Fastest PCI Video Card?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 25, 2004
Its been forever since I even looked at AGP cards, let alone PCI. What is/was the fastest PCI video card made? I lost track of PCI around the time of Voodoo 3.
Theres a Radeon 2400 PCI, wonder if thats any good (relatively speaking, of course. Obviously its all going to be utter shit.) What my friend is looking for is a reasonably quick SM 2.0 card.
Go with a 6200 for performance for the money or all out with an X1300/X1550 ( same thing just 2 diff names )

If you wanna keep spendage low with decent performance then grab an FX5500.
Go with a 6200 for performance for the money or all out with an X1300/X1550 ( same thing just 2 diff names )

If you wanna keep spendage low with decent performance then grab an FX5500.

Thanks. I'll let him know his options. Not sure what he was looking to spend. I think its for his girlfriends old school Dell that somehow got a decent processor but got saddled without even so much as an AGP slot.
fx5500 is not an option. Shitty card and does not support SM2.0.

2400pro or 1550/x1300 128bit are probably your best options for a PCI video card.

6200 is a cheaper, slower option.

If you can't find a decent priced 128bit x1550 (most are 64bit models) I would go for the 2400pro.
FX 5500 is a rip-off. Just buy a FX 5200 and overclock it to FX 5500 speeds.
I had an overclocked FX5200, AGP, and it sucked, I don't know why you want an FX anything, esp PCI.
Due to the driver issues with the HD series and thier Pci/AGP counterparts I'd say steer clear of any HD card that isn't Pci-E.

And for a low cost solution the FX5500 is the best bet, if you get an FX5200 Pci card be prepared for the fact that the Pci versions of those cards don't OC for shit, I speak from experience on that one.

I can say that the X1300 Pci cards Oc like mad on the core but generally don't budge much on the ram. I bought a Visiontek one for a friend a lil over a year ago and it Oc'd to 670 on the core but the mem didn't budge even 2mhz :/

Don't let people bully you into buying a card you don't need just because it's the newest of the new. People that rant and rave about the latest just because it;s the latest generally don't know squat about what they're spouting.

Oh, lets not forget that any card faster than the 6200 Pci card is going to be severly limited by the Pci bus :) Bet the HD2400 guys didn't know that. The only thing you'll get from any card newer/faster than the 6200 are extra features and maybe the ability to crank up AA/AF a little more but your FPS will be limited not by the card but by the piss poor bandwidth of the Pci bus which lays somewhere between AGP 1x and 2x bandwidth equivelancy.

TBH I'd prob not buy anything faster than a 6200, just make sure whatever card you choose has 128-bit memory if you want to do any kind of gaming. Also stay away from 512mb HD2400's, X1300/X1550's and 6200's ( if they exist ) as those GPU's can't push any resolution that would use that much memory, also avoid 256mb FX5200's and FX5500's if possible as those card aren't good for resolutions that can use more than 128mb.
Due to the driver issues with the HD series and thier Pci/AGP counterparts I'd say steer clear of any HD card that isn't Pci-E.

And for a low cost solution the FX5500 is the best bet, if you get an FX5200 Pci card be prepared for the fact that the Pci versions of those cards don't OC for shit, I speak from experience on that one.

I can say that the X1300 Pci cards Oc like mad on the core but generally don't budge much on the ram. I bought a Visiontek one for a friend a lil over a year ago and it Oc'd to 670 on the core but the mem didn't budge even 2mhz :/

Don't let people bully you into buying a card you don't need just because it's the newest of the new. People that rant and rave about the latest just because it;s the latest generally don't know squat about what they're spouting.

Oh, lets not forget that any card faster than the 6200 Pci card is going to be severly limited by the Pci bus :) Bet the HD2400 guys didn't know that. The only thing you'll get from any card newer/faster than the 6200 are extra features and maybe the ability to crank up AA/AF a little more but your FPS will be limited not by the card but by the piss poor bandwidth of the Pci bus which lays somewhere between AGP 1x and 2x bandwidth equivelancy.

TBH I'd prob not buy anything faster than a 6200, just make sure whatever card you choose has 128-bit memory if you want to do any kind of gaming. Also stay away from 512mb HD2400's, X1300/X1550's and 6200's ( if they exist ) as those GPU's can't push any resolution that would use that much memory, also avoid 256mb FX5200's and FX5500's if possible as those card aren't good for resolutions that can use more than 128mb.

PCI is even slower than AGP 1x, I saw a benchmark around that most videocards based on PCI barely exceeds the 30fps in most games doesn't matter if AF and FSAA is on or off, PCI limits the performance severely.
PCI, as a gaming supported platform is virtually dead. nVidia's integrated 7050/7100 series boards are on-par, if not better than the crop of PCI cards that are available.
Heh. Well what he wanted to do apparently was run a second MMO account of some kind (requiring SM 2.0) on his GFs rig. He ended up going with a used X1550 128bit I think. He didnt seem too concerned about the possibility fo only getting like 15fps :p