Farcry works with < 3.9 drivers


Dec 25, 2002
Well , I'm runnin a 9800 pro with the Omega 3.7 cats. I have Farcry at 1028res with all the settings medium and AA and AF on 4x each. I'm getting about 50fps average , and no noticable problems. There seems to be a bit of "lag" when I fire at enemys , the fps stay constant..just that little glitch. Though I guess games wouldn't come out with patches if they were perfect. I'll have to check out the new patch. Just wanted to give those that didn't know that the sub 3.9cats seem to run it very nicly so far , least I have no complaints.
Good to know since I am thinking about getting a 9800 Pro myself sometime soon. How is Far Cry anyways?
The 4.3 Cats are the best to run Farcry with. They give a little boost over previous versions.
I seem to have a problem with any thing over the 3.7's. If I install a different version any benchmark or game that I run goes fine until I close it. Then my screen flashes blank , so I guess I'm sticking with what works fine for me.

And yes , so far this game is very badass. I'm likeing the single player , I'll have to give the muli a try soon. :D
Thanks for the info. I think i might go out and get it if its not too much.
Originally posted by Swat
Well , I'm runnin a 9800 pro with the Omega 3.7 cats. I have Farcry at 1028res with all the settings medium and AA and AF on 4x each. I'm getting about 50fps average , and no noticable problems. There seems to be a bit of "lag" when I fire at enemys , the fps stay constant..just that little glitch. Though I guess games wouldn't come out with patches if they were perfect. I'll have to check out the new patch. Just wanted to give those that didn't know that the sub 3.9cats seem to run it very nicly so far , least I have no complaints.

That 'lag' is just hard drive caching, more ram will fix that.
www.atitech.com or get the omegas @ www.omegacorner.com

Either way the game is freaking badass, I haven't had this much fun with a game since the original Resident Evil. Seems like an awful close knockoff though mutated monkeys and humans creating a super race. Either way the game play is the best I've had in close to a year. Gets a 9.5/10 in my book, hell my 4600 even makes it look pretty. :D Need a 9800pro, but $$ tight so you know how that goes. You can change the controls to anything you want you know, customize them to your liking. At least it's not a Tom Clancy game where you have 9 buttons to fire a gun and open a door.

Anyway, no chance to play MP yet, to damn into the SP play right now, Jeeps, buggies, hang gliders, boats. Man I love this game.

Lata all
Originally posted by kronchev
farcry is terrible, the controls are so frustrating i cant play it

Yeah, that or you just really suck at remapping controls :rolleyes:

I've been playing FarCry for the last week or so, and I must agree that it's seriously badass. This is the best single player FPS I've seen in a very long time; bar none. To me, it's an odd mix of some Return to Castle Wolfenstien monsters, BF1942-sized levels, and Halo graphics -- but is still better than all of the above.

You will also need a SERIOUS system to play it at absolute full details; one of the few games that really can use a full gig of ram and 256mb of video memory and still want more. :)
Originally posted by Albuquerque
Yeah, that or you just really suck at remapping controls :rolleyes:

I can see how remapping controls can make the mouse not lag. and no, its not just my system, EVERYONE has that problem. if you dont notice it youre slow.
Only time I got mouse lag is when I'm zoomed in, other than that it doesn't exist to me. I do know what mouse lag is too, I've been an avid MP/FPS player for 4 years now. Still have CS flowing in my system, just to many hackers to enjoy a game anymore.
I seem to have a problem with any thing over the 3.7's. If I install a different version any benchmark or game that I run goes fine until I close it. Then my screen flashes blank , so I guess I'm sticking with what works fine for me.

Umm that is considered NOT working ;) I would assume there are other issues that you are "living" with. More than likely your os has some problems not removing the drivers properly. There are driver cleaners now.
Originally posted by kronchev
I can see how remapping controls can make the mouse not lag. and no, its not just my system, EVERYONE has that problem. if you dont notice it youre slow.

Uh, no, everyone doesnt have it. The mouse "lag" is your system not being fast enough to get smooth frames.

How can someone be so ignorant?
Actually you all, the 'mouse lag' in Far Cry is an intended gameplay implementation.

There's a slider setting for "lazy" mouse movement I believe. Either that or something in the file config.

If you don't like it, you can get rid of it.
Originally posted by fallguy
Uh, no, everyone doesnt have it. The mouse "lag" is your system not being fast enough to get smooth frames.

How can someone be so ignorant?

yeh my system really sucks, doesnt it :rolleyes:

how can someone claim to have an answer when theyre just bullshitting?

silken: i turned off lazy mouse. ill look at the config to see if theres something else there. if you dont notice the lag then theres something wrong with you. try moving the mouse around a lot when youre playing and it doesnt keep up at all.
Yes Kronchev, I know exactly what you're talking about.

I didn't turn it off though... played it stock out of the box. Bought it Friday night, beat it by Sunday night.

The 'lazy gun' was pretty irritating at first, but I adjusted. I think the issue is somewhat prominent in the support forums, and from last I knew it could be disabled completely.
Originally posted by SilkenRogue
Yes Kronchev, I know exactly what you're talking about.

I didn't turn it off though... played it stock out of the box. Bought it Friday night, beat it by Sunday night.

The 'lazy gun' was pretty irritating at first, but I adjusted. I think the issue is somewhat prominent in the support forums, and from last I knew it could be disabled completely.

awesome, ill check it out. im playing a "borrowed" version to see what its like because everyone was screaming about how awesome it is, but truthfully i dont like it. not only the gun thing but the graphics just dont impress me. the sprite-based trees, for one. maybe im just picky...
Originally posted by kronchev
yeh my system really sucks, doesnt it :rolleyes:

how can someone claim to have an answer when theyre just bullshitting?

silken: i turned off lazy mouse. ill look at the config to see if theres something else there. if you dont notice the lag then theres something wrong with you. try moving the mouse around a lot when youre playing and it doesnt keep up at all.

I didnt say your system was slow, did I? Mine is much faster than yours, and I can bring it to a crawl if I turn up the settings high enough.

In short, complaining about mouse lag; user error.
Originally posted by fallguy
I didnt say your system was slow, did I? Mine is much faster than yours, and I can bring it to a crawl if I turn up the settings high enough.

In short, complaining about mouse lag; user error.

any reason you decided to completly skip the above posts? ITS BUILT INTO THE GAME. although I put the settings down from the absolute best and it did go away some. now its bearable, i guess I do just need to get used to it...

and please humor me, how much faster is yours?
Originally posted by Drinnit
Can't be too much.

Just sounds like genital waving to me.

I agree

by the way, the multi and FSB in your sig dont come out to that number ;)
Originally posted by infinity9
Umm that is considered NOT working ;) I would assume there are other issues that you are "living" with. More than likely your os has some problems not removing the drivers properly. There are driver cleaners now.

Well I believe by stating "I'll stick with what works for me" would be showing that I understand the rest don't work for me. I know ATI has put out an uninstaller , I uninstall the control panet then drivers , then use that tool and reboot (with my internet disabled) and run the new drivers. If I'm doing something wrong I'd like to know so I can see if other drivers are best. Though , I do not get the "I would assume there are other issues that you are "living" with" statment , help me out if you could?
Originally posted by kronchev
by the way, the multi and FSB in your sig dont come out to that number ;)

That's also not even what my proc is running at. Heh, I'm just too lazy to change my sig .. I'll do that now.
Ah, there we go.

I believe I have one of the weakest XP-Ms ever .. but I'm still happy. I'd gone without an upgrade for almost 2 years.
I don't know what this mouse lag thing is about, but I don't have it on my system (and yes, I too know what lag is.)

I do know that zoomed mode on any of the weapons gives you a rather unsteady hand that is very difficult to correct for with the mouse; the only way to "fix" that is to lay on the ground (prone).

Lazy weapon is disabled in my copy of the game, so perhaps that's what fixed it? I dunno... Here are the settings I'm using:
AF at 4x, AA off
All settings at Very High except water which is Ultra High
I've also forced e_terrain_lod_ratio to "1" instead of "10", which greatly increases the terrain detail at long view distances. I changed two other console cvars too, but can't remember what they are -- d3d9_triplebuffer I believe was one...