...like freakin kamikazee bots...no storyline either...come on

You must be thinking of CS: Condtion Zero. There is a huge difference between Source and Condition Zero. I'm pretty sure there are not bots in CS:Source. Maps look good to me in CS:S. There are a lot of new sounds in Source. The gun models look decent.

"Deleted Scenes" is for CS: Condition Zero NOT Source.

Have you seriously played the bots in Condition Zero or were they on easy? Because they play better than above average players on the hard setting. I've been playing CS since beta 7.0 and I whoop ass in CS and the bots in Condition Zero give me a hard time.
Oh yeah...CS:CZ...CS:S...CS...CS::OIELKDSNFLKHSDOISH...WHATEVER teh fark they're invinting over there that carries the CS name...well it sux...CS is old, CS:S is a joke...CS:CZ is 20x worse than the other two...screw CS...bring on TF2!!!! :D :D :D