Favorite WoW class, and why ?


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
Just curious those that have played World of Warcraft, or still do, what is your favorite class, and race ?

For me currently I really love my Night Elf Death Knight. I am 100% Blood tree DPS spec, and he just mows downs people, and rarely loses much health. Before the DK's I was a big Paladin fan, I still have that Blood Elf stuck at Level 72, he is Ret tree, DPS too.

I want to dust off my very first character I ever created, a Night Elf Hunter, Level 55. I created him when I bought the game back in November 2004, 5 years ago already :D Haven't played him in years, forgot how to play the Hunter class. Whats a good tree/spec to go at 55 - 80 ?
BM spec for your hunter...

I have a love of hybrid classes and healing classes.

The Druid is my favorite overall class. Can tank, dps, and heal very well now. (Pre-BC this was far from the case, we could only heal.)
Paladin, Druid and Hunter for me, all the way. I just finished leveling my Paladin from 60-80, it was so easy I was flabbergated. 60-80 in 9 days of casual play.
I'm fond of my mage. I like locks, DK's. I'm leveling both ATM a lock and a DK in between raids.
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Just got my 80 orc warrior finished about a month ago and have been just doing DPS in raids. I am loving it. My main is a Resto Drood so it is super refreshing to be able to just DPS as best as I can and not stress so much. I've been jonesing to work on my 20 lock but I want to finish getting him heirloom gear before continuing with him.
I enjoy my Orc hunter. Fun class that has a decent amount of skills to use and I can easily do 6k+ dps. Next would be my rogue but Im starting to enjoy tanking on my warrior.
loved my paladin while i still played, but sold him about a year into BC
Holy Paladin for me when I still played.

Fire mage second
I have a 80 UD warrior and 80 Tauren druid. Warriors have always been my favorite class (have a 60 Orc warrior on another server too). Just love the in-your-face style of play and the heavy armor/weapons.

My druid is definitely fun, but very under geared and difficult to PVP with because of it. Have a 72 BE pally which is straight easy-mode. DK's and pallys are by far the easiest/cheapest classes in the game.
Orc shaman. Looks cool, follows lore well, and is fun as a hybrid. Not great for anything outside of heals in raids but still fun to heal. Orc Lock is fun too, but i suck with him.
I quite a while back but had a lot of fun on my mage. Really loved him in pvp if it wasn't solo. Too vulnerable for pvping by myself. Fire I could do so much instant damage essentially an instant kill every 3 or 5 min I forget.
WHen I was playing, it was a Tauren Warrior.
I do like the DPS classes, my DK is just a total bad ass in PvE, same level creatures are a joke to kill, I might lose 10% health at most, and they drop quick.

My Ret Paladin is not as bad ass as my DK, the Ret Paladin will take maybe a 25% hit in PvE battles against same level, but he can handle mobs better. But he can be a mana whore at times too which I hate.

And my Hunter I haven't played him in like 3 years so I forgot how he does in PvE battles ? The Hunter did drink the mana down pretty quick, I am not a big fan of watching the mana bar.
My Arcane Mage challenging and I love burning stuff down before it even gets a chance to move.My shammy is fun too, but need more heirloom gear before leveling more.

*Starting to despise DK's. Really getting tired of running with them.So, so many of them on my server. I ran H ToC the other day and it was 3 DK's, my mage and a resto druid.
My Arcane Mage challenging and I love burning stuff down before it even gets a chance to move.My shammy is fun too, but need more heirloom gear before leveling more.

*Starting to despise DK's. Really getting tired of running with them.So, so many of them on my server. I ran H ToC the other day and it was 3 DK's, my mage and a resto druid.

I hear ya on the DK's...even though I like mine, they are everywhere. And for PvE questing they might be a bit OP, I mean they just can't die against similar level creatures.

One class that seems to have just vanished in end game Level 80 stuff is the Rogue. I used to see them all the time at Level 60 cap, then still a lot in Level 70 end game. But now at 80 there just are not that many Rogue's left anymore ? WTF ?

And for 80 end game content, still the most asked for classes are Healer #1, and Tanks #2...DPS are a dime a dozen and no one even asks for them in a group because there are just way too many DPS'ers. Wondering if I should change my Ret Paladin to a Healer or Tank ?
I love my gnome mage. I've been playing a mage since WoW was released, and it just seems to fit me well. Also have a warlock at 80, and working on leveling a rogue, but I don't like them as much as the mage. I just can't instinctively react as well as I do on my mage.
Got my main an 80 mage, then a 75 shaman and I'm working on a 60 druid as well. I love them all as they're so different from each other. Healing in instances really stresses me out though.

PS. Paladin and DK are overpowered, I don't care what they say.
Am I the only one that likes playing a priest? :( I like healing, dont know why but it makes you feel like you are needed/wanted. Anyone can DPS.

I have been playing since release but have taken a break shortly after WOTLK was released. I am thinking about getting back into it now that winter is here again. Short days FTL.
Druid for me I love healing AND tanking so yea its fun. I have all classes and most are fun. I don't like playing a paly or a warrior but all the others are fun.
I play a DK now however Resto Druid would be my favorite class. I played a Resto Druid for about 3 years until recently. Plus its fun to play with no cast bars so you can never be interrupted...

PS. Paladin and DK are overpowered, I don't care what they say.

DK have gotten nerfed repeatedly, its a very difficult class to play now and the burst damage is way down. Also if you check the highest rated Arena teams, like 1 in a 100 now contain a DK :( Death Knights came to rise when no one had Resilience gear or knew how to play against them. Now its all come full circle and the class is pretty shitty in competitive PVP.

Paladins are bullshit with the bubble. Always have been, always will be...
Can a Holy Paladin be a pretty good Healer in end game dungeons ? Anywhere close to a Priest ?
Druid for being just pure awesome, extremely versatile, never having to drink or eat when grinding, and being unkillable in world PvP.
im playing a human shadow priest as my 1st ever wow character. its very effective PvE, not sure on PvP as I havent tried it yet . Im enjoying melting faces!
im playing a human shadow priest as my 1st ever wow character. its very effective PvE, not sure on PvP as I havent tried it yet . Im enjoying melting faces!

Shadow Priest (Undead though) was my first Character. I enjoyed it at the time, but then I made other characters and realized just how boring the priest actually is.

But as long as you enjoy it, :)
Ret Pally is probably my favorite. I use to love rogues because of there fast attacks but never could kill much in battlegrounds. Now that I've changed to my pally I murder fools :)
The warlock was by far my favorite class. As a level 70 undead warlock, I was basically unbeatable in duels -- I even beat the top undead rogue on my server with over half of my health. I was also able to kill most mobs without losing any health and could solo almost all elites with ease. But I quit in August of 2007, before the major warlock nerfs.

If I were to make a new character, I'd probably roll a paladin or a warrior because I want to use plate armor and two-handed weapons :D
Can a Holy Paladin be a pretty good Healer in end game dungeons ? Anywhere close to a Priest ?

The 4 healing classes are all effective at healing end games. Blizzard went overboard normalizing the healing so its hard to even find a fight where one healer works out notably better than another.
I'm currently playing a 80DK that I enjoy immensely. I might have to dust off my original 70 druid though and get them up to 80 for alt runs. Last time I played him, druids were still kinda gimpy. I've seen that has changed considerably though.

The 4 healing classes are all effective at healing end games. Blizzard went overboard normalizing the healing so its hard to even find a fight where one healer works out notably better than another.

This is really a good thing, I don't know how many times I dealt with groups in EQ that would refuse to do anything without a cleric healing. Druids were passable heals in most circumstances and Shaman healing was insanely gimp for the longest time. Having multiple classes that can heal really well in Wow is a great thing.
This is really a good thing, I don't know how many times I dealt with groups in EQ that would refuse to do anything without a cleric healing. Druids were passable heals in most circumstances and Shaman healing was insanely gimp for the longest time. Having multiple classes that can heal really well in Wow is a great thing.

I completely disagree. Variety is what some people enjoy in these games, and all healing classes were excellent in their own specialities and good everywhere else. Instead playing the niches and making sure none of the classes were gimped, they just flattened everything so all classes are good. Right now I can pick up any healing class in WoW and effectively play it as long as someone points out what key is the group heal, what key is the OH SHIT heal/shield, and what is standard heal.
The 4 healing classes are all effective at healing end games. Blizzard went overboard normalizing the healing so its hard to even find a fight where one healer works out notably better than another.

I slightly disagree. Holy Pally's are great MT-OT healers, not so much raid heals where Resto Druid/Shammy's and Holy Priests Shine. Although, a few of my holy pally healers in my guild can heal raids just as good as the "group" heals classes.Boils down to the player, you can be, but it takes more skill.

Ok, so I changed my mind while typing, sue me ;)

Bleh, Rouges. The only place I see them are in PVP (which i don't do much of) always gotta be stunlocking the poor mage.
So who else plans to roll all new Level 1's once Cataclysim ships next year ? Old world Azeroth will have every zone rebuilt with brand new quests and the areas redone totally. Some higher Level zones in old world like The Hinterlands will become a newbie zone, and others lowbie areas will be high level.

Also the brand new Level 80+ zones will be inside Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms, NOT in Northrend or Outlands. And from what I have read, no new city in 3rd expansion, but existing places like Org and Stormwind to be completely new

Excellent guide to the major changes in Azeroth;
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So who else plans to roll all new Level 1's once Cataclysim ships next year ? Old world Azeroth will have every zone rebuilt with brand new quests and the areas redone totally. Some higher Level zones in old world like The Hinterlands will become a newbie zone, and others lowbie areas will be high level.

Also the brand new Level 80+ zones will be inside Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms, NOT in Northrend or Outlands. And from what I have read, no new city in 3rd expansion, but existing places like Org and Stormwind to be completely new

Excellent guide to the major changes in Azeroth;

I sort of wish they would just wipe away Outlands and Northrend once Cataclysm comes out. After Blizzard destoys Azeroth, Outlands and Northrend do not really "fit" in the game lore for me :rolleyes:

Right now Outlands is just a zone people run through to level, Northrend will be the same thing, they are horribly inegrated for a Azeroth -> Outland -> Northrend -> back to Azeroth levelling setup in Cataclysm. I mean seriously, how is Blizzard going to destroy the Azeroth game world, have people level to 60 in it, then when people hit 60 be like "Ok, now you are strong enough to go to Outlands/Northrend to level up so you can come back to Azeroth!"

Also I hope and pray that they do not make any more shared Horde+Alliance cities. Dalaran and Shat were horrible ideas from day 1.
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ret pally back when seal twisting was still there. Once they took it out I just stopped playing, without seal twisting i feel like im just pressing 3,2,1,3,2,1 all day long
I'm torn between Warlock and Shaman. Both are pretty badass when played well.

That said, I quit WoW months ago because it's boring as dirt.
I think my all-time favorite a Mage, heavy frost, before BC. It was great for BGs, open-world PvP, PvE, and raiding.

I've also enjoyed the Rogue when there was open-world PvP. And Hunters, I've leveled 3 different ones.

I'd rank them like this:
1. Mage
2. Hunter
3. Rogue
4. Druid
5. DK
6. Warlock
7. Priest
8. Shaman
9. Warrior
10. Pally

That said, I haven't played in over half a year due to sheer boredom.
I sort of wish they would just wipe away Outlands and Northrend once Cataclysm comes out. After Blizzard destoys Azeroth, Outlands and Northrend do not really "fit" in the game lore for me :rolleyes:

Right now Outlands is just a zone people run through to level, Northrend will be the same thing, they are horribly inegrated for a Azeroth -> Outland -> Northrend -> back to Azeroth levelling setup in Cataclysm. I mean seriously, how is Blizzard going to destroy the Azeroth game world, have people level to 60 in it, then when people hit 60 be like "Ok, now you are strong enough to go to Outlands/Northrend to level up so you can come back to Azeroth!"

Also I hope and pray that they do not make any more shared Horde+Alliance cities. Dalaran and Shat were horrible ideas from day 1.

Amen Brother :)

I like Outlands, not a fan of Northrend really, but you make a good point, doesn't make sense to Level up 1 - 60 in Azeroth, and then come back again to finish up your last 5 levels to 85 :rolleyes:

And I totally agree, that shared cities like Shat and Dal are the worst ideas ever, same with the camps/towns that give out quests to both Alliance+Horde in Outlands and Northrend, they should be separate