Favorite player character


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 25, 2006
I'm not asking about your favorite game. I wonder what your favorite player character is. Someone who fits as a named person in the game's story line. So, pick someone with a name for example, Gordon Freeman in Half Life. Be sure to mention the game's name. Sorry, but obviously your MMO characters aren't characters named by the game. But "Baalspawn" for BG is fine.

In some games the name is a spoiler to the game, so in that case... maybe a spoiler tag might be nice. And if it's not too much of a spoiler, you can mention your reasons why that person is your favorite player character :) My favorite player character is a spoiler...

The player character in Knights of the Old Republic.
I won't say it, but if you played, you know the name.
Master Chief.

The first (of 2) FPS games (actually, ANY game) I have owned.

I beat Halo 1 PC on a touchpad... which too way to long, but I was bored.


The dude in green is just badass

Link in the Zelda series. Or the boy, Ness, from Earthbound on the SNES. Oh man, this is too hard! Maybe Solid Snake from the MGS series is up there too...
Niko Belic in GTA4. Compared to the other GTA games, the character development in this game was phenomenal, and still, compared to many other games, the character development was solid.
Niko Belic in GTA4. Compared to the other GTA games, the character development in this game was phenomenal, and still, compared to many other games, the character development was solid.

Yeah, except that he's a whiny, hypocritical bitch.
Ragnar from Rune (which no one probably has ever heard of...sort of a sleeper hit game).
Untrue! I have a copy of Rune right next to me in my binder. The game was based off the original Unreal engine I believe.

I'd have to go with GREEN from Doom as well. I really loved Doom 1 and 2.
big boss and solid snake for me

they're both more than just your typical "LULZ DIS GUY SO KOOL HE KEELZ STUFFS" hero you find in most other games... they have depth.

gordon freeman is pretty awesome too, for not saying a word.. ever.. that is. i totally wish he'd just GET IT ON with Alyx already, preferably in a minigame in EP3.
Serious Sam.. i mean who wouldnt want to be some buffed out dude running around with a chainsaw cutting monsters into tiny little pieces and blood flying all over the place?
I forgot the green doom guy! Loved him. Can't forget Duke Nukem either, him and his cheesy goodness comments!
Turok <---bamf. No one else gets to shoot dinosaurs and jump through portals, all with a bow and a machine gun strapped to your back. :cool:

From the Turok series on the n64...i heard the new pc one sucked so i didn't want to ruin Turok.
Ragnar from Rune (which no one probably has ever heard of...sort of a sleeper hit game).

Yeah I own it, that game is freaking awesome! My friends and I used to play the Arena over Lan for hours. I agree Ragnar was a bad ass.

......I forgot about Garret from Thief =/, he gets my vote too and Max lol :p
Wow, so many good ones. A lot of my favorites were already mentioned but another that I loved was Kerrigan :D
Commander Shepard from Mass Effect. He is a total ass-kicker when you use the "Renegade" answers.
Mine is also Ragnar from Rune

Got that installed on my home PC still actually. Great little story line and fun gameplay elements. Multiplayer is still somewhat there, I see 32-50 people on usually, so there are still some people who play (90% of em seem to use hacks though).
I don't know about bad ass but the closing scene from duke nukem...ok lets call it the newspaper scene was one of the best in history. So The Duke for the win

and he was always running out of bubble gum
I am super into inFamous right now, so Cole would get my vote at the monent, but I loved Niko in GTA 4 and I'm a huge fan of Celes in Final Fantasy VI and Fenix in Gears of War. And the Prince in all four most recent Prince of Persia games (even the one that came out last year, I really liked the reboot)

Ghaleon from Lunar Silver Star Story.

He's not really a player character. He travels with Alex for a brief time in the first game but at least in the PSOne and SegaCD versions he's not actually playable; he's AI.

But when you make a thread of greatest RPG bosses of all time, Ghaleon will be at the top of my list.

And those games are worth playing just for the post-credit blooper reel. John Truit was hysterical! LAUGHS ARE HARD indeed.
Garrett...no character has ever made me wonder what will happen to HIM(/her) more than this. In the Cradle you ARE Garrett, and you are skeered!
Duke Nukem
Dink Smallwood
Bo Jackson
Toad on original Mario Kart, pure acceleration and speed
Sandslash (go Blue version!) and Venusaur
