Farcry SP torrent

I read that it is "officially" supposed to be out in the next day or two...but somehow was accidentally released to different Sites...then retracted?
Originally posted by Kibbles
I read that it is "officially" supposed to be out in the next day or two...but somehow was accidentally released to different Sites...then retracted?
it hit the net this morning and people were downloading it off the UBIsoft FTP until they took it down.
how many people accually got this legally by getting on teh betta team? w00t me.
Originally posted by RuyZ
how many people accually got this legally by getting on teh betta team? w00t me.

What do you mean? It´s legal? The demo is officially released???

i have bittorrent 3.3 installed... why am i getting this error using the link above?

I suggest ABC (Another Bittorrent Client). Easy to have multiple d/ls going, and easy resume on d/ls. Do a google search for ABC 2.6.1 (I believe is the current version.. at school so I don't remember) As for the demo, I shall try this out when I get home :D