FarCry question...


Sep 25, 2002
Does this game seem hard to anyone else? I am not much of a FPS gamer, but good lord! I did play (and finish) HL2, and it was hard in certain points, but I am having trouble getting through "Training" in FarCry. Not quite that bad, but at the very beginning of FarCry, when you are in the wrecked ship, and go up the ladder to the deck... The helicopter comes out, and you are basically surrounded by mercs. I had to play that through about 100 times to get through it. I have it set to "Easy" too! Good gracious!!!

Is it just me? Did anyone find FarCry to be a whole lot more difficult than HL2?
Yep. Call me a n00b, but I've only gotten to the second level (where you're on the carrier). I keep dying there. I haven't played for too long, though. I've only spent one day on it, so maybe 5-6 hours.
FlipperBizkut said:
Does this game seem hard to anyone else? I am not much of a FPS gamer, but good lord! I did play (and finish) HL2, and it was hard in certain points, but I am having trouble getting through "Training" in FarCry. Not quite that bad, but at the very beginning of FarCry, when you are in the wrecked ship, and go up the ladder to the deck... The helicopter comes out, and you are basically surrounded by mercs. I had to play that through about 100 times to get through it. I have it set to "Easy" too! Good gracious!!!

Is it just me? Did anyone find FarCry to be a whole lot more difficult than HL2?

Easy way to do the carrier part is to pop your head out to get the helicopter to spawn, then go back down on a lower deck to take out the helicopter, then go back up and slowly kill them 1 by 1.

I'm playing the game on veteran right now, and it is VERY hard, you just need to take it slow and use your binoculars to locate all your mercs on your minimap. The weapons I have right now are 1.machete 2.shotgun(you didn't get to it yet, so an SMG would work) 3.M4a1 4.Sniper rifle

Get used to shooting your M4 in bursts.
I play on realistic atm. Once you figure out where everyone is, it gets easier to beat it. Also shooting the center gunner on the chopper will cause it to go away if you don't destroy it first...
The game is hard. I am on the 11th level right now. It doesn't get any easier as you go. Funny thing is, I loaded a checkpoint from one of the first few levels, and the parts I thought were hard, became much easier the second time around, so I must be getting better as I play. Just when I become frustrated, I magically pass the scene I am stuck at and get further in the game. This is my first time through, but the game seems to have more replay value than a lot of others... I guess because you can literally go anywhere in the levels.
FC is definitely a hard game - which is one of the reasons why I love it as much as I do. Halo at legendary setting was also a decent challenge.

Halo on Legendary Co-Op was fun^^^^ but Far Cry wasn't too bad. It took me awhile and I think I had more problems b/c I had everything maxed out plus some extra tweaks that upped the visual quality even more and made my game run right at about 25fps so that once you started firing things slowed down a little. But man was it beautiful!!!

I think in farcry it is hard to aim. Maybe it's just me but aiming seems heavy and hard to pinpoint. I think b/c I had everything maxed out. Did I mention it was beautiful tho?

I think the only thing that I dislike about farcry is the aiming - not that it's necessarily hard to aim, but that things take SO many hits, and it doesn't seem to matter if you hit a lot of the baddies in the head or chest (I'm thinking of the Trigen mutants with rocket launchers). That said, the aiming/damage system meant that you had to be that much better at dodging to get through the game, which is certainly better than had the game been a cakewalk.

I beat FC on challenging and I have to admit it wasnt easy. i was going to move to realistic but I picked up HL2 and well it took my time away. Beat HL2 now onto BF2 multiplayer.

/me waits for FEAR and STALKER :(
That_Sound_Guy said:
I beat FC on challenging and I have to admit it wasnt easy. i was going to move to realistic but I picked up HL2 and well it took my time away. Beat HL2 now onto BF2 multiplayer.

/me waits for FEAR and STALKER :(

Let's just hope that Nvidia releases a driver set that lets me play fear at over 30FPS... :rolleyes:

The fastest way to beat the chopper is to kill the guy with the machinegun then the chopper goes away, everything else in deck just killem 1 by 1 :D

Or you can fudge that entire bit. When you're going up the stairs along the side of the ship, you can lean over a little and shoot the boat suspended by chains up above. It'll fall down and you can drive off.
OldMX said:
The fastest way to beat the chopper is to kill the guy with the machinegun then the chopper goes away, everything else in deck just killem 1 by 1 :D


Correction, the fastest way is to run straight off the edge of the ship and land in the water and swim to the sand under the ship, then take out a gun and shoot the life boat down. Took me 3 minutes to beat.
Wait till you get to the final level, near friggen impossible, even when just on medium difficulty
defiant said:
Wait till you get to the final level, near friggen impossible, even when just on medium difficulty

QFT big time

i beat FC on medium, and man was that a challenge. The last chapter was really hard, i had to hide in that damn corner for so long to kill those rocket launcher trygens...
I've beaten it on Veteran (or whatever the one after hard is called), and the only reason I can't beat it on Realistic is that retarded part where you lose your gun. You're supposed to just swim along the river, but the monkeys still jump at you and the commandos still shoot at you. And since 1 hit = dead, that's not good.
defiant said:
Wait till you get to the final level, near friggen impossible, even when just on medium difficulty

yes that friggin sucked , took me like 20 times on hard
The inside of the volcano isn't that hard if you know how. Snipe other snipers, then snipe a few more guys, then wait behind the door with the heavy machine gun. When there's only a few guys lef in the crater, just run over the railing on the top and kill doyle. The fight before that is much harder, spawns like 20 elite guards right next to you.

edit: but yes, farcry is a lot harder than HL2. Thank god. Even on hard, there were very few parts in HL2 that took me several tries.
FlipperBizkut said:
Does this game seem hard to anyone else? I am not much of a FPS gamer, but good lord! I did play (and finish) HL2, and it was hard in certain points, but I am having trouble getting through "Training" in FarCry. Not quite that bad, but at the very beginning of FarCry, when you are in the wrecked ship, and go up the ladder to the deck... The helicopter comes out, and you are basically surrounded by mercs. I had to play that through about 100 times to get through it. I have it set to "Easy" too! Good gracious!!!

Is it just me? Did anyone find FarCry to be a whole lot more difficult than HL2?

Tip: Duck!

Seriously, whenever i meet someone, i hit the ground and shoot his head (Preferrably with an MP5, my favorite). You can go full auto and still hit a dime at 50 yards that way. Shooting really isn't that hard, i just treat it like i would CS, don't move and spray at the same time.

When you see the chopper on the carrier, move so that a crate is between you and the guy with the minigun on the scaffolding, then hit the deck and take out your P90 and try to take out the gunner (Your crosshair's rock steady when prone), if you run out, switch to the M16 and keep shooting, even if the guy doesn't go down after all that, the helicopter will :D
Well, I was going to uninstall it, and install HL2 to play again. I'm glad I gave it another chance! I have been playing it for the past couple of days and loving it. I'm not going to say that it got a whole lot easier, but I guess I got a little better.

Unlike HL2, I have to play FarCry more like a sniper. I have to hide all the time and use my binoculars. In HL2, it was more just run and shoot. I like both methods, but FarCry seems like it would be more realistic. You have to play it like you are really there instead of playing like some unstoppable video game hero.

Thanks for the tips. I feel good that I got by all those parts (beginning ones that I was asking about earlier) all by myself. I have now saved the girl, and am heading towards the base (I don't know what the level is called, but it is around level 7 or 8 or somewhere close to that).

I do have a question about the trigens. Do they throw anything at you or anything like that? I was trapped in a room a couple of levels back, and there were like 4 of them coming at me. I was shooting them all with the shotgun, but was getting my ass kicked by them. I don't understand how, because they weren't getting close to me at all. They hadn't even jumped at me or anything. There was nothing behind me except a wall, but I still died there like 10 times before I finally got through.
RailGunRiz said:
yes that friggin sucked , took me like 20 times on hard

I'll see that and raise you 25 times on veteran(2nd to hardest)

The aiming is pretty good, since the crosshairs flash red when you hit them it's a lot easier. You need to always use the sights when you aim though, it's much easier.
You get used to the difficulty eventually...I got all the way to the actual volcano part of the last level on veteran (without AI balancing) before I gave up, it was incredibly difficult. Nevertheless, it was still a fun game. If it is too hard, start over with AI balancing turned on.
Yep, I've played it through a couple of times. Parts of it are indeed hard, especially if you don't cheat by using doom 3 style quicksave crap. I had HELL trying to beat that one room near the end of the game where all the elite guards are in the room with all the pillars.

Absolutely my favorite FPS ever, specifically for its replayability aspect.

Now if I could only get it up and running on my new rig *grumble*
It is a fantastic game indeed... I'm playing on the easy setting, currently on "Research"
I finally started Far Cry last night, just got to the dune buggy. This is a fun, fun game. I'm loving it, bust me out a P. Diddy uniform and I'll do a commercial.
Aaron_ATX said:
I had HELL trying to beat that one room near the end of the game where all the elite guards are in the room with all the pillars.

I thought that was hard too until I dropped the sniper and picked up the rocket launcher. Beat the room in like 10 seconds.
DragonNOA1 said:
I thought that was hard too until I dropped the sniper and picked up the rocket launcher. Beat the room in like 10 seconds.

I had one when I tried beating that part on normal awhile ago, I almost shit myself when I zoomed in with the rocket launcher only to see an elite guard zooming in at me with his rocket launcher :eek:
I loved the game. Beat it at least four times, increasing difficulty. Not a fan of the Trigens at all, especially the little monkey ones. Too unrealistic. Rocket guards were fun, just take them out with the M3 while prone from a distance. The game was much better when you were just facing a multitude of people.

Last level help: Ever notice that there is more armor, ammo, and medkits in the preceding room than you could ever use? You're supposed to restock using this. Take the chair in the room and shoot it up to the main door. Use the chair to keep the inner door from closing. Go in, kick ass, go back and grab health and ammo. Makes the last level almost playable.

Also, if you bring up the console at any time, type in \save_game <enter>. Instant save, the way the game should have been designed. I hate checkpoints.

FlipperBizkut said:
I have to play FarCry more like a sniper.

Good point. I never actually thought of it that way.

Aaron_ATX said:
Yep, I've played it through a couple of times. Parts of it are indeed hard, especially if you don't cheat by using doom 3 style quicksave crap. I had HELL trying to beat that one room near the end of the game where all the elite guards are in the room with all the pillars.

Use the grenade launcher and send a few of them flying, being careful not to hit Val, then when Crieger jumps in close, whip out your shotgun and empty it at his head point blank. He'll go down <fast>

enraged78 said:
Last level help: Ever notice that there is more armor, ammo, and medkits in the preceding room than you could ever use? You're supposed to restock using this. Take the chair in the room and shoot it up to the main door. Use the chair to keep the inner door from closing. Go in, kick ass, go back and grab health and ammo. Makes the last level almost playable.

Ooooh! :eek: Nice Tip! Thanks!
Actually I tried Krieger 12093849023892 times. I asked the board for some assistance and found out where his "weak" spot is....much easier to take down with that little tidbit of info.

And in my post I wasnt talking about the Krieger room anyway, its the BIG room a little before that.