Fast paced FPS needed.


Limp Gawd
Feb 12, 2001
I would like opinions on a fast paced FPS where the main goal in simply killing hordes of enemies, but without puzzles and stuff that slows down the pace of the game.

Quake 4 almost go it but being surprised by enemies jumping from dark corridors ala Doom 3 gets really boring real fast. Far cry is also kinda boring because of stealthy needed in some places and enemies hiding in the jungle also gets annoying. I want something that allows me to go into a killing spree no matter how hard it is.
Yup, the painkiller expansion's good. One thing to make note of is that it's HARD. I cruised through the original game on the normal difficulties with a few stumbles along the way, but not dying all *that* much.
The first level of the expansion then kicked my ass for the first few tries.
It's one of the harder FPS games I've played in a long time...if not ever.
Also, like Lake mentioned, Serious Sam 1, it's pseudo sequel Espisode 2, and finally the more modern Serious Sam 2.
Another vote for Painkiller. I highly recommend Serious Sam / Second Encounter as well (though not so much Serious Sam 2), but I think Painkiller is exactly what you're looking for. Get it bundled with the expansion if you can ("Black Edition"?) - even that should be pretty cheap by now. The expansion gave the engine a bit of an overhaul, but I think this is now included in the 1.61 patch, so be sure to get this if you just go for the original Painkiller.

Damn, now I've got the urge to play it again... for the 12th time... :D
Not exactly a FPS, but there is a game called Crimsonland where the goal is to kill HORDES of aliens. Very fun game, and gets difficult. It uses over the head (Grand Theft Auto 1 & 2 style) view.

Here's the demo, which has a lot of play time and is pretty small in download size. A key is easily obtainable. - The screenshots don't do justice, I recommend you check it out.
Uhh, yeah UT2004 is about as fast paced as you can get, if its not enough you can make it faster with a mutator...Although the graphics are a bit of a turnoff to me..
Luxor said:
Not exactly a FPS, but there is a game called Crimsonland where the goal is to kill HORDES of aliens. Very fun game, and gets difficult.
Hell yeah, that game is awesome. That touch-typing mode cracks me up :D . Wish we'd had something like that back in school... I might have shown some more interest.
Painkiller, and all three Serious Sam games. Serious Sam 2 is very underrated, a lot of people didn't like it that much but the later levels along with some of the other chapters are really fun.
Zero82z said:
Painkiller, and all three Serious Sam games. Serious Sam 2 is very underrated, a lot of people didn't like it that much but the later levels along with some of the other chapters are really fun.
plus its PRETTY
I only played Serious Sam 2 so i have no opinion on the older versoin of the game... one thing i LOVE about the game is when you get to a boss battle and the music starts . crank up the volume and start blasting
Another vote for SS2, awesome when you get a good co-op online going, fockin insane game.

Don't need much grunt to get it maxed out either :D
If mindless blasting is what you're after than I'm going to have to throw in another vote for Painkiller.

Don't blame me if it gets boring though, in my opinion all games done in that style wear thin after the first couple hours. But if that's the type of game you want, then Painkiller should do ya better than most.
I vote for UT2004, but I have not played Painkiller yet. I plan to play it though, sometime...
i have the painkiller demo and think it's fantastic. havent gotten around to buying it tho. ut2004 is probably the only game out there thats faster-paced, but it takes more system grunt to max ut2004 than painkiller. you can't really go wrong with either.
I didn't like Painkiller, while it was fun for 30 min, it then started getting annoying. For one I'm not a chicken, but I don't exactly like these scary types of games, and second the guns were getting very old and annoying. You basically had like 4 guns, and that's it.
Tylerdurdened said:
For one I'm not a chicken, but I don't exactly like these scary types of games...
Scary? Painkiller?!

Maybe if you'd just consumed your own weight in LSD, but short of that I'd say you're out of your fucking mind...

And I never found the weapons to be a problem. Although there're only five weapons, they're all more or less two weapons in one, each with their own ammo. I'd much rather have them the way they are than spread them out to nine or ten without secondary (or tertiary) firing modes. How can you not love the shuriken flinging lightning gun? :D

How the hell did you manage to get them all in 30 minutes, anyway? If you're cheating, it's no surprise you got bored...
Yup, the weapons in Painkiller are some of the best in any FPS. Killing enemies with the stakegun and watching them get stuck to walls never, ever gets old. Don't forget the machine gun/rocket launcher combo, I feel like installing Painkiller.
Silus said:
Agreed. I can't think of any other game, that is more fast paced than Quake 3 Arena.
Kick ass game, but after 3-4 years of it I got burned out. Plus some of the servers I used to love playing on either shut down or went to shit. If you can find a good server with nice pings then this game is awesome.
Painkiller shotgun = ownage. Plus, most people only stick with one or two weapons anyways, so why complain about only having a few available. Quality over quantity.
There is no FPS faster than the original Quake1. Hehe, there are some sweet mods to pretty it up too.
One thing to keep in mind is that there are lots of fast games, but most are either about killing other players/bots (a la Quake 3 or UT2K4) or kill millions of enemies with so-so VS-play multiplayer like Serious Sam and Painkiller.
If you insist on speed and chaos, Quake 1 and 2 are some of the few that do both really well. Plus, if you have even remotely new hardware you can pull a virtually unlimited amount of FPS in either.
If you have a preference (hordes of enemies vs. other equals), thats really the key.
Quake 3 Arena is the fastest FPS, period. Total twitch gaming. Set your fov to 120-130 and go to freakin' town.
CHAoS_NiNJA said:
Quake 3 Arena is the fastest FPS, period. Total twitch gaming. Set your fov to 120-130 and go to freakin' town.

so true

Quake 3 ctf instagib- absolute fastest fps ever. EVER.
UT2004 CTF Instagib with game speed modifier and Super Berserk weapons modifier.. Fastest fps EVER. ;)