Fast processing to read market charts, cost not an issue


Limp Gawd
Feb 5, 2007

I am looking to purchase 2 different laptops, and I will create 2 different threads for opionions on each. They have similar needs, but one has a few extra needs than the other.

This one is for a friend, and has less needs.

He wants a laptop that he can monitor forex market charts on the road. It needs to be able to process this data super fast, and he needs to be able to buy/sell currency lots as fast as possible. Obviously some of this will have to do with his internet connection. The fastest wireless available would be required, as well as an ethernet jack. He'll probably have to tether a smartphone w/ modem capabilities for when he's on the road.

Cost is not really an issue, but obviously we are not looking to spend more than required just for the sake of spending a lot of money.

Please offer your suggestions. Thanks.
Processor and RAM means absolutely dick for that (within reason, of course. I'm not suggesting he get a P2 laptop, after all). His internet connection will be the deciding factor there.

Get whatever you want. if it's a dual core & has 2gb of RAM you're set.
You could literally buy any laptop from the last 3 years and it would do that; Of course if the software he uses is horrible, he may need more horsepower, but there's no real math involved in watching currency.
good news, thanks! :eek:

now if you gentlemen would like to stroll over to my 2nd thread for my personal laptop, please feel free.