

Nov 14, 2005
I can't get my favicon to show up.

my website is www.deathsfate.com

the code I put in the <head> is

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico">

It just keeps showing my hosts favicon, which is cool but I'd rather have my own :D... Anyone know ?
n/m resolved.

I had to change the code to

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://www.deathsfate.com/favicon.ico?" type="image/x-icon">

It apparently wasn't checking for a change in the favicon.ico. Now if I could get it to do this for every page without having to edit each one.
n/m resolved.

I had to change the code to

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://www.deathsfate.com/favicon.ico?" type="image/x-icon">

It apparently wasn't checking for a change in the favicon.ico. Now if I could get it to do this for every page without having to edit each one.

use a server side scripting language and have you head statement be an include.
use a server side scripting language and have you head statement be an include.

It'd be easier to go edit each page and fix the path to favicon, then he'd be done.

Instead of <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico"> it should have been
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico">
See the missing / in there?

For multiple edits like that, if you have DreamWeaver or similar...
  • Open ALL your .htm/.html documents that you want to fix the favicon line for
  • open the Find and Replace tool, ctrl+F in DW
  • In the dropdown box that says "find in" select Open Documents
  • Paste the <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico"> in the find window
  • Paste <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico"> in the replace window
  • Click Replace All
If you don't have DreamWeaver, I'm sure any WYSIWYG editor has a find/replace tool with similar settings. I just gave you the DW example because that's what I have in front of me.
Open all the pages that are affected and do a find and replace and check the box to update all the open documents.

Yeah it does. ctrl+h I believe it is. I mainly use notetab 5.5 and then open notepad++ and look over it because it has a better color scheme.
What version are you using? I know Notepad++ 4.2-4.6 has had find and replace.

Ctrl+F - Under the Replace Tab
