FD Arc Mini Front Fan Filter


Dec 3, 2005
Can the front fan filter be cleaned without removing the fans attached to it? Can you slide it out after you remove the front bezel?

I watched about a dozen review videos and this was not clear to me so I'm hoping someone who owns the case will enlighten me.
No, the actual front filter is not the removable slide out type. The filter is behind a plastic holder held in by tabs from the actual front mesh. You can unbend the tabs carefully and remove the filter for cleaning, but it is kind of a pain. I replaced the filter with a denser one to keep a bit more dust out using this method.

Regarding the question about cleaning it with the fans in place, I use a little shop vac to blow out the dust and vacuum the filter and fans. The fans are also held in by plastic tabs so removing them is not much of a problem.

I clean all my Fractal cases(Arc Midi, Arc Mini, Core 3000) like this.