Favorite Game Developer?

Rockstar takes the top spot, Capcom in a close second, Lionhead in 3rd
Yeah, that brings up an interesting point. Do you mean company or individual person?

I'd go with Miyamoto for individual person, and for company, old school Lucas Arts.
Kojima Productions
Namco (mainly for tekken)
Polyphony Digital
SCE SM (mainly for god of war)

I'd have to put Rockstar as my favorite.
1. Black Isle/Interplay/Bioware/Obsidian (No matter what legal form, they've always made the best rpgs)
2. Valve
3. Id
1. id Software (Doom was my first FPS, hence why)
2. Epic Games (Unreal Tournament series is alot of fun)
3. Blizzard (no not because of WoW, but Diablo series, then WoW)
Hmm good and interesting thread here, Some of my top devs not necesarily my favorites of all time but happen to make games that appealed to me greatly on various different platforms were:

Bethesda softworks
Koei games
Squaresoft/Square Enix now
Relic Entertainment
Monolith Productions
Irrational games
Lionhead studios
Bioware/Black Isle/Obsidian
Westwood studios
Creative Assembly
Red Storm Entertainment

Well, you get my drift there's many more lol just about almost anyone as long as I've been playing games. I appreciate all of thier efforts for sharing with us.
I like blizzard because of the time they put into games. blizzard doesnt seem to rush anything. if they dont like it, its not getting released just yet.

I did like namco, but my favorite fighting series (tekken) is dying out.

RARE was awesome before MS bought them.

Valve ive been digging lately and well..we'll see if monoloth can pull something out again.
Lucas Arts

VALVe was cool back in 1998 but they've totally lost all my respect now.
1. ID Software/Valve tie
2. EA(don't laugh, they produce the NFS series which is my favorite racing series)
3. Rockstar
Lucas Arts

Dude, this has got to be the worse publisher ever. Did you see what they did to Knight's of the old Republic 2? Rushed it out for Christmas and unfinished, buggy mess then left it to die after the PC release. They didn't allow the developers to do patches to fix the errors or add that massive content that was cut.\

~ Anyways.

My pics are...

1. Atlus - They might not have as big a line up as Square-Enix, but unlike SE, everything they have produced is pure quality. Every Atlus game that has hit the states is incredible.

2. Capcom - Great company. Resident Evil, Rockman... Need I say more?

3. Kanomi - Metal Gear Solid franchise. :D

EDIT - Oh yeah, and Square-Enix if they can for a fricken second stop milking their past achivements and make something good. It's been awhile...
Toughie for me.

Bungie USED to be my favorite, back when they were making Myth and such. However after microsoft got ahold of them and they seem to have completely ignored their pc fanbase that made them what they were I kind of lost some respect for them. It'd be sweet if they picked up myth and made a new one though :(.

Origin was great back in the day, wish they were still going.

Troika was probally one of my top ones along with Microids (Syberia guys), but they both went belly up too :(.

Currently it would probally be Funcom or Bioware or Lionhead, toss up.

Funcom because they seem to keep in touch with their community quite a bit and i'm a fan of The longest journey and currenlty really looking forward to Age of conan.

Bioware.....well do I really need to say much? :p, though I wish they'd get back to making some more pc oriented games more so then consoles, when are we gonna get to play jade empire?

Lionhead. I know a lot of people like to give them beef, but imo they are trying to make a bit more innoviative titles then a lot of other people do. I just wish they'd get to go through with their idea's and reach more of them that they set out for. Peter I'd love to see make a new dungeon keeper, or even something completey new apart from DK/Black and white, etc.
I'd have to say it is a toss up between Square, EA, and Working Designs.

Square because of the FF series, I will blindly buy ever title on opening day, and have yet to be dissapointed by any (well, never bought FFXI, not into online MMORPGs as they are too hack and slash, not enough RP, and FFX was my least favorite, but still decent... high hopes for XII).

EA because of Madden and NCAA Football, again, every year I will buy both, I love my football games. I could care less about anything else they make (well, NFL street is pretty good too)... Though maybe this credit should go to Tiburon, but I am sure it is EA footing the bill.

Working Designs for the Lunar games (well, at least 1 and 2, not sure if they had anything to do with the DS release). They have easily the best writing staff and voice actors of any game company out there, and they manage to retain the humor and fun banter of the japanese games without make it seem dumb or forced. Plus, they got Mandy Patinkin to do some voice stuff in the Lunar series, how can't you love that?
I would have to go with 3 in a list for top favorites.
Id Software
My favourites:
Black Isle studios (rip)
Westwood (c&c ftw!)
Rare (will see if the new perfect dark zero will be any good ;))

still waiting for a new fallout :(
All my favorite studios are dead :(

Blizzard->Flagship Studios (Blizzard's heart and soul left Blizzard and became Flagship it seems, we'll see)
iDSoftware (Just Carmack isn't enough, I miss the old iD)